Well I didn't think we'd make it to James's work party this year because at the end of last week, it snowed and all the roads were icy, making it scary to drive. James worried me on Thursday and Friday by going to work downtown, but luckily he was okay. He tried to travel when there would be few cars on the roads -- really early in the morning and later at night after traffic. Meanwhile, we were cooped up in the house for a few days... but we bundled up and ventured out for a whole 2 minutes to touch the snow and ice! It was so crazy because almost each limb and leaf were encased in ice. Unfortunately, it wasn't the kind of snow that's fun to play in. Maybe in a few weeks...
On Friday James decided to come home early from work to pick me up and bring me back downtown to the Perot Museum for the holiday party. We brought another one of his friend's wives, who also didn't want to drive solo. It took quite awhile to get down there, but we had a great time once we were there! It was a Great Gatsby 20s theme party, so we put together some things that Mom brought up at Thanksgiving and some things of our own. I wanted to go more all out, but the last minute storm threw me off. Oh well.. some people didn't even dress up. Highland hired some flapper dancers for the party, had several gambling tables open, and had really yummy food. The best part, besides the mini creme brulees, was exploring the Perot Museum with hardly any people! Great venue and great date night!
Monday, December 9, 2013
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Thanksgiving 2013
It's great to have my family all within driving distance. My parents made it up on Wednesday and stayed over at our house. Here are some Thanksgiving morning pics -
That afternoon we checked into the Gaylord Texan Hotel and went to ICE. This year the theme of the ice show was The Nutcracker. It was freeeezing but amazing.
It was so nice to all be in one place with activities nearby and rooms within walking distance so we could give the kids naps, etc. We decorated gingerbread cookies, swam, walked around the hotel, and left one time to hit up our favorite - Costa Vida (the closest thing to Cafe Rio we have).
Turkey Bum
Poor Nat and Ang also tried to meet up in Dallas on Wednesday night but hit horrible traffic, which doubled their usual travel time. They both ended up staying at other hotels that first night. The good thing about that was we were all closer and able to make it on time to our Thanksgiving lunch at 11:30 on Thursday at Buca di Beppo. Unusual choice, I know, but very few restaurants were open on Thanksgiving Day in Grapevine. It seemed to be the perfect spot for us since it's family style; however, they have quite a bit of nudity in their decor. We may have draped napkins over 2 pictures before Matt's kids came in. Good times. Anyway, we had delicious salads, chicken parmesan, fettuccini alfredo, and cheesecake. I didn't miss the turkey at all! I think it's kind of fun to do something different every now and then.
Hazel was hogging Grandpa, but he didn't mind.
That afternoon we checked into the Gaylord Texan Hotel and went to ICE. This year the theme of the ice show was The Nutcracker. It was freeeezing but amazing.
Grayson looked like this the whole time.
At the end of it, they had the Nativity made of ice, which was really pretty.
The next morning we went to a buffet breakfast with the Madagascar characters. It was yummy and so fun for the kids. Hazel, my super opinionated child, wanted nothing to do with the lion but was fine with the penguin.It was so nice to all be in one place with activities nearby and rooms within walking distance so we could give the kids naps, etc. We decorated gingerbread cookies, swam, walked around the hotel, and left one time to hit up our favorite - Costa Vida (the closest thing to Cafe Rio we have).
The granddaughters
Hazel and Faith with Grandma
We had a great time and it definitely got us in the Christmas spirit!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Maxine Brown and Vivian Hayes
James and I always mention how blessed we are to have such wonderful families. James's paternal grandparents died quite some years ago, but his maternal grandparents have been with us for 90+ years! My maternal grandparents both passed several years ago as well, but my paternal grandparents have also been with us over 90 years. Each of them is so special and they are such great examples to us. We're so lucky to have known our grandparents so well and to have had them for so long.
