Friday, July 8, 2011

What? An update?!

A lot has happened since I last posted. The main 2 are:

- I attended International Academy of Hair Design in Chandler from Oct. 2009-May 2011.
I am sooo glad I went and even happier that I am now done! It was fun, but also a challenge. Chris would come home from work and I would leave for school. His parents helped a lot when he wasn't home in time for me to leave and when he went on scout campouts. We made it through and we are so happy and grateful for my new skills. I still need to go to state board to get my license...planning on that soon.

- We are expecting our 6th baby and it's a GIRL!!! We are so thrilled and can't wait to meet her in early September. Most already know this from Facebook.

Hopefully I can do some back tracking, catching up and keep with it for our friends and family that live far and for our own blog books keepsakes!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


I'm so far behind on blogging.
Someday I'll get back on track.
But for now here's me and my baby.
He's already 18 months!
Time is going by faster than I like.
Isn't he adorable?!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Playing Doctor (and not the naughty kind)

Yesterday I took Ellie, Peyton and Carson to the doctor.
I suspected an ear infection for Carson and the other 2 were coughing with a low grade fever in the night so I just had them come too. While Carson was crying and throwing himself around because he was bored to tears and turns out he has a double ear infection, Ellie and Peyton found some gloves and pretened to give each other shots. It was pretty funny watching them. Ellie got a little too into it and the fun stopped when she gave Peyton a tiny but painful pinch when she acted out the shot. Peyton wasn't too happy with her.

P.S. I have some serious updating to do. Not sure if anyone even ever checks out my blog anyway, but for me I want to catch up for journaling purposes.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Carson!

8 days old

10 months

My sweet baby is already a YEAR OLD!!! His first year flew by. It's been quite eventful as well...fluke illness at 1 month, Spinal Meningitus at 8.5 months and a few ear infections inbetween.

He is a bright star in our family!! Life just wouldn't be the same without him. We all love and adore him so very much!!!

12 month stats:

20.13 pounds

29 3/4 inches

*walks with a push toy and along furniture

*says: mama, dada, meow, woof woof, bye-bye and lots of jibber-jabber

*tenses his whole upper body when asked to show his muscles

*does not sleep through the night...anymore.

*loves to give kisses and will throw in a bite every now and then

*starting to throw funny.

*LOVES to go bye-bye

*loves to swim and play outside

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Taylor's 10th Birthday Party!!

In honor of turning a decade we threw Taylor a surprise party!
I was SO fun!!! She was totally surprised and thrilled!!
She has such great friends that love and support her. They hung out, opened presents, sang happy birthday and then proceeded to go out front to eat their cupcakes. This is when it turned into crazy fun. Cupcake Fight!!!!
They had so much fun! After they ran out of cake I suggested a water fight so get all the frosting out of their clothes so parents wouldn't freak out. I'd say it was a success.

Happy Birthday Courtneynortni!!!

My niece, Courtney turned 3 and had a party...

the hit of the night was the ugly teeth!!
Chris got the biggest kick out of Carson giving them a try.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A decade already??!!

Yesterday was my Taylor's 10th Birthday! Am I even old enough to have a 10 year old?! It seems like she was a baby just a few short years ago.
I feel very blessed to have such an amazing daughter! She is absolutley beautiful inside and out. She has a heart of gold and is everyone's friend. She has such a contagious laugh and great sense of humor. The whit on this girl is awesome!
She loves:
*Her baby brother
*hanging out with her friends
*late nights, but prefers sleep-overs (those are reserved for special occasions)
*curly fries
*In N Out
*funny movies
*riding her bike when it's not a million degrees outside
*dancing (she has the best signature dance move! ask her to show you sometime!)
*Parties and get togethers
*family dinners
*Bahama Bucks
*when her brothers and sister don't get into her stuff
*her mom and dad and all of her immediate and extended family
We are so grateful for you and the young lady you are becoming. You have many talents and are such a joy to have in our family! We are so proud of you for being such a great example to your family and friends. We love you so very much!!! Happy Birthday!
Mom & Dad
**Pictures from her party coming soon...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cutest face ever!!!

