Of course we had to come up with a nickname for the princess that has to do with food! Nat came up with that one. I'm "Culinary Christie", and now I have sweet "Hazel Basil". She also goes by "Sweet Pea" and "Heavenly Hazel" (that's my dad for you). She really is so sweet. She just gets cuter and chubbier every day. Today she is 4 weeks old, and James and I can't believe she's changed so much. Things that have stayed the same are her grunts while sleeping, the amount of hair she has, and her love of eating. =) The first few weeks were pretty rough recovery wise, but luckily my mom was here to help me through the biggest adjustment stage. She stayed 3 weeks (not long enough!), and it was really hard to say goodbye. Just having her around the house for company was great, but she overdid it on spoiling us too! She's the best. James got to stay home for a week, which was great, but it went by too quickly. He would have had 2 other weeks to take off in the next year, but we had to settle for 1 week because he decided to get a new job! I guess he thought while we were going through a big change of having a baby, why not get a new job too?! We're really happy about it. It's a smaller company with great perks, and I think it'll fit James nicely. I just want him to be happy! The only thing is the hours aren't less. Recently he's been getting home at 7, which is okay, but with a new baby, I'd like to have him here more! So Hazel and I just hang out all day in our jammies and watch a lot of Food Network. Maybe one day I'll start getting out... it sure is nice weather to do so!
The bishop's wife offered to take some newborn photos of Hazel, which was so nice, so here are a couple of them.

I'm so glad we captured some of her sweet newborn moments!