Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is great, but doesn't Mother's Month sound even better?  I would vote for that.  Anyway, it was so nice to be spoiled on Mother's Day.  I did have to play the organ at church, but it was only 3 songs, so I survived.  Hazel seemed to know it was Mother's Day because she woke up saying, "Mom, Mom, Mom?" and she usually doesn't do that.  She gave me some big hugs too, so that was sweet.  James made me a steak dinner with only a few tips from me in the other room, and I was impressed!  He better be careful... now I know he's capable.  I think that was what he was worried about.  Later that night, he made a peach cobbler in the cast iron skillet.  Mmm.  Probably the best part was having him clean up, too!
I was sad I wasn't home to spoil my mom on Mother's Day, but she'll be in town soon, so I'll have to double duty spoil her for that and for her birthday coming up.  Nat, Ang, and I got Mom a keychain that said, "Always a mom - Forever a friend".  That's perfect for Mom because she is the best friend we could have (next to our husbands, of course).  Mom always wanted a sister growing up, and she finally got her share with 3 daughters.  Now I bet she wishes she could take that back!  We're pretty crazy and all very different, but Mom loves us regardless.  I really want to be like my mom when I grow up.  Wait, I'm almost 30.  I guess I want to be the type of mother my mom was to us when we were growing up.  She gives me a lot to live up to!  I love this other quote I saw about Grandmas - "Grandmas are moms with icing."  That's Mom!
And then there's my wonderful mother-in-law, who I would also love to be like.  She raised my perfect husband, so obviously she did everything right!  I know she'd deny that, but I know she was and is a wonderful mother to her kids.  She has always treated me like a daughter, and she loves to spoil us rotten.  She thinks of everything we need way before we've even thought of it ourselves.  I'm so blessed to be so close to both of these women.

Here's my mom doing one of the many things she does well - free catering for church activities.  =)

Here's Hazel on Mother's Day before church.

My delicious meal made by James. (No, I did not eat all that meat.)

Our attempt at a Mother's Day photo-

James and his parents on Mother's Day.

 We love our moms!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Grandpa's 97th Birthday!

Last minute, I decided to drive down with Matt and his family to Beaumont for Grandpa Hayes's 97th birthday.  James couldn't go because of work, and Kylene was on a sisters trip in Virginia, so Matt and I supported each other in our single parenthood for a weekend.  It may have been easier for him to support me being that I only have 1 child as opposed to 6.   Hazel and I always miss James when he's not with us, but we were very glad we made the trip.  I mean, how many people have a 97th birthday??  Mom and Aunt Rachel rented out a park pavilion, and it was the best decision they've ever made.  It was so nice to go, set up, party, clean up, and leave!  Grandpa's birthday is May 5, so it was a Cinco de Mayo theme.  We had games for the kids, talent, tacos, and a pinata, of course.  Our very own Cerra, Matt's 3rd, whacked it open and luckily did not whack the kids as they swarmed in for the candy!  Lots of family came, and most importantly, we got to hear from the wise grandparents.  Grandpa spoke briefly (he must've known we had to be out by a certain time) about a life lesson he's learned over the years -- That which ye sow, so shall ye reap.  He told us it applies to every aspect of our lives -- physically, spiritually, emotionally, etc.  I love hearing his words of wisdom.  Grandma always shares sweet stories, and this time she told us about her decision to marry Wade.  She asked herself if this man would be a good father, loyal, sober, kind, and spiritually strong, and she said she had no doubt he would be.  And he has been through the years.  What an example they are!  I'm so blessed to have them.  Here's the sweet couple.  Grandpa looks like he's sleeping, but I caught him with his eyes closed. 

 Over the weekend, we did plenty of swimming and playing with cousins.  Hazel surprisingly got in the pool for the first time!  She looved it.  Our jacuzzi hasn't worked since I can remember, but Dad got a better use out of it.  He covered the hole in the middle with a round table, and then to create shade, he put a huge umbrella stand on the table.  It was the perfect kiddie pool. 

Faith and Hazel

 All tuckered out on the way home...