May 2009

This picture is number 539 out of the 884 pictures I have on my cell phone. It is my FAVORITE! I am so lucky he is mine!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Great Idea!

Since I have decided to play the "better safe than sorry game" and make my blog private I have actually felt a little weight (worry) lifted off my shoulders. I am still going private on Sunday, August 16th. BUT, here's the GREAT idea!

I am starting a new blog with my same blog address with a "2" added to the end of it. I will post links to my posts on there so everyone who uses google reader can see everytime I post. I know I am not very good about going to all my friends private blogs so this is an awesome idea so no one has to remember! So change our blog address by adding a number 2 at the end and put it in your google reader!

Thanks Shauna for telling me about this great idea!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Going Private

I've gone back and forth about this decision ever since I started my blog. I'm not doing that great of a job keeping it up to begin with and it really is mainly to journal about my family. Sooooo, if there is anyone out there that likes to check us out every once in awhile please give me your email address. My comments are moderated so it will not post. I will be going private Sunday August 16th.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

1st day of School

I can't even believe summer is over and a new school year is upon us. I have 3 kids at school all day and 1 preschooler gone 3 days a week for a couple hours each day. I get to hang out with just Carson and remember what it was like to have just on child. So glad I have all 5 of my kiddos, but kind of a nice break. I love it when my kids come home from school and we have missed eachother. They all have great teachers this year and are doing great!
Here's to another great school year!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Inara Michelle Schade July 16, 2009- July 18, 2009

At 5:27PM on July 16, 2009, our family was blessed with the birth of our daughter Inara Michelle Schade. At 9:32 PM on July 18, 2009, she returned to her Heavenly Father. She died of congenital heart disease, but not before blessing those around her. She was an inspiration to her family, and we will always remember her. Thank you for coming into our lives, Inara. We will always love you.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Beautiful Niece...

Inara Michelle Schade, "Heaven Sent Ray of Light", born 5:27pm on July 16, 2009. She graced us with her beautiful and strong spirit as it was her time to gain a body and to be part of our eternal family. She returned home to her Heavenly Father, to continue her most important work in Heaven, at 9:32pm on July 18, 2009. Thank you, Inara, for all the gifts you have given, and continue to give!! FOREVER LOVE!!!!

My sister, Sharon, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last week. Baby number 6! She was seemingly a healthy little peanut weighing a whopping 5lbs. 6oz.

About 15 hours later it became very apparent that something was terribly wrong. Sweet little Inara was born with a heart defect. On both sides of her heart her valves were malformed. They were not able to effectively get blood through her body the way it should. Her liver and kidneys were quickly shutting down. She was Life Flighted from Sierra Vista to Tucson Medical Center then to Phoenix Children's hospital.

There family members came to meet her and say their goodbyes...for now. The condition of her heart was inoperable. Her kidneys and liver were not functioning at a high enough level for her to be a canidate for a heart transplant. She would never survive such a surgery unless they improved. Her organs were shutting down and not recovering.

It was confirmed to my sister and her husband and to the rest of us that Inara was not meant to stay on this earth long. She was given a beautiful name and blessing and was given permission by her father to be released back to our Heavenly Father.

When it came time to take her off the ventilator and the medications that were keeping her body alive, she lived for about 30 minutes before she slipped away. Her mother held her until she was gone then gave us all the opportunity to hold her.

When my sister was driving one day, the name Inara Michelle popped into her head. She wasn't even thinking about baby names. In fact she felt that she was having a boy. She never found out what she was having with any of her babies. It was 2 days after she was born that a friend told them that they googled her name to see what it meant. "Ray of light" or " Heaven sent". Truly an inspired name.

We look forward to the day we are all reunited with Inara. We will strive to do our best so that we may be where she is after this life. We love you Inara! You are such a wonderful gift to all your family.

Friday, July 17, 2009

School of Rock

Every summer 'That's Entertainment' gives kids a chance to learn and grow and develop their talents. My girls love to sing and dance and perform! They did such a great job!! Taylor even had a solo and did GREAT!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Let freedom ring!!

