Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thanksgiving in Austin

Angie and Dane are always making trips to see everyone else in the family, so we decided we'd gather in Austin for Thanksgiving this year.  Matt and his family stayed in Dallas with Kylene's family and Jeff was working, but everyone else made it.  Mom found a house to rent on the lake so we'd have enough room for everyone.  It was a super cool house and had beautiful surroundings; the only problem was my allergies!  They must be worse while pregnant.  Luckily, the sinus pressure didn't last longer than a day, so I could still enjoy the family and taste of delicious food!  My mom and dad packed his truck bed FULL of food for just a few days.  Needless to say, Angie went back home with a fully stocked refrigerator and pantry.  From the looks of our Thanksgiving day spread, you wouldn't have guessed it was a destination Thanksgiving.
It was also fun to have part of Dane's family with us for the weekend.  His parents were able to come in for the week during a brief break in her cancer treatments and his brother Cade and sister Chelsea and family were there as well.  We were so grateful Tani felt well enough to travel.  She's a fighter!  Our days were filled with hiking, puzzles, eating, and playing games.  We only left the house once to go to a park and out to eat.  I love those kind of vacations. 

I had to get a picture of this-- men in the kitchen!

Mom brought stuff for a centerpiece.  =)
 I think we did 5 puzzles.
 Hazel and Ty were quite the duo.  They were always a blur in pictures.

Lots of deer running around.
 Ang couldn't wait to give Nat her Christmas present - she had a football and an old BYU tshirt signed by Ty Detmer. 
Cute little Indian cousins.

 MUCH to be grateful for.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Other October

Here are some other highlights from October besides our anniversary and Hazel's birthday.

My mom did lots of activities with Hazel and the cousins while James and I were in San Francisco.  The poor girl was probably bored when I got home!

When we got home from vacation, we went to another pumpkin patch with friends.

We carved pumpkins with our friends the Nylanders and Formans.  I just watched really and provided the pumpkin pie for dessert.  Hazel loved Daddy's Mickey Mouse pumpkin.

And we celebrated Shayla's 25th birthday at Cheesecake Factory - yum.  Happy Birthday, Yayla!

Saturday, November 3, 2012


I knew my mom had quite the collection of wigs, so I figured I'd borrow one for Halloween and have Hazel be one of her favorite people -- Dora the Explorer.  I knew it was a risky choice because what 2 year old wants to wear a wig for longer than 2 seconds?  It was a free costume since we had all the required items, so I decided to just go with it.  At the last minute, I decided to be her sidekick, Boots, so my costume wasn't all that stellar.  I think Hazel appreciated it though.  There's no way you can get away with not dressing up as a Hayes.  It's in our blood to go all out.  After all, we grew up with a theater mom who had a costume room in the house and a double garage full of decorations.  I think Mom enjoys the fact that we like to be theatrical sometimes, but occasionally I think she regrets ever getting us into it.  I mean, look how comfortable my siblings are in their get-ups (see below).  No shame at all.  I'm a little embarrassed about how tame I look.    
 And then there's the next generation.  Here are all the babies of the families-
For Halloween, we went to our church's Trunk or Treat, which is the best way to do it for little kids, in my opinion.  Hazel got the hang of it after a few trunks.  I even snuck on her wig for a second and got Shayla to snap a picture.  Unfortunately, her friend Jones wasn't too sure about Hazel's new do. 

Without her wig, she's the whitest Dora there ever was (and I even tried to put dark makeup on her).

Here are Hazel and Papa Palmer hanging out at Trunk or Treat- 

The best part of Trunk or Treat was all the candy.  Hazel spent a half hour sucking on a Tootsie Roll pop, so I conveniently lost the rest (in my cupboard for naptime!).  Thanks for all your hard work, Hazel.  =)  I won't be able to fool her for very many more years.  James was going to be The Map from Dora, but he couldn't make it back in time for the party, so next year I'm expecting a doubly good costume. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hazel's 2nd Birthday

Hazel's 2 favorite characters are Mickey Mouse and Dora, so we went with a Mickey Mouse theme for her birthday.  We just kept her party simple and had cupcakes at the park.  Hazel could swing on the swings for hours and loves to go "Wee!" down the slides, so it was the perfect place to go.  Plus, it didn't require any clean up on my part.  The birthday girl loved everything about her birthday except the Birthday Song.  She must not like being the center of attention like her mama.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE SWEETEST, CUTEST LITTLE GIRL EVER!  We are still obsessed -- probably even more this year than the last. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Happy 5th Anniversary!

On October 12th, our actual anniversary, we had waffles and went to the Texas State Fair with Hazel.

My mother-in-law got us some free tickets to the fair, so that was really nice.  You forget how expensive it is to just get in the fair, much less ride some rides and eat a corndog.  Hazel went on 2 rides, and she was in absolute heaven.  I will do anything to see that smile on her face.  So sweet.  James and I talked about things that have happened in the past 5 years, and we both agreed that Hazel is the best thing to have ever happened to us.  We're so grateful for our little family going strong 5 years later.

