Thursday night we went with everyone to Outback and stuffed ourselves way too much. Angie was working that night, so she hooked us up with delicious extras such as pina coladas, raspberry butter, and the Thunder Cream shakes. She was too good to us. If you haven't tried that shake there, it's necessary! Think: Blue bell ice cream, homemade brownie, hot fudge, and whipped cream all blended together! Best shake ever--hands down. I can only guarantee that if Angie makes it, however.
James's graduation was at 5 on Friday, so we took plenty of pictures before. Luckily, it wasn't raining yet. I'm so proud of James and so happy he graduated as the smartest and handsomest Cougar at BYU!
We tried to recreate the tulip picture from my graduation 2 years ago. Not as sunny, but flowers nonetheless!
Graduation was good, but quite long, so we had James leave 3/4 of the way through so we could go eat. James's parents had to leave that night, and we just had 1 more day with my parents. Saturday we celebrated my birthday early while family was here. We were going to go to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point, but the weather didn't cooperate. We went to the temple, Kneaders, Disney's Earth movie, watched the Mavs dominate the Spurs (yea!), and ate out yet again. Mom got us a lot of treats from Shirley's bakery, and we're still munching on them. Since I don't love cake, Mom got cinnamon rolls and put some candles in them. She did mention that I must be getting old since 1 box of candles is not enough. =) I'm a quarter of a century, but I think we miscounted somewhere along the way because I still feel and look 18. Oh well. No stopping it! Here's my yummy, beautiful "cake".
Thanks so much to both of our parents, Nat, and Ang&Dane for making it such a special weekend!