I know I had already been away from my family for 2 weeks and I really really missed them, but I think the toll finally caught up with me. When Chris said we were going camping over the 4th of July weekend I felt completely overwhelmed and exausted just thinking about it. I begged him to just let me stay home with Carson and enjoy peace and quiet and get caught up on some MUCH needed sleep. After reluctantly agreeing {he loves me and doesn't like missing me :)} He left with our other kiddos and went camping with his parents.
Let me just tell you something....
I really needed that break at home.
To top it off-- it RAINED!
Carson was down for a nap and it started to sprinkle so I went outside to enjoy the sweet July cool down. The more I jumped the harder it rained.
I don't think I have ever jumped so high...or sung so loud without any music. It was just the break I needed.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

11 years!

December 2007

The past 11 years have been the best years of my life! We are a perfect match. We take celebrating our anniversary very very seriously.

Our Day:

Get a sitter

Lunch at Rubio's (yummy!)

The Proposal (hilarious!)

Hobby Lobby ($53 later)

Home (spend time with the kids)

Drop kids off (Thanks Grandma and Grandpa)

Dinner at El Taco Tote (yummers!)

Dairy Queen (Reese's blizzard with lots of extra Reese's)

Watch Taken in the comfort of our own home (oooh! it was good!)

pick up kids

It was the perfect way to celebrate our 11th anniversary!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Chris~ finally!!

Chris felt like he hadn't really had a birthday this year because of checking in to the hospital pretty much at the stroke of midnight on his special day. After finally getting out of the hospital I would hear comments here and there about how he didn't even get a "real" birthday this year. I decided that he needed an "official" birthday celebration so I declared June 25th as his birthday for 2009. He received phone calls, texts, and the whole shebang.
He said it really felt like his birthday and he felt much better after feeling like he had finally turned 33. If I were him I think I wouldn't have complained about not getting a year older!
But whatever...Hahaha!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I hate to brag...

..but Chris and I sure make cute children!
This is NOT an announcement, BUT don't be surprised if one day we announce that we are having another adorable kid.
One more would be perfect.

Sunday, June 21, 2009



Sunday, June 14, 2009

together again

These two really missed eachother while Carson was in the hospital.
Everyone was so happy to have us all home and together again.
Going to church for the first time after being away for a couple weeks was quite the reunion as well. Our ward family had been praying for Carson and our family and I think everyone was really happy to see him and his cuteness.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

swimming after a long hospital stay...

So happy to be free from iv's, picc line, machines beeping, hospital beds, nurses coming in all night, hospital walls and boring tv.
Although we are very grateful for the wonderful doctors, nurses, visitors and great care we recieved!!
Feels wonderful to feel the sun on our skin again and be together as a family again.

Hmmm...this is a curious picture.

We're HOME!

No more of this:
(sitting in the hospital with a sick baby)

And now a whole lot of this:

(look at those fangs!)

We got home on Thursday night! It feels amazing to be back home with my family! I missed all of them SO much! I missed my friends, garden, kitchen, laundry, bathroom, bed, running kids around,


Carson is happy and healthy. We have quite a few follow-ups to attend this summer, but nothing we can't handle.

Thank you all for your prayers and love! We feel that so many of our prayers have been answered and we are so very blessed!

Monday, June 8, 2009


When you are stuck in the hospital for 14 days it's important to have several forms of entertainment.

UPDATE: Carson's iron levels are pretty low. Normal is about an 11 and his is at 6.2. He is starting iron supplements today and hopefully his levels start going up in 3 days. Thursday is still looking good for going home. As long as no fevers return and they see his iron levels going up. So you know what to pray for. Keep the prayers coming! Thank you all for your prayers, love and concern!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

No fevers!

Carson has not had a fever since early yesterday morning!!
He had his try at some applesauce with rice cereal mixed in and did pretty well until he burped then some came up. So a small vomit.
His iron is pretty low right now, but nothing that can't be helped with some supplements. He has also lost a pound. I'm sure as soon as his body is back to normal all that will come back and level out right where it should be.

Last night Chris and I got to sneak away for about an hour to get a bite to eat together. Grandma stayed with Carson and snuggled him and he slept almost the whole time. It felt so nice to feel the outside air. Especially since it was 6:30pm. We ate at Pei Wei's and then got Dairy Queen. My blizzard was so crappy! I ordered a small Reese's peanut butter cup and there was hardly any candy in it! Very disappointing for sure. I ended up getting a horrible stomachache and felt nauseous for a couple hours. It sucked, but glad I got to get out for a short time.