San Francisco

Several months ago, James booked some flights to San Francisco for our anniversary, knowing we could cancel at any time, no charge.  I didn't think we'd actually go for some reason.  Plus, I was anxious anytime he brought it up because I had never left Hazel for even a day.  But with free flights (Southwest points), free hotel (Marriott points), and a cheap rental car, we couldn't say no!  My mom came to our house to stay here with my little baby -- well, she's almost 2, but she's my baby -- while we took a trip to Cali.  Neither of us had been to San Francisco before, so we did a lot of touristy things.  The first day we didn't fit in much, but we did hit up a little Mexican place called Papalote that our friends told us about.  Come to find out, Bobby Flay had been there for a throwdown!  It was really yummy -- of course, we had to try the fish tacos because when you're so close to the ocean, you've got to eat seafood!

On Sunday we watched the first session of General Conference and then headed out to the Eat Real Fest.  There were a bunch of tents and food trucks with an air show going on overhead.  It was perfect weather with delicious eats.  We tried out some empanadas, beef sandwiches, and creme brulee. 

Since we were so close to the Golden Gate Bridge, we decided to take a few pictures and then drive across it.  I'm not sure I would want to walk or bike it, which we saw many people doing.  Then we drove down a little ways into Sausalito, which is a cute little town nearby. 

Since we weren't too far from the bus that goes to Muir Woods, we hopped on to go see the giant Redwood trees.  It was so beautiful -- cool, serene, awe-inspiring.

That night we had dinner at another recommended place, Little Star Pizza.  What they should really call it is Littlest Pizza Sign Ever.  We found it though, and it was some delicious deep dish pizza with a fun atmosphere.  

Monday was another jam-packed day.  We started out with Alcatraz.  James and I both love stuff like that, so the audio tour was really interesting.  I almost couldn't walk into the black out cell because I was worried the door would close on me.  It was kind of creepy, but again, so interesting.  I loved listening to the real interviews and stories of those who attempted escape.  A few escapees weren't ever accounted for -- I'm sure some drowned, but I think at least 3 of them actually made it to freedom.  I can't believe some of the guards' families actually lived there for several years.  Talk about paranoia! Alcatraz eventually closed down because of the cost of upkeep and need of a sewage system. 

After Alcatraz, we walked all down Fisherman's Wharf and enjoyed the side shows along the way.  We had to have some clam chowder in a sourdough bowl, and we had to see the sea lions at Pier 39.  They were pretty entertaining to watch.  Hazel would've liked that part. 

Farther down was Ghiradelli Square.  Why would we not risk blisters on our feet to make it to chocolate heaven?  James could not leave without a Ghiradelli shake.  I think he's even more of a chocolate fan than I am, oddly enough.  I loved watching the process of how they make their superior chocolate.  It IS my favorite chocolate -- it's the only chocolate I request from James on special occasions, and it's the only brand of brownies that I buy.  Chocolate snob. 

Believe it or not, we had time and (limited) room for dinner that night.  We headed to Town Hall, a fancy home cooking spot, for our special anniversary dinner.  Our appetizers were yummy and so was the main dish we shared -- good ol' fried chicken!  It was the juiciest fried chicken I've ever had, I have to say.  Unfortunately, we didn't have room for dessert.

The last day, we had to fly out in the afternoon, so we just headed to Union Square for an hour or so.  We walked in a few stores, and it was time to head back.  One thing I'm amazed by is the parking in San Francisco -- first of all, it's expensive.  Second of all, on the street, people park crazy close even on hills.  I'm pretty sure I'd just have a bike because I'd have severe anxiety every time I had to parallel park.  Maybe that's why people are in better shape there.  They walk and bike everywhere.
The only touristy things we didn't get to were riding the trolley, going to Chinatown, and driving down the windy part of Lombard Street.  I think I had enough excitement being a passenger in the car with James driving streets we weren't familiar with... I have to say though, it would've been 100 times worse had I been the driver.  We only nearly hit one skateboarder and had one breakdown while not being able to turn right or left to get off this one street.  Good times.  Really, we had such a fantastic time.  It was so great to spend time just the two of us, and I had no worries about Hazel being at home with Grandma.  Apparently Hazel had less separation anxiety than I did, but luckily, she was excited to see us when we got home.  =)  What a fun trip to celebrate 5 years!  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Plano Balloon Festival

It was our first time to the Balloon Festival here, and I knew Hazel would LOVE it.  Love it, we did - corndogs and all. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hannah's Baptism Weekend

Hannah's baptism was this Saturday, so the whole Hayes family gathered in Waco to support her.  It's been awhile since we've all been able to be together.  Usually at least 1 person has to work or something, so it was great to have everyone there.  On the way down to Waco, we stopped at the best Czech bakery.  They have the most delicious kolaches!  The bread is amazing.  
That night we just ate, played, and chatted.  I thought it was funny that Nat and James were discussing baseball so close to the screen.  Nat watches every Rangers game she can and tracks W's and L's on her refrigerator calendar.  Wow.  Super fan!  Now she's going to have to split her love since BYU football has begun.  

On Saturday, we went to the Children's Museum, and the kids had a blast as usual.  Hazel really loved the trains, so we took a picture in front of the display.  


Then we had Hannah's baptism.  It was so cute because Hannah was beaming the whole time.  She's such a sweet, happy girl.  

 We went out to eat afterwards, and they gave us the whole patio for our party of 24.  Nice.  

Then the girls had a slumber party that lasted about 5 minutes.  They were on the top bunk after all...

Gotta love cousin time.  It was a short but sweet trip!