Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tis' the season for Christensen birthdays!

December is a big month for Christensen birthdays! Dave, Norma, Natalie, Madison, Amanda, Corelle, Tyler, and Noelle have birthdays this month! We celebrate so much that Macy has been saying "Happy Birthday Dad". So happy birthday to all of you with birthdays this month.

Here are Dave and Norma, another year older and wiser too!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thanksgiving with the Clayton's and Llewelyn's

Our families had a great Holiday this year as we got together at the Clayton home and celebrated Thanksgiving with Grandma Rhea and Don and Roma. Of course, lots of food, fun, and laughter. We celebrated Bridget's 2nd birthday, made gingerbread trains, Matt, Cori and Jeni braved the Black Friday crowds and did a bit of shopping, and the guys all went on a four-wheeler ride! It was lots of are a few pictures of our weekend...

Let the feast begin...
Cori and Scot...
Haili and Bridget, inseparable the whole weekend!

Grandma and Tuck put together a puzzle...
Scot's "impossible" puzzle...


This blog needs a new background. Feel free to change it to your liking! Hopefully everyone is able to author this blog, it needs a little TLC!!