Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We Met Ty!

First of all, happy late Valentine's Day to all! This guy said he'd be my valentine. Cutie.

And I met another cutie! TY! He is just soooooooo sweet. We went to hang out with the Dunnings and Mom this past weekend and had a great time. The best adjective for him besides cute beyond all reason is sweet. Can't handle him! His little sounds, little double chin, his smooth skin.... I like it! That's what Bella says when she loves something... "I like it!" It's so fun to be with family. Mom cooked and baked like crazy as usual, we watched the Olympics, hung out, and went to the park. Look how cute they all are.

Going to the park.

Isaac likes to go as high as it'll go... and as long as we're willing to push.

Look at the perfect little chub!

Not my personal best, but Ty looks alert and so cute in this one. Can't wait to go back again!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Proud and Cold Aunt

I'll be honest. I thought people in Dallas were silly for buying big coats and boots for the winter because what do they know about snow and cold weather? Well, apparently, Dallas is not like Beaumont. They DO have very biting cold weather and even SNOW! Record breaking to be exact (for Dallas). I was sad we didn't have a snow day yesterday when it snowed because I figured they only needed a few flurries to get off school here, but then realized they probably wanted to save the day off for today when it would be icy. It snowed all day yesterday while we were in school, and it did in fact get icy at night when I went to pick up our Papa John's pizza. Sometimes a girl needs her Papa Johns. And it was worth it. DeLICious. The other good thing about ice is that James doesn't have to drive to work. He has to work the same hours here, but I get to watch him do it. It's a wonderful thing. Bread is rising in the kitchen, and I still haven't gotten ready for the day on a would-be school day. Even better, there's no school on Monday, so it makes for a nice, long weekend. Ahhhhhh.

Our tree, "Elvis"

So the best news of the week was not the snow, although that was fabulous, but that we have a handsome new baby boy in our family! He's my nephew, but he'll find out soon enough that I love him kinda like a mom. He's sooo precious, and I haven't gotten to hold him yet. I have to wait until next weekend. Boo. So for now I have to watch him grow a week old in pictures. I know.. tough. All of Nat's other kids have been dark, but Ty has light eyelashes and light, barely there straight hair. Cute! He's had a few bumps in the road, but I can tell he's a strong boy and will be okay. He should be home Sunday for his brother and sisters to check him out some more. I don't think Bella is too excited about him yet, but she'll love the idea soon enough. Isaac is confused as to why he doesn't talk and play with him like a brother should, but he'll learn that he'll grow up soon enough. Hannah held him at the hospital and is a sweet big sister to him already. Here's a picture of when we went to hang out with them while Nat was pregnant and uncomfortable, and then a picture of the sweet new little boy! Congrats Dunning family, especially Nat for making it through that difficult delivery!

Bella's always gotta be stealin my man. =) Isaac is giving his little werewolf smile.

Ty Marshall Dunning