We are sitting here in our room listening to some sort of drill going on out in the hall. Or at least I think it is a drill.
The other day from our window we saw a fire right off the freeway. We missed the crash, but saw the aftermath. It looked like a van lost control and took out some signs and was majorly on fire! We saw an ambulance, firetruck and police rush to the scene. Hopefully those involved made it out ok.

Today Chris is bringing the kids to visit!!! I am SO excited! I haven't seen my kiddos since last Friday! I've never been away from them that long. Talking on the phone and seeing pictures of them via text is just not good enough! I am SO homesick it hurts sometimes. Especially at night. I think we just might have to throw a little party when we get home! Which by the way, is looking like Thursday June 11th. Hopefully everything continues on the up and we don't have to stay any longer than that. I just want to be home with my family and doing all the "mom" things I use to do.

JUST IN!!! Carson doesn't have to be hooked up to IV fluids anymore! Only when it's time for his antibiotics! Last lab blood culture looked good! He's a free man! Well in that aspect any way!!!! I feel like having a party just for that!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Turning point

Today has been an awesome turn around day for Carson! He was crawling all over, went to a sitting position on his own AND pulled himself to standing a couple of times! He is a little shaky, but you can tell he is getting stronger. We are so happy that he is FINALLY showing signs of winning the battle! The days seem to be getting better and better. The night time still seems to be a little rough with a fever and some vomiting. Hopefully that will change real soon.

catching up on updates

Tuesday night: Carson had a fever and vomited a few times. Didn't end up being a restful night like we had hoped. Wednesday morning we made up for it and slept the morning away.

Wednesday: By now for how long he has been on antibiotics the fevers should have subsided. They keep coming back and then he starts vomiting. So today was a day of laying off the Tylenol to see what his fever does. If it reached 102.9 again which was Wednesday early mornings high, then they would be doing an MRI and an eco to see if there is any fluid around the brain or heart. Thankfully his fevers have not reached that high. They seem to be on a slowing down trend.
Last night he got a burst of energy and started to crawl around and even tried to lift himself to standing. He didn't get up off his knees, but he sure was trying.

Thursday: We had a decent night. Around 4am he woke up and vomited. I got him all cleaned up and we laid down and he seemed uncomfortable then he finally pooped. What a mess that was. We got some good sleep after that though!

Right now: He keeps getting a low grade fever and uncomfortable and crabby. After getting some Tylenol he calmed down and is now sleeping peacefully. Yay! Maybe I can finally eat something!

I think the threats of more tests is working. It's time to keep getting better and stronger! Let's hope that's the trend he continues to follow.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

bedtime update

Chatting with his big sis, Taylor
Today has been a pretty good day. Although Carson's fevers keep coming back and he is struggling to keep any food down he still manages to show us he is getting better. He is getting pretty dang good at getting control of his neck and head. He can even sit for a short time with a little help. Though a little wobbly he showed off his muscles when Ben and Kim came to visit this evening and got up on his hands and knees for a minute!
Hopefully we both get some good sleep tonight. No nurses coming in from 11pm to 6am! WhooHoo! Pray there won't be any uncomfortable fever or vomiting.

good and bad

Carson's 2nd CT scan looks really good. No fluid build up and pressure. He was playing with some toys and his toes and IV yesterday. He seemed to be feeling a lot better.
Later though, his fever came back. It keeps coming back. This morning at 4 he started vomiting. They are pretty sure it is just from the illness and not stemming from his brain. Thank goodness. Hopefully he will get past this stage and stay out of it very soon.

At 3:30pm yesterday Carson was finally taken back to get his PICC line. It was scheduled for 2:30pm and he had been fasting since 4am. That extra hour was torture. While they were giving him his PICC he got a hearing test done. I imagined myself reporting that all is well.
All is not well.
I was taken into a tiny room and sat down and told that Carson has mild hearing loss in his left ear and severe hearing loss in his right ear.
I was not expecting that. I knew it was a possibility, but I didn't believe it would actually happen. I feel like I should be waking up any second and breathing a sigh of relief that this was all just a very bad dream. Oh how I wish it were.
Chris wasn't here yet when I was given the news. I held onto it for about 2 hours before I actually was able to utter the words. I also didn't want to tell him over the phone.

