Thursday, January 29, 2009

entertaining ourselves

Chris has been gone a lot ever since he was called to be Scout Master a few weeks ago.

Tonight while these kids watched Igor,

this kid made soap beards

and while he called me in every 5 seconds to come look

I played with this adorable kid!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Saying Goodbye

On Monday we took full advantage knowing that our friends were in town at their house. Their house that they hadn't been to in months. We knew it would be our last time seeing them for awhile. And the last time hanging out with them at their house with the most awesome tree house that their dad built with his own two hands.

We had a good time visiting and playing. At the same time there was a sadness and a longing. A longing to have the whole family back. Back to the way it use to be.

We are so grateful and feel so blessed to have had the Nielson's in our ward and as good friends. I continue to miss seeing them in the mornings walking to the bus stop. I miss having the kids come knocking on the door to play. I miss trading babysitting. I miss calling Stephanie and discussing LOST episodes. I miss not having the chance to show off my baby. There is so much more that I miss.
Above all, I miss HER.
This family will always have a special place in our hearts.

Here is a news clip Christian did while he was here and here is the entire uncut version.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

a crappy post.

Lately Carson has been pooping once a week. Friday is his day of choice. This morning as I was changing his diaper he tooted and it smelled like something we call a "poo-cloud".

Instantly I remembered last weeks blow-out and thought to myself,
"Today I am going to watch for pooping signs and catch him in the act and hurry and hold him over the toilet to prevent a catastrophic disaster." (It really does work. I've done it several times with Ellie and Peyton when they were babies.)

Carson was happily playing in the exersaucer that I had just cleaned the previous day. So this was his first day with his new toy, which isn't actually new, but new to him.

I was loading the dishwasher in between making silly faces and noises to get big grins and giggles to serinade me through the dirty dishes. Little did I know he was creating a monsterous mess and marking his territory all in one destructive blow.

Suddenly we had a two man clean-up job on our hands.

And poop.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I've fallen and can't get up!

I somehow fell off the "blogging bandwagon" and couldn't get up. I have a lot of posts to do to get me caught up. I am making each year into a blog book. For this reason I don't want most of December events to be in my 2009 blog book so I will be using the dates from last month. So don't be alarmed if your google reader says I updated and then you can't find it at the top of the page!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Family Pictures 2008

I know I am seriously behind on my blogging. To start off the slew of posts that are coming (hopefully really soon) here are a few of the family pictures we got taken back in November by Wendy from Blue Lily.