Monday, November 24, 2008

I have a thumb sucker!

I love my little thumb sucker! I am not worried or bugged one bit about this little habit. He has been sleeping so great in the night ever since he discovered it. He started out sleeping 5 to 7 hours at a time and last night 10 hours!!!
Never in my life have I had a baby sleep that long at such a young age! I'm sort of wishing my other 4 babies found their thumb!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

i'm so excited!

Jack's coming back tonight!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Blossom Fashion Show 2008

A couple of years ago I got to participate in my friend Jodi's fashion show. Last night she asked if I could be one of her models. I am so excited to get to do this again. It was so fun the last time.
So if you don't have any Saturday night plans yet, come to the show! She has the cutest clothes and they will be on sale! The best part is that ALL ticket ($5 each) sales go directly to the NieRecovery.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

a new look

I finally got a new pair of glasses. My old ones were from 1995. They looked a bit dated. Since I actually like these glasses on me I've been taking care of my eyes a lot better than I have been. No more wearing my 2 week disposable contacts day and night for months on end! Air touching my eyeballs no longer feels weird. Even though I like the new look, I still want LASIK so very badly!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

2 months

He likes to just chill on the couch with the rest of us.

And he is already throwing out gang signs or maybe it's a hang loose.

Carson is such a fun happy little baby. I love his chubs. He coos and smiles a lot and we just can't get enough of him.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Birthday Girl

November 6, 2008

My sweet little Ellie Morgan is 5!

After school we went to As You Wish with Brooklyn and Kim. They had fun painting and were quite the little perfectionists.

Afterwards we went to Fatburger for dinner. These two are so funny and goofy when they get together. Kim and I had a fun time listening to these two while nursing our babies and sucking down our yummy vanilla shakes.

Then we headed for home and got surprised by Chris and the other kids with balloons everywhere.

Grandpa gave some piggy back rides when he came over for cake.

Happy Birthday baby girl! Hope you had a super fun day!

I love you tons and tons!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

i love

freshly waxed eye-brows and fresh high lights.
awww, i feel so much better.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A name and a blessing.

Us with our good friends and neighbors, Marc and Megan and their sweet babe.

On October 12th Carson made his debut at church and recieved his baby blessing. The day started out early (we have 8:30 church) and everyone was eating breakfast except for Peyton. He woke up not feeling good. Chris set him on the couch and told me he was feverish. A few seconds later he puked! My first thought, "No! not today! and Dang, he barfed on the couch."
We called Chris' parents so they could ask one of their younger kids to babysit during sacrament. Aaron thankfully abliged. Peyton threw up once for Aaron then they both fell asleep.

The blessing was beautiful. I love to hear Chris give our children blessings. I am so grateful I married a faithful man who honors his priesthood. Chris' sweet Grandpa P. and Grandma S. bore their testimonies and so did the other mom who's baby was blessed. I on the other hand, chickened out.
Maybe next time.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Random Halloween know, for fun.

Check out the sword fight in the background.

Best costume awards go to:

Chris' cousins dressed as a nasty assistant coach (I think he looks like Kip) and his mummy wife.


the modern day indian and the historic indian.