Today at 4:30pm we meet with the Dr. about Carson's new hearing condition.
I was emotional and in shock when I was given this news that truly blind-sided me. Now I just feel numb. I keep picturing him growing up and all the challenges he may face. I don't like it.
I never thought that we would actually be going through anything like this. Sure there is worse out there. Sure it could have been MUCH worse. Still could. But not ME. Not MY baby.
But yet, here we are.
Sounds selfish I know.
Sorry, I wasn't done when publish post accidentally got hit.
Just want you to know I am not full of complete sorrow.
I know that as we exercise faith that all things are possible through our Father in Heaven. I know that the trials that we are given are meant for our benefit. It is our opportunity to grow and exercise our faith in fasting and prayer. We will get through this and all will be well.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Carson was given Zofran last night around 11pm. It kicked right in and he was able to keep his food down. Besides all the interruptions he slept decent. He hasn't had any food or drink since 4am. He will be getting a PICC line and a hearing test done at 2:30pm today. He's a little cranky because he is hungry, but he has to be put under for the procedures so nothing for him for now.

He got some toys to play with and is thoroughly enjoying them. It's so great to see him act like a normal happy baby! I can't wait until he has the strength to sit up, crawl and even hold his head up by himself for longer periods of time.

Thanks so much for all your prayers! Please keep them coming!

Sunday, May 31, 2009


We are once again in the hospital with our sweet little Carson. This time it is Spinal Meningitis.
On Monday morning he woke up with a high fever and started throwing up. Preston also woke up sick with the barfs and diarrhea. On Tuesday I came down with it.
By Wednesday he stopped throwing up and his fever went away. We thought Carson's bout was just about over.
Wednesday evening his fever came back and he acted like he was in pain.
Thursday he was becoming more and more lethargic. Thursday evening I noticed Carson had strange breathing happening as he slept. Three quick breaths, pause, three quick breaths, pause. I woke him up and he stopped the scary pattern.
We headed to Phoenix Children's Urgent Care. He was hooked up to IV fluids and highly suspected meningitis. He was given antibiotics and off in an ambulance we went.
When we arrived at Phoenix Children's Hospital at 12:00am on Friday morning. Which happens to be Chris' birthday. He was given a spinal tap and results confirmed Bacterial Meningitis.
So here we are. He will be in the hospital for 10 to 14 days.
As of right now, he is not keeping much down and his fever keeps coming back. He will be getting another CT scan to check for any fluid on the brain.
We are hoping and praying he will recover quickly and fully. Some of the side effects of meningitis are possible hearing loss and brain damage. Please keep him in your prayers.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The big 3-0

Turning 30 wasn't so bad. Especially since I have amazing friends and family that love me!! I had my first surprise birthday party ever! And boy was I surprised!!! I had no idea and let's just sayd that when I walked in to Kim's house and saw everyone I almost cried from shock! I really couldn't believe it. Thank you Chris and Kim for planning this and thank you everyone else for coming and hanging out with me! I feel so blessed to have such amazing people surrounding me!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Just what I wanted.

Mother's Day was so great this year!

I told Chris all I wanted was a nice happy day.

I woke up to breakfast in bed, the kids gave me all their wonderful cards and crafts they made in school, church was wonderful {minus a few minutes of some seriously bad attitude from Ellie right when we walked into sacrament...late}, Chris made dinner, we visited family and I got a love note on my pillow before I went to bed.

A wonderful day indeed.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

One of our FAVORITE places to visit

Grandpa and Grandma P. are such wonderful Grandparents!! Chris really is tremendously blessed to have such amazing relatives in his family. I scored big time when I won Chris' heart. We love going over for a visit and feel so much love from them and for them. We know they won't always be around so we try and visit often and savor their sweet spirits.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Father & Sons Campout

Another father/son campout...they had a blast as usual!!