Sunday, May 20, 2012

Round 2

Well if you haven't heard already......
I guess it is time to add another little Johns to the family...  I never thought that I would be able to say that we got a surprise baby with how long it took us to get Noah.  But apparently I was wrong!  One thing  I am happy to be wrong about.  With Noah there was lots of trying, waiting, fertility medicine, more waiting, different drug, then pregnant.  With this little one....  I thought I was due have had a period (but it is hard to know when you have fairly irregular periods) so I took a pregnancy test.  NEGATIVE... So i carried on thinking Mrs flow would show up any time.  Well she didn't and another week passed..  Took another test while Chris was out getting some donuts the morning of March 5th.  Watched as it slowly processed... two lines... wait what??  Holy Crap.  I was so excited but sooo shocked.  We had planned on starting to try in April or May but I guess there was other plans. .  This doesn't just happen to someone like me.  It happens to super fertile people that don't have PCOS.  I hid the test because I had decided long before that the next time I was pregnant I wanted to tell Chris a fun way instead of just "throwing my pee stick at him" like I did the last time. So I acted like nothing was different when he was home.  Even though I could hardly eat any of the donuts he had just brought home cause i felt like my stomach was fluttering.  So later that day I bought some digital tests.  I wanted to be 100% sure if I was going to make a big deal about it.  And sure enough there was PREGNANT starring right back at me.  So during Noahs nap I hollowed out an egg and let it dry, then rolled up the little note and shoved it inside.  The next morning was Chris's day off and I told him that he should mix up some scrambled eggs while i made the pancakes.  So he got the eggs out and the first one he picked up was the hollow one.  He told me that it was a bad egg and was about to throw it away.  I acted like there was no such thing as a empty egg and that he must be crazy.  So to show me what it looks like inside he decided to oped it up.  And then found this:
His reaction was perfect.  Chris definitely was not expecting this :) The best part was that we were actually going to get baby chicks that day to start raising so that we can have our own eggs in the fall...  So for a second he thought that I was just so excited to have baby chicks that I had made this big deal out of it.  Then suddenly it clicked.  That we are going to have another baby!!
        Our first appt was March 26th(7 1/2 weeks along).  Longest 3 week wait ever!  But it was well worth waiting for...  We got to see our little bean and hear the heart beat.  Noah was so good at the appointment and it really was so fun to get to see our doctor and his nurse again.  We talked about what the plan of attack would be this time around and it certainly gave me a lot more confidence.  Stitch goes in at 13 weeks and hopefully with it being a preventative one, things should go much smoother.

      We decided to wait a while before telling our families.  I thought Easter would be the perfect time to announce but after our appointment it was clear that Chris couldn't wait that long. :)  So we decided to go for April fools day instead.  Because it was conference Sunday we were able to go to my family for breakfast and then to Chris's family for dinner.  Both sides are very excited and it was a huge relief for me to finally be able to be in the open about it.  Especially since the wonderful morning sickness was starting to kick in full swing!

     I have really felt pretty dang good.. At least compared to my last pregnancy, no ovarian cysts this time.  It is nice to have a while to feel like a "normal" pregnant person.  The sickness started to kick in right at 8 weeks (just like while i was pregnant with Noah) And is still here......  But I haven't puked as many times as i did with him.  Felt crampy for the first few weeks but that seems to have settled down.  My belly definitely remembers how to look pregnant because by 8-9 weeks I already was growing a little bump... We can't believe that we have been so blessed.  We just hope and pray that this little one will make it here to us safely and continue to grow strong!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Snow Suit Man

Finally! Snow! I bought Noah a snow suit forever ago being so excited that he would maybe like to play in the snow this year. And then it hasn't snowed hardly at ALL! So when I woke up this morning I hurried and got him all bundled up and took him out because i was worried it would melt if i waited. I wasn't going to miss it...

(I just love this picture above because you can see his cute little teeth up top.)

