I see my life as a mom in 4 phases:
Phase 1, one baby
~My son will get all my love and attention...check
~My son will only eat the best things...check
~My son will always wear the cutest clothes I can find...check
~My son will always wear shoes and socks from the time he is born...check
~My son will never have a binky past age 1...check
~My son will never play with noneducational toys...check
~My son will always live in a clean house...check
Phase 2, two babies
~My kids will get all my love and attention...check
~My kids will only eat the best things I can afford...check
~My kids will always have the cutest clothes I can find on sale...check
~My kids will always wear shoes and socks when I put them on...check
~My kids will never have a binky past age 4...check
~My kids will only play with educational toys unless someone else gives them something
way funner...check
~My kids will always live in a tidy house...check
Phase 3, two kids and one baby
~My kids will get all of my love and most of my attention...check
~My kids will eat anything fast, easy and somewhat nutritious...check
~My kids will always wear clothes...check
~My kids will always wear shoes when they are walking on sticky weeds...check
~My kids will always have a binky, until they lose them all...check
~My kids will only play with toys...check
~My kids will always live in a house that gets picked up once a day...check
Phase 4, 3 kids and one baby
~My kids will get all of my love...check
~My kids will eat food...check
~My kids will wear clothes if we go somewhere...check
~My kids will own shoes and socks...check
~My kids will always have a binky (and 20 on hand)...check
~My kids will only play with things that resemble a toy...check
~My kids will always live in a house...check
After 4 kids my views on being a mom have changed a lot! I used to have so many standards to live up to. I have since realized most of those things don't matter. My kids are happy and well rounded. They are great kids and I love being their mom.