Thursday, July 24, 2008

Big D

So, I hope y'all remembered to make it to 7-11 on 7/11 because if not, you missed a HUGE, FREE slurpee!! (Ok.. it was like 4 oz.) Here is a scary picture of us trying to show our blue teeth from the MONSTER energy drink flavor. YUM. If you missed it this year, catch it on the next go around.

James's parents love to spoil us. I can only imagine how it used to be when it was just James left at home. Oh wait, I was the baby too. I don't know how I'm going to adjust when I have to go back to work, etc... Here's a picture of my cute in-laws, Barbara and Dennis. You may prefer their nicknames--Barb and Den. =)

We went to Olive Garden, and James and I were obviously happy about being full of delicious salad and breadsticks.

Even though James hasn't had the most exhilarating work to do for his internship, at least he gets paid to occasionally read books and go to events, like this Rough Riders game in Frisco, TX. Significant others weren't invited at first, but I guess they had a few extra tickets, so I happily joined James for the free food and entertainment. They gave us a $5 card for our food, and my constant craving for Hot Tamales came in handy--they were $2 and you get cash back, so we were pretty proud of ourselves for making $3 in the process.

I also got to meet some of James' cousins who he went to Lake Powell with for many years when he was little. It's interesting because his blond cousin looks more like my mother-in-law than her kids do. How does that work? Meet the Browns.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Love for the Fam

James and I have been able to go visit my family in Beaumont twice already, and I love it! The only kid who wasn't there was Angie, but luckily I get to see her in Utah when we move back.

Then we can make more of these delicious apple filled "dough boys" at her backyard bonfires. =)

And hopefully when James and I move back to Texas, she and Dane will be going there too. My plan is to do whatever it takes to get us all back in Texas.

Right now, Natalie is living at my parents' house until they have a permanent job location for Jeff, and I couldn't be happier! I get to see these lovely ladies PLUS hold my babies whenever I make it down there.

Cute Hannah and Bella. Hannah loves photo shoots.

And James gets to play catch with Isaac because that's all he ever wants to do. Check out his form.

I think Isaac chose the right tutor. James has many impressive forms...

Also, I get to see my favorite Hayes kids!! They are the cutest things ever.

Aubrey, Bitner, Cerra, Devin, and Eva (A,B,C,D,E...who knows how many more!)

Then, we went to the Houston temple. It was great except that Nat, Jeff, and the kids were sick so they couldn't go.

The 4th of July was great. We went out to Vidor and watched AMAZING performances by my cousins' kids. During the talent show, James asked me if it was okay if our kids just did sports. haha I think he was a little overwhelmed by it all. I'll be happy if our kids get his athletic talent!

Can't wait for our next visit home. It will be for Sabrina's wedding reception!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

TV's Best of the Best (for now)

Free time in the summer allows James and me to watch some of our favorite shows. While James is unassigned at work, we text all day and keep each other up to date on which episode of The Office we're on. Then, sometimes we watch one together at night. Yes, we're making GREAT use of our time. (For the record, that's not allll we do.) Yesterday, I even noticed James did a Jim face, so now he has a new nickname.

I love that Kevin guy. He has the best talking (and singing) voice.

Of course, on Mondays we have to set aside time for James's favorite... AMERICAN GLADIATORS! A couple weeks ago, we tried to talk our friends into having a dress-up party for one episode, but sadly we were the only ones to pull through. We should've taken a full body shot. Should I be worried that James did this willingly? Ya, those are my shorts.

Last but not least, every week I look forward to the new Next Food Network Star on Sunday nights. There's even a LDS girl in the running... Kelsey. You may have seen her on Kelsey's Kitchen on a BYU channel. I've never seen it, but you can tell she has TV experience.... maybe a little too much because the judges tell her to tone it down a little. She's good, and I'm voting for her til the end! All the other competitors are quite entertaining as well, and if anyone has seen it, I'd love to hear what you have to say about them. But then again, maybe I'm alone on this one... =)

And the BEST news of all is that we recently discovered the most amazing website. it has ALL of the television shows you could ever want as well as several movies. Some of the shows have Chinese subtitles, but it's not distracting. Plus, you don't have to wait for them to download. Check it out...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I'm having issues without my MAC.