He wasn't super impressed with touching it with his hand... Probably way to cold. The only reason he did touch it was because he fell down and was trying to stand back up. He touched the snow a couple of times and then gave me my cue(eh?) to help him stand up.

No touching with his hand but he LOVED walking on it. He would step, it would crunch a little, and he would smile. We walked all over the yard and then called it good cause his little cheeks were looking cold.

I love watching Noahs reactions to new things(he probably doesn't remember last year)... I really hope that we don't have to wait to long to have another snow. And I would really like to get to make a snowman this year at some point. Here is to hoping for a more snowy winter!

Monday, August 1, 2011

quick photo shoot

If you haven't noticed yet I take WAY to many pictures of this little guy. And the sad thing is that most of them don't even make it on the blog. I decided one day to take Noah out on our patio to get a picture to put on his birthday announcement. Holy cow, way more difficult that I had anticipated. I realized pretty much as soon as i started that i was going to have to be fast, cause he was off and away before I could get back far enough to take the picture! I took some then decided to wait an hour or so till Chris could come help me. Anyways. I looked back at some and decided i was happy with them so we called it quits. Later that night while Chris was making the announcements he went back and found a totally different picture that he liked better... And I did too....

So all of this cuteness for nothing. But I figure it is blog worthy just because I like him so very much...

Taking a break inside. So weird how my windows seem to get dirty...

When things really have to get done...

The day before Noah's birthday I was rushing to get things done. I had so many things to get done that even his 3 hour nap just didn't give me enough time. I had his cake and 50 + cupcakes to make. Noah really is an easy going kid. He will just follow me around as I do things around the house. My little crawling shadow staying right with me from room to room and "helping" with everything he can reach. I really do love it, it keeps our day fun. Well in the kitchen we have his jump-er-roo. He LOVES his jumperoo. The problem is that he only wants to stay in it and jump for a while, then gets mad because he is stuck in there. He would much rather pull himself up next to it and play with the toys and push it around. Well as most of you probably know, that is not a very sturdy thing to be using as a support. Noah doesn't mind :) He actually enjoys swaying it back and forth. It gives me a heart attack. Well this is what was happening while i was trying to get things done and I didn't have time to stand there next to him to make sure he didn't face plant it on our tile. I had visions of Noah on his first birthday with a big black bruise on his face. Finally I got smart, took it off the part it hangs from, and set it on the floor.... Problem solved! Noah was happy crawling back and forth to the toys and then back to the cabinet doors to open and close them. And I was free to not have to worry about him falling. I got a lot done while this went on. I suddenly noticed that he wasn't crawling around anymore, looked over and saw him all comfy in the seat. What a cute boy. I love that he is happy to play on his own sometimes. Especially on days like today :)
Also sorry he only has shorts on... I believe his shirt got dirty during lunch time.... And yes apparently i was to lazy to put on a new one.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Hello warm weather... Seriously, I am in love. With this baby that is. Look at that face, I can't help but smile when i see this little man. I sun screened this white boy up and stuck a hat on and went to the park for the 2nd time ever this last week. Noah loved the swing and I really think if Iwould have kept him in there for much longer he would have fallen asleep. I am aware that his sunglasses are a bit large on him. But they stay on and he leaves them on. I think he has it figured out that he can see a lot better with them on.
P.S. look at those cute pudgy legs hanging out... sigh... love them..

Here is a picture from today... Chris and Noah looked all matchy so I needed to take a picture. What handsome boys I have in my life! I feel so blessed to get to spend everyday with them.
I really need to get with it with my blogging... Or something to fill my time after Noah goes to bed. Chris has just started school again! We are both excited to have him going back and feel like it is the right thing. This time he is getting a bachelors in Computer Science. Chris said that he "just can't hide the computer nerd inside him any longer" :) he he and I agree, he has always been really good with anything technology related. So far he has really liked the classes so he at least is enjoying his homework as much as possible. It of course is a bummer cause it takes some time away from Noah and I but it is a good thing. And what is another 2 years of school if it helps him get into a career that he likes. So if anyone has some suggestions on how to fill my time let me know.. I am up for pretty much anything... (lets me honest though, I should be spending the time working out or something.... maybe.... hopefully.... I will...)

