Friday, January 31, 2014


Carly danced at Christmas Tree Lane.  So fun to watch her!
She also had her school Christmas program.  She had a speaking part and she didn't even tell us! She wanted to
surprise us, and she did!

Christmas Eve Sledding
Trying to stay warm in the truck while everyone else was sledding.
Is he cute or what?

Santa visited our church party, it was so fun!
We took the kids to the light parade.  It was SO COLD! 
FHE CHristmas nativity
Christmas Eve pj's
And this pretty much sums up what our CHristmas looked
like this year! 

Tuesday, November 05, 2013


Carly lost her first real tooth... it's actually her fourth tooth she's lost, but the other ones had to go because of her
adult teeth growing behind them.  This one came out just because.  :)

Our first drive up into the mountains with the truck. 

Grandma's house decorating Halloween cookies.
Grandma does the kids hair in whatever they want... she spoils them.  And the kids had pink
hair for a few days.

Spencer learned how to drive the 4wheeler by himself at Grandma and Grandpa's.  He loved
taking siblings out with him.

Love these two. 
And the family dressed up for Halloween. 
Had to end with this cute little guy. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Soccer Life

We have been consumed by all things soccer the past 2 months, but it has been really fun! 

Spencer played goalie for most of the season.  He loves it. 
Such a good sport to come with us to all of the games, cold and all.

Spencer's team actually took the championship.  It was super exciting and more stressful on the parents than the kids.  :)
It was sure fun to watch this team this year!!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

July/August in pics

With all of the practicing of basketball in our backyard, people are getting really good...

Someone turned 5 months.  Chunky little guy.  Love him.

He loves that tongue of his!
Helping Grandpa with the farm, in the rain, while she was visiting them for a week. (Picture by Lara)
Someone turned 5! 

Fun gift.  See that excitement in his face?

Cute Hikers.

Way cool place to hike to.  Saw lots of petroglyphs.
And he turned 6 months too.  He is starting to reach for everything! Thus the crunched up paper telling us he is 6 months old...
First Day of school! 

Okay that's it in a nutshell.  Blogger is being stupid so I will end here.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

May and June

We've been oh-so busy, but here is May and June in a nutshell

My parents moved and so we all went down to help.  Got some fun foosball in though. 

Mother's Day

Parker's end of year preschool party at Wheeler Farm. 

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa's new farm.  Kids got to ride behind the four-wheeler through all the fields.  They loved it! 
Someone turned 3 months old.  Cute little chunker.
Picnic on the farm
Spencer with his cute little chickie.
Carly got a really neat award for the school year.  It was for citizenship and academics for the school year.  Only one kid in each class got this award.  Sure proud of her!

We filled in the last few weeks with tons of friend time since we were moving.  Cute girls!
Kyle and Dr. B playing some basketball at a work party. 

End of school fun

Got his head stuck in the deck...

And just ending with this cute little guy. 

I will post more later about our crazy July so far.  A move, new job, new house, Independence Day and other fun things! 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

What we've been up to

Spencer finished up his basketball season
We took Parker and Carter to the zoo

Someone turned 10!

Trick candles were tricky

Friend party.  They went swimming.
Loves to "sell" lemonade with our neighbors.  They give it away for free. 

Someone turned 7!  Had a pajama and pancake party.

We decorated pillowcases for one of the activities.
Someone learned how to ride a bike with no training wheels!
Look at her go.
We celebrated her actual birthday with a ice cream cake.  She looks a little worn out from blowing out all of her candles.

She decided to take the family to a trampoline park.  It was way fun!

We went to the SLC Cemetery and looked around for all of the cool graves. 

And we all sure love this kid.

And Parker celebrated his pretend birthday at preschool, since he has a summer birthday.