Coincidentally, both James and my grandma passed in October, leaving their families and sweet husbands behind for awhile. I can't imagine the loneliness our grandpas must be feeling, even knowing they'll see them again one day. To be married that many years, to have shared so many memories, to have raised children, etc... I can't imagine how close you get over 70ish years. As with many passings, it's bittersweet. We are so sad to not have them here with us any longer, but we're also happy for them to not be uncomfortable anymore and to be reunited with family members who had died years ago. For instance, Grandma Hayes lost several children during her lifetime -- her firstborn child Christine who was stillborn, her son Spencer who died at 8 years old, and her daughter Sarah who died of Lou Gehrig's disease at 50 years old. She also lost a granddaughter, Rachelle, who died in a house fire. It brought me to tears thinking about how joyful those reunions must have been. I'm sure it was similar for Grandma Brown who also lost several siblings and a granddaughter to cancer.
Coincidentally, both James and my grandma passed in October, leaving their families and sweet husbands behind for awhile. I can't imagine the loneliness our grandpas must be feeling, even knowing they'll see them again one day. To be married that many years, to have shared so many memories, to have raised children, etc... I can't imagine how close you get over 70ish years. As with many passings, it's bittersweet. We are so sad to not have them here with us any longer, but we're also happy for them to not be uncomfortable anymore and to be reunited with family members who had died years ago. For instance, Grandma Hayes lost several children during her lifetime -- her firstborn child Christine who was stillborn, her son Spencer who died at 8 years old, and her daughter Sarah who died of Lou Gehrig's disease at 50 years old. She also lost a granddaughter, Rachelle, who died in a house fire. It brought me to tears thinking about how joyful those reunions must have been. I'm sure it was similar for Grandma Brown who also lost several siblings and a granddaughter to cancer.
I knew Grandma Brown for less than 10 years, but I already came to love her so much, and I know she genuinely loved my kids and me. She had a way of making you feel like you were her favorite. I have such fond memories of going to visit them in St. George while we lived in Utah. James and I couldn't have been happier that we had just taken a trip to see them just a few weeks prior to her passing. She was still in good spirits and decent health, and she just loved seeing Hazel again and Grayson for the first time. She will definitely be missed!
Grandma Maxine when Hazel was a month old - November 2010
The Palmer family with Gma & Gpa Brown - June 2012
Our most recent visit to St. George. Grandma Palmer and Great Grandma Brown- Aug/Sept 2013
The Brown Family at the funeral - Oct. 12, 2013
L to R (back) - Nancy, Sandy, Susan (front) - Chelta, Grandpa Shirl, and Barbara
Maxine Brown (1921-2013)
Grandma Hayes is another angel and one of the strongest women I know. I loved hearing Grandpa talk about his sweetheart. I was always amazed by his comment about how Grandma never nagged him in all their years of marriage. Wow. What a lady. She was an educator as well, so she helped many of her grandchildren with their studies and helped them learn scripture stories. Above all, she raised the most wonderful children, one of which I think is one of the greatest men on the planet - my dad.
Hayes Family Reunion a few years ago
2010 (One of my dad's friend's cars)
Gma and Gpa with their living children - Dad and Aunt Rachel
The kids and I were lucky enough to ride down with Matt and his family to Beaumont for the mid-week funeral. The funeral service was so nice. Dan's tribute was shared, Kami's poem was read, Laurie sang one of Grandma's favorite songs, most of the family participated in a few choir numbers, and my dad gave a beautiful tribute to his mother. Dad said he always knew he would have to give this talk and that it was the hardest talk he had ever or would ever give in his life. I was so nervous for him because I know he wanted to pay adequate tribute to his mom. He finally decided to focus his talk on a few principles by which she lived. Within those broader headings, he shared a few personal stories, and it was a very touching. I'm so grateful I was able to attend and was able to be with so many family members. I love how close we all are even without seeing each other all the time. I know Grandma is proud of her posterity. I'm proud to be a Hayes.
The grave site - October 30, 2013
There were many beautiful roses on the casket, and Grandpa and Dad said Grandma would've wanted all of her posterity to have one, so they passed them out to every female family member there. It was a special moment because we felt Grandma was passing on her legacy to us as we accepted the roses.
Most of the great granddaughters
The granddaughters (minus Esther who was taking care of her baby.)
The grandsons (minus Dan who is serving as a mission president in Boston.)
Grayson was all tuckered out - so sweet.
The amazing men who were always at my grandma's side-
One of the most touching things was at the grave site when Grandpa took a moment to share a thought, as he does at every gathering. He said as difficult as this was for him, he has never felt more determined to live the gospel of Jesus Christ as perfectly as he can so he can join his sweet wife in heaven. What an amazing man. I can't think of a better example of enduring to the end.
