Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Certified Public Accountant

James took and passed the CPA exam awhile ago, but he just recently received his CPA certificate. It's official! There was a ceremony like a graduation where all the CPA's walked across a stage to accept their certificates. It was held in Austin, so we drove there last weekend with James' parents for the event. James sat on the stage, and he was the most handsome guy up there, of course. He gave a 5 minute speech about priorities and allocating your time to things that bring the most happiness in life. He did a great job. I was probably more nervous than he was... I could've never done that in front of that large, intimidating crowd. In his talk, he mentioned Hazel, and I think that got the most applause out of everything. Lots of people came up afterward to meet and congratulate us on our sweet angel. Good thing my cousin Astrid sent such an adorable outfit to Hazel so she could wear it to the event! I was pretty proud of my husband and baby. I hope that's an okay type of pride. Anyway, congrats to James!

Hazel's Texas Friends

I love that Hazel has so many friends already! She's so social! =) Ok, so maybe I chose her friends for her, but I think she likes them too. I just wish more of her other little friends lived nearby so we could play too!

This was Hazel's first time meeting a friend. Leah came over for a quick visit. I hope she likes Hazel better later.

Jones was her first kiss. She'll be so embarrassed later! He's so good to her. When she cries, he gives her a paci.

Hazel had play time with the Trudds (the Rudd triplets - Caleb, Zach, and Leah). They loved it! Hazel's head kept Zach's paci in place, and Hazel kept swinging her arms and bumping cute little Leah. We had a talk about not hitting our friends. They were so cute in the rainforest together.

This is Addison, Kailynn's new, cute baby. Look at all that hair! She's so precious and tiny.

This is Cecilia, Dominique's new little one. She looks exactly like her dad - blonde and blue eyed - so cute! Hazel is exactly a month younger than Cecilia, but they weigh the same -- a little over 11 lbs.

And here is Hazel with her almost birthday buddy, 2nd cousin, Layla! They're already snugglin' cousins! So cute.  It'll be so fun to watch Hazel grow up with all these cuties!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Hazel went on her first trip! She was a great traveler. My mom said we're in trouble... she already likes to travel. She's also a great shopping buddy. Uh oh!
We were very fortunate to be able to go to St. George for Thanksgiving. James got the week off and we flew with his parents to see his side of the family. I love visiting St. George and staying with James' grandparents there. It's so relaxing. While we were dating and at the beginning of our marriage, we went to St. George several times, and it was always fun to stay with the Browns. This trip we were just as spoiled; we even had the whole, huge basement to ourselves. That way I could just wake up, turn on the TV, and feed Hazel without bothering anyone... not even James! He sleeps just great with his earplugs. =)
James' brothers live within driving distance, so we were able to spend some time with them and their families. It's always sad to leave though because we don't know when we'll be able to meet up again. Why can't everyone just move to Texas already?
Thanksgiving day was a lot of fun because we had about 80 family members get together for dinner. I got to meet a lot of James' cousins while we filled up on the classic Thanksgiving dishes. Yum.
We didn't go out for any Black Friday deals, but we shopped at a big Christmas expo with a bunch of fun booths, so that was fun. Hazel was such a trooper! She let us pack her up and take her all around town. She also loved being held by all of her relatives. It was cute to see her with her great grandparents and her aunts. I think they're glad James and I are just starting with our kids so they can still get their baby fix since they're done. It was really nice to have people around the whole trip and to have help so I could shower, eat, etc! Here are some pictures from the trip.

She was great on the plane!

We made it here twice in the week... never enough!

Hazel met her birthday buddy who is also her 2nd cousin, Aleiya.

The older boy cousins - Kyle, Chandler, Cameron, and Weston

More cousins - Kaitlyn and Kimberlyn

Her little cousin, Cohlee. She loved Hazel or "Baby"!

The boys downstairs

Sisters-in-law - Melissa and Christina

The Palmer boys - James, Dave, Dad, Chris, Tod

Hazel's great grandparents - The Browns

My mother-in-law's family at Thanksgiving - all but 1 of their kids made it!

We had so much fun with the family there! Hopefully it won't be too long until we see them all again. James and I are so grateful for both sides of our family -- they're all so great.