The Family Party

I was so so mad! We had only taken a few pics when our batteries ran out on our camera! We've had that happen way too many times. I feel bad, I didn't even get a pic of Kobi :( I'll definitely post some of him on the real Halloween. He won 2nd place in the toddler costume copetition :) The family Halloween party/Grandpa's Birthday was so much fun, I loved that everyone dressed up! That hasn't happened for years! I hope we do it again next year!

Spider Lights

Our pumpkins got stolen...

The Pumpkin Patch

Do The Puyallup!

Yes that's THE John Curly!

"Darn Kids!"

So, after we left Colorado, we head back to BYU-Idaho in Rexburg. We were so excited to be back! Our time there was short, just about a month after we had unpacked we were offered a job back in Washington with Chris' old boss. At first we thought, that's crazy, why would we want to move again?? But after a month of searching for a job in Idaho we realised that we would be much better off coming home to Washington to work and go through school. It was hard to leave Rexburg, we really do love it there. There is such a neat atmosphere, lots of friends and family...but a decent job is hard to come by. Especially one to support a family. So long story short, we made our 4th move this year, 10th in the 3 1/2 years we've been married, back to Washington! Now we're renting a cute little place down in Sumner and Chris plans to finish his Assosciates Degree at Pierce Community College and then transfer to UW- University of Washington. It's been a crazy journey the last few years, but now, cross your fingers, knock on wood, we pray we can stay put long enough to finish school! It's good to be home :)

Puppy Love

One of the hardest parts of leaving Rexburg was taking Kobi away from his girlfriend Briella Marecle (Spencer & Paige's little girl). They were so cute together and we spent a lot of time with them this Summer. We miss you guys :(

July 19th Kobi's 2nd Birthday...I know it's been awhile