Saturday, November 10, 2012

Other October

Here are some other highlights from October besides our anniversary and Hazel's birthday.

My mom did lots of activities with Hazel and the cousins while James and I were in San Francisco.  The poor girl was probably bored when I got home!

When we got home from vacation, we went to another pumpkin patch with friends.

We carved pumpkins with our friends the Nylanders and Formans.  I just watched really and provided the pumpkin pie for dessert.  Hazel loved Daddy's Mickey Mouse pumpkin.

And we celebrated Shayla's 25th birthday at Cheesecake Factory - yum.  Happy Birthday, Yayla!

Saturday, November 3, 2012


I knew my mom had quite the collection of wigs, so I figured I'd borrow one for Halloween and have Hazel be one of her favorite people -- Dora the Explorer.  I knew it was a risky choice because what 2 year old wants to wear a wig for longer than 2 seconds?  It was a free costume since we had all the required items, so I decided to just go with it.  At the last minute, I decided to be her sidekick, Boots, so my costume wasn't all that stellar.  I think Hazel appreciated it though.  There's no way you can get away with not dressing up as a Hayes.  It's in our blood to go all out.  After all, we grew up with a theater mom who had a costume room in the house and a double garage full of decorations.  I think Mom enjoys the fact that we like to be theatrical sometimes, but occasionally I think she regrets ever getting us into it.  I mean, look how comfortable my siblings are in their get-ups (see below).  No shame at all.  I'm a little embarrassed about how tame I look.    
 And then there's the next generation.  Here are all the babies of the families-
For Halloween, we went to our church's Trunk or Treat, which is the best way to do it for little kids, in my opinion.  Hazel got the hang of it after a few trunks.  I even snuck on her wig for a second and got Shayla to snap a picture.  Unfortunately, her friend Jones wasn't too sure about Hazel's new do. 

Without her wig, she's the whitest Dora there ever was (and I even tried to put dark makeup on her).

Here are Hazel and Papa Palmer hanging out at Trunk or Treat- 

The best part of Trunk or Treat was all the candy.  Hazel spent a half hour sucking on a Tootsie Roll pop, so I conveniently lost the rest (in my cupboard for naptime!).  Thanks for all your hard work, Hazel.  =)  I won't be able to fool her for very many more years.  James was going to be The Map from Dora, but he couldn't make it back in time for the party, so next year I'm expecting a doubly good costume.