Love you forever, Grandma Brown and Grandma Hayes. Until we meet again...
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Some Firsts
A lot starts happening in baby world at about 6 months! Grayson started sitting around 5 months and now he's very close to crawling at 7 months. Here are some firsts for baby Gray...
He can sit in his bath chair,
the baby swing,
the high chair,
and the grocery cart. Yay!
Other firsts...
Up on hands and knees,
wearing shoes (kankles),
self-feeding attempt (2nd child problems),
and first kiss.
Not really, but this is hilarious. He'll grab your face and just start sucking. Lucky Auntie Angie!
Speaking of firsts, I'll tell you what hasn't happened yet - teeth! He must be getting at least 4 at once because he's showing every possible sign of teething. He'll be so thrilled when he gets them too because that means more food!
Butterfly House
Our friends the Maloufs called and invited us to go to the Butterfly House for free. Why, yes! It was warm and humid in the room, and butterflies were everywhere -- not shy at all. Hazel loved it even though her face suggests otherwise. The babies, however, look pretty thrilled about their play date. Cuties. I love going places like this because it makes me feel like I'm back in my teacher days going on a field trip. I have to admit, it's much nicer only having 2 kids to keep track of though.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Potty Time
Yay for no diapers! Hazel is now potty trained. We've had a few hiccups here and there, but honestly, this went much smoother than expected. The night before we started potty training, I took up all of the rugs, etc., got all of her panties washed and ready, made a chart, got tons of stickers and gumballs, arranged for Grandma to come help with Grayson, and went to bed dreading the next morning. I told Hazel there was a Diaper Genie and that she was coming that night to collect her diapers and make them magically disappear! Don't judge. It just came to me, so I went with it. So we left the last of her diapers outside of her door and they magically disappeared that night (and ended up high in my closet in case this was the worst idea ever). So the next morning, she put on princess panties and a shirt and I didn't leave her side. I'd just tell her, "Let me know if you need to go!" She had one accident next to the potty and then none the rest of the day. That was it. I was mentally prepared to clean up 40 accidents, so I was shocked. Why did I wait so long?? Obviously #2 is a little more tricky, but she ended up just going secretly on the potty on day 2. Funny girl. Next we'll work on nighttime, but for now I'm too lazy to rush in in the early morning and make sure she stays dry. Again, it'll have to be me who decides it's time to commit because I'm sure she could do it. We're proud of our big girl! Oh, the things we get excited about as parents...
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
This year we were invited to a Halloween party, and our friends did not disappoint with all the decor, food, and games. I just love this holiday! Every year I want to do really cool costumes, but then it always ends up being last minute and whatever we can put together. Fortunately for us, we had friends who had Batman and cat costumes from the previous year, so we just borrowed those! James really should've had spandex, etc., but it worked. At least he had his game face on.
Fun appetizers
Spooky photo wall
Then for actual Halloween, we took the kids to our church's "Trunk or Treat". Hazel has been wanting to be a princess, so Cinderella it was! This was the first time Hazel has ever allowed me to put her hair in a high bun or ponytail, so it was a big deal. And then I just couldn't resist... Grayson had to be Gus Gus. I only wish I would've remembered to put his nose on! Still, they were adorable.
This was the best full shot I could get of Cinderella because she only wanted to pose with the family of superheroes nearby. ???
And then us... James had 5 minutes between work and Trunk or Treat, so he ran upstairs and came down like this. I decided to be a good sport and put on my go-to 70s shirt as well. I don't think people even noticed my costume... I mean, how could you when your husband is wearing those pants?
Then we got about 5 trick or treaters and like that, Halloween was over. We'll see how long the candy bag lasts!
Fall Fun
The weather's getting cooler, leaves are falling, I'm buying cans of pumpkin and hot chocolate... it's my favorite season -- FALL! Here's what we've been up to...
Playgroups with our friends
The Dallas Arboretum - Pumpkin Festival
Baking all things pumpkin
Doctor appointments
Baths (together finally!)
Tea Parties with Leah
and some good ol' Pumpkin Carving, courtesy of James.
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