Hazel's just been growing and growing! She's almost 5 months old. Wow. She's still in the 90 + percentile for weight and 80 + percentile for height. We'll see if she keeps this up! She couldn't get any cuter. Being a baby is the life.

She found her thumb--fortunately or unfortunately--however you want to look at it. I think it's so cute, so it's hard for me to tell her to stop. Uh oh! What does this mean for the future?? But look at her... and you try to tell her, "NO."

A couple weekends ago, my cousin Sabrina and her little family came to Plano to hang out with us. I miss having her around all the time! Houston isn't close enough, so we're trying to convince them to go to law school around here. Her little girl Sydney is so darn cute. Sydney was sweet with Hazel, and Hazel was just fascinated by her. This picture's kind of blurry but all we have. James and I had a great time staying up with Sabrina and Dustin chatting about nothing. We also made some delicious homemade waffles and syrup that we were very proud of. Yum. I hope we get to see them again soon.

The next weekend, my side of the family came in town and we had a great time as usual! I had never been to the museums in downtown Dallas, so it was great to go with all the kids. Hazel couldn't exactly enjoy it yet, but she still had a great time observing her cousins! They're always great for entertainment.
Hazel didn't mind being surrounded by roaring dinosaurs. Now is a good age to go see them I decided.

The older cousins were a little more scared. =)

Hazel and Faith were good sports to hang out in their car seats almost all day.

Here's sweet, handsome Ty.

In the Math building, we made signs for our guys. It reminded me of teaching about tessellations in sixth grade.

The rest of the weekend was spent hanging out with the family and going to Waco for a day to spend time with the Dunnings. Isaac showed Hazel all of his dinosaurs and cars at his house, so he must really like her. Bitner is really cute with her too. Hazel loves her cousins!

Hazel also loves her rice cereal! At first, she wasn't too interested, but after a few spoonfuls she was really leaning toward the spoon and getting it down. She likes to eat like her Mama! Unfortunately, that night and the next day were rough for her because her tummy wasn't normal. Poor girl. I'll probably wait another few weeks before trying the cereal again. I don't know what I'm saying at the beginning of the video, but it's cute of Hazel eating! James did a great job although I tried to tell him how to do it every 5 seconds. =)
Mom was the last one to leave. It's always sad to say goodbye to family, even if they do only live a drive away. Mom makes all of our trips extra special with her coolers overflowing with food and love. Hazel couldn't get enough of Grandma and her polka dots!