How fun to be having a GIRL! My mother-in-law and sister-in-law kindly offered to throw me a shower here in Plano. Originally, I was going to have a shower in Beaumont as well, but after some thought, we realized we didn't have that many people there to really throw a party. I was fine with that because I didn't want my mom and sisters to go all out on a shower only to have about 5 people come. So the Plano shower was supposed to be a low key, open house sort of thing. Boy was I wrong! I showed up and decided to drive around the back of my mother-in-law's house to park. Well, there wasn't a place for me to park because my mom's car was there hiding! Being the emotional pregnant woman I am, I started tearing up as I drove back around to the front of the house. When I walked in, I saw decorations that screamed MOM including a lot of old stuffed animals we've had for years. In the kitchen was my sweet mom working her magic! You put Barbara, Tami, and my mom together, and you've got quite the party. I just didn't expect Mom to drive up here at the last minute (because we had just decided days earlier not to do the one in Beaumont) for the shower -- much less bring her whole decorating shop and food with her. I guess I should have known better! Of course, I thought of Nat next and was secretly hoping she came as well, but I knew she had Back to School night so she probably couldn't come. Well, of course, she showed up too! I have the best fam ever! I couldn't believe Nat got in the car with her 4 kids and drove down here like it was no big deal... right after her cross country driving trip a week earlier. I know Angie would've come too if she weren't in Utah, and I just hope she gets to come when Baby is here!
So, it's a little awkward for me to be the center of attention because I turn red easily and sometimes make awkward jokes when I don't know what else to say, but the shower ended up being really fun for me. A lot of my close friends came, we had delicious food, adorable decorations, some fun games, and the best presents! People gave me the cutest, most practical gifts, which I love! Books, onesies, bibs, a bumbo, a boppy, a nursing cover, blankets, towels, diapers, burp cloths, wash cloths, baby bath, etc. I really didn't expect much, and I was so grateful for everyone's generosity. Baby girl loved her party (and Lil' Mama did too)!
So, it's a little awkward for me to be the center of attention because I turn red easily and sometimes make awkward jokes when I don't know what else to say, but the shower ended up being really fun for me. A lot of my close friends came, we had delicious food, adorable decorations, some fun games, and the best presents! People gave me the cutest, most practical gifts, which I love! Books, onesies, bibs, a bumbo, a boppy, a nursing cover, blankets, towels, diapers, burp cloths, wash cloths, baby bath, etc. I really didn't expect much, and I was so grateful for everyone's generosity. Baby girl loved her party (and Lil' Mama did too)!
I loved it! Thanks so much to both sides of the family for coming together and making it happen!