On Monday, we went to Magleby's Fresh for breakfast, which is the BEST place for pancakes ever. The pancakes are fluffy and cake like, the syrup is foamy and rich, and the berries and whipped cream put it over the top. I was in heaven again. My friend Michelle and her 2 daughters live nearby, so they were able to meet us there. It was so great to see her again and talk about all the good times we had in Provo. I wish she lived closer.
Of course, we couldn't go to Provo without going to BYU. I just love being on that beautiful campus! I missed it and wished James were there with me. It's crazy that I now have a child walking through the Cougar Eat and BYU Bookstore. Who knows if Hazel and Ty will be roaming that same building in 16 years!
That night we celebrated Miles's 1st birthday at the Janssons. He's the most handsome little boy ever! We were all so grateful we were able to celebrate his 1st year, which had its challenges. He's still on heart medication, but they're backing off of it slowly and hopefully his heart will completely heal in the next few years. We love "Miracle Miles!"
The next day we headed to the Hogle Zoo in downtown SLC. We drove by the University of Utah where Mom went, we saw the basement of a house where Dad used to live while working at the hospital there, and we drove by the building where Mom and Dad fell in love on the dance floor. It was fun to hear them talk about their memories there. The zoo was great! They recently added on the "Rocky Shores" so Hazel got to see seals and a polar bear.
That afternoon my parents dropped Hazel and me off at my sister-in-law's house, so we got to spend a few hours with them again. Their house was so cute and had the best backyard ever. Hazel had a blast playing dress up and jumping on the trampoline. Her cousins on both sides are SO good to her! We had dinner with my sisters at Cafe Rio one last time and drove back up to Bountiful. We even squeezed in a quick trip to see our other sister-in-law Melissa in Ogden that night.
And here's just some random cuteness-
Hazel at Uncle Steve's organ saying, "Cheese!"
Hazel and Sammy (Steph's little girl) - 2nd generation BFF cousins!
Hazel and Papa - She finally gets how great he is!
2 of my favorite UT treats - a raspberry concrete and a brownie cookie bar from Kneaders.
I made it pretty much everywhere I wanted to go in Utah, but I did miss my friend Chloe while I was there. Our schedules just didn't align. Sad. I think James will want to go back up as a family sometime though, and hopefully he can be there to enjoy Sensuous and everything else with me! Thanks to Aunt Marsha and Uncle Steve for letting us stay in their basement while we were there. It was perfect.