
Day One:
The first day was devoted to the kids...toon town, peter pan, dumbo, meeting mickey, etc. It was fun to go with such young kids, especially Kobi. Kobi's at that age where he really believed it. He really believed he was meeting Mickey, witnessing "real-life" (as kobi would say) pirates, or riding through Neverland. We are so lucky to have parents that love to travel...and take us along :)

Day Two:
The second day was really fun. As much fun as it was to have Kobi and Lilah with us the first day, it was nice to be able to leave them behind with my family and have a day with the hub. Chris and I had a blast, we rode on all the "big kid" rides, got soaked on splash mountain and the water rappids, and ate lots of good food (again. The chowder was amazing :)Oh and we watched Captain E.O. in 3D, what a classic.

1 comment:

Andrezinho said...

that ice cream good beautiful photo congratulations. good luck on your friend gets life in peace. your friend here in Brazil Andre Siqueira