Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Plano Balloon Festival

It was our first time to the Balloon Festival here, and I knew Hazel would LOVE it.  Love it, we did - corndogs and all. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hannah's Baptism Weekend

Hannah's baptism was this Saturday, so the whole Hayes family gathered in Waco to support her.  It's been awhile since we've all been able to be together.  Usually at least 1 person has to work or something, so it was great to have everyone there.  On the way down to Waco, we stopped at the best Czech bakery.  They have the most delicious kolaches!  The bread is amazing.  
That night we just ate, played, and chatted.  I thought it was funny that Nat and James were discussing baseball so close to the screen.  Nat watches every Rangers game she can and tracks W's and L's on her refrigerator calendar.  Wow.  Super fan!  Now she's going to have to split her love since BYU football has begun.  

On Saturday, we went to the Children's Museum, and the kids had a blast as usual.  Hazel really loved the trains, so we took a picture in front of the display.  


Then we had Hannah's baptism.  It was so cute because Hannah was beaming the whole time.  She's such a sweet, happy girl.  

 We went out to eat afterwards, and they gave us the whole patio for our party of 24.  Nice.  

Then the girls had a slumber party that lasted about 5 minutes.  They were on the top bunk after all...

Gotta love cousin time.  It was a short but sweet trip! 

Baseball --> Football Season

Football season has officially begun!  I'm pretty excited because I'd much rather watch football than baseball (no offense, Rangers and Nat).  Plus, baseball just reminds me of the hot summer.  Look at poor sweaty Hazel at the Frisco RoughRiders game the other night-
Here were the rest of the sweaty (but happy and full of hotdogs and nachos) people-

Football, on the other hand, reminds me of beautiful fall weather!  The Cowboys got their first W, and that makes my man happy, which makes me happy.  We had all the boys over here to do their football fantasy draft the other night, and it's so funny to watch how serious they are about it.  James seems to think he has the best team.  =)  Then we've got the Cougars, and they've won their first 2 games, so we're pretty pumped over here!  Here are Hazel and Jones all excited about the 1st BYU game the other weekend-- it doesn't get much cuter than this.