Noah wouldn't look at the camera so Chris decided to look around too to make it look like it was on purpose... funny boys :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011


First off.... Sorry there is a lot of pictures... I mean A LOT.
Easter Morning started off with this happy little boy. He had a little bit of a cold but he was still so happy the whole day!
I know Noah had no idea that today was going to be any different than any other day but I was so excited! So I let him play with and then open an easter egg while he had his diaper changed and then off we went to find his easter basket. I made his easter basket this last month. Growing up I always had the same easter basket that my mom had made me. Well I decided that I wanted to make Noah one that was similar to mine. It took me a while but I got it done! I love how it turned out and hopefully it will be as durable as mine was. :) Thanks to my mom for remembering how to make them and helping me!
Here he is checking out the goods.... He looked it over pretty good first. Then didn't take long to start getting everything out. Soon all of the toys were out and he was moving on to removing all of the grass. I think the easter grass was almost as cool as the toys!
Here Noah is all cleaned up in his church easter outfit and basket put back together. What a handsome little guy. This year in his basket he had baby Eisenstein movie and book, bath toys, little people eggs, and gerber snacks.

After church we of course had to take a family picture before we got out of our Sunday clothes. So here we are! Noah was being so cute. I am glad we got some good pictures of everyone smiling!

Then of course Noah not only was spoiled at our house. We first went to spend a little time at Chris's families house then with mine. So of course he got a lot of fun stuff just for him at both places. Here he is at Grandma and Gpa Johns: lots of puffs, dino, and balls.
Then at Nana's and Grandpa Dayley: my mom made this so cute and soft blanket, Easter book, and chick..

I had to throw this picture in cause this was the second outfit Noah had on after lunch.. Cause the other one got a bit dirty. And we thought it looked springy...
We hope everyone had an awesome Easter! It was so fun having Noah this year. He was so fun even though he probably thought we were crazy doing all this stuff in one day!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Tonight I came across a blog of a family that had recently lost their baby because the mother had Incompetent Cervix. Why did I read it.... I don't know, but I did.

Tonight my heart is aching for a girl i don't even know. Her story brought back way to many memories of my own experience with getting Noah here. Mainly the day that I had my big target ultrasound and they found my cervix so short. The instant they told me my cervix measurement my heart hurt. And the aching just seemed to get worse during the next few days. Which is why thinking about it still brings me to tears. As I sit here watching Noah sleep on the monitor I can't help but think of what a close call I had. On their blog she said that after loosing her little girl she couldn't help but let the what ifs consume her. I often think of so many what ifs for me... (even though I can't compare to her since I have my baby here with me)

-What if I hadn't had a ultra-sound appointment that day... What if it was a week later, heck 2 days later could have led to a disaster.
-What if I didn't know that I was having contractions, they didn't hurt-just a tight feeling. But with a cervix as short as mine was no contractions are safe ones.
-What if I didn't have a sister that had already been through the EXACT same thing. She pretty much paved the way for Noah. Having her already gone through this same thing gave me a lot of information and she was the reason I ended up going into the hospital when I thought I was possibly having contractions.
-What if I didn't have an awesome doctor who didn't even flinch at the idea of putting in a cerclage. He was so sure that he could do it and that it was the right thing to do. I didn't have any doubts that it was the right thing.
-What if I didn't have Chris there to support me. What if I didn't have a husband that knew just what I needed to hear and the right way to comfort me...
-What if my stitch didn't hold like so many that I read about while laying around on bed rest.
-What if I didn't have my mom and family so close to help me and get me through my rough times.
-What if I didn't have amazing friends that brought me meals over and over again. They brought so much support and love through their service.

