When we moved to Lehi in 2018 we moved into a neighborhood with some DEEP rooted culture. I remember when my husband called and spoke to Bishop Lewis he said, "You are moving into the best ward and neighborhood in Lehi!" While I'm sure he has a biased opinion, because he has never lived anywhere else in his life, he wasn't wrong to some degree.
Part of that culture was built upon a logo. A logo that had meaning to many, a logo that would BECOME a part of everyone's household. This particular logo was a mountain with a flag at the top of its peak. The Become mountain belongs to the Lewis family and is where they raise their cattle. Hiking the summit of the mountain has been a family tradition for the Lewis' for many years. Unfortunately, there is no trail and it is steep and rocky which makes it a difficult trek.
Every June, the Westfield 1st ward chooses a day and sets their alarm for 3:30 am to meet in the church parking lot to caravan to the Become Mountian. The early summer morning brings grumpy kids and tired parents but the excitement and comradery is something undeniable. The 30 min drive is quiet but the spirit is strong as the leaders begin to recount what the trek strives to embed in them.
The word become can be defined as "begin to be" or "to undergo change or development." Climbing a mountain can often be described as something that is difficult and challenging because of all the obstacles, preparation, and endurance it takes to get to the top. This is how it is while trying to become like our Savior, Jesus Christ. At times it may seem like a daunting task, especially when you're at the bottom looking up! As you stick to the course or the trail, you gradually go up and up and up. Together, in the Westfield 1st ward, we are striving to BECOME like our Savior.
My son Ryan was feeling particularly excited for this hike and decided to have the BECOME logo shaved onto the side of his head. Our ward also has a BECOME truck(the priests fixed it up and is now available for anyone to use for free) a BECOME garden(community garden) and all the BECOME apparel you could imagine. Although it may seem overkill to some, to us, it is a constant reminder of who we are striving to BECOME like-our Savior, Jesus Christ.