I know thinking about them is a waste of time... Cause they are just
what ifs. But they still cross my mind. Looking at all of the things that happened in getting Noah here safely I don't know how anybody could say that there wasn't someone up higher than we are looking out for him. I know for a fact that all of these things didn't just "happen to work out that way". They were meant to. And I realize I am truly blessed for it.

Then I start to think, why was I lucky enough to be so blessed. I haven't done anything special. I love the gospel, I love the church. I have a testimony(which grew stronger than I could have ever imagined through all this) but so do so many that loose their loved ones. Like my sister. She is AMAZING. Honestly I would think of her being a stronger/better person than I am. In the church and just in life in general. Yet she had to go through the pain of losing her sweet twins. My niece and my nephew. At this point I have to just stop thinking... Because nobody should
have to bury their own child like my sister did. It was hard enough watching her loose them. Then while laying down on bed rest that was all that filled my mind. The fear of having to bury my own little baby. But God had his plan. Thankfully it was to get Noah here safely. I guess that comes with having a testimony- Having faith that the things that happen, happen for a reason. That it is all gods will.
Where there is faith there is love.
Where there is love there is peace.
Where there is peace there is God.
Where there is God there is no need....

I don't know what really got me going tonight. Hearing of people that have had the same problem as me, and had a totally different out come just makes my heart hurt. No more looking at blogs for me tonight. My mind has already gone a little crazy. Sorry to ramble on... Those are just my thoughts for the night.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

6 months

(above: Noah with Bow the Monkey)
Back in January Noah turned 6 months.... Where did time go? Seriously I feel like if I blink this baby is learning something new without me! Noah is such an easy going baby. I am so lucky. I guess with having such a wild pregnancy Heavenly Father knew that I needed something to make me want more kids.. :) I feel so blessed to be home with Noah all day every day. I can't imagine leaving him. I don't think that there is any way to describe how much he means to me but I am sure that other moms can relate. We got Noah's 6 month pictures done by a friend of mine from back in high school(thanks Sierra...). And they turned out so cute. But lets be honest I pretty much think that anything with my Noah in it is pretty darn cute. :)

Noah is so good at sitting by himself. It really is nice to be able to have him sit up and play with toys. Makes me feel like i have time to get some stuff done and not be trying to entertain him for a while. Lets be honest though.... That doesn't happen to often cause playing with him is way more fun than house work :)
It is so fun to watch Noah grow and learn so many new things. He loves peek-a-boo and giggles so hard when you jump up and down with him. He also is very ticklish... I love tickling him. So much more fun when you aren't the one being tickled.
Every once in a while I start to feel a little bitter sweet that time seems to be going to fast. Even though I get so excited about every mile stone and all the new thing that he does, I can't help but start to feel a little bitter sweet at how fast life is flying. I do try to live in the moment and enjoy him now... And surprisingly i feel like I do pretty well at that. I love being a Mom. I always thought of this being my dream job and it being what i wanted to be when "I grow up". And now that it is here I have to say that it is better than I could have ever imagined.
Sorry for my sappy post. This boy certainly has me wrapped around his cute pudgy finger :) I have about 100 posts that I have started and need to be finished... I think I can feel a second wind of blogging coming on for me. Bring on the catching up posts! :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Mornings... A little pajama man

I am completely a sucker for this little man in his pjs... Who doesn't love a snugly bug in pajamas... I absolutely love waking up in the morning to hearing his silly little self talking and laughing to himself in his bed. I can't think of anything that would make my mornings any better! Every morning after he plays a while in his bed I pick him up and we have a good talk my bed. He tells me all sorts of good stories and pretty much laughs at everything. We laugh and giggle and I get some snuggles before it is time to get ready for the day. I LOVE IT...
Here is a few pictures from a couple of mornings...

This is what Noah now does every time I put him on his stomach... He isn't interested in trying to roll over, he just wants to be superman!

Notice his toes in this picture. He is constantly grabbing his foot with his other foot. I think it is so cute.