Saturday, February 13, 2010

Millie's First Birthday Party

We invited Millie's closest friends to celebrate her big day with us. Is it weird that they are all many years older than she is? Regardless, we had a great day, and we didn't even have to sing "it's my party and I'll cry if I want to..." She was great!

I'm One Year Old!

Millie has reached one of those big milestones in her life that she'll never remember. Hooray! She was a peach on her big day. Some highlights of her life right now are...She has 6 teeth - 3 on top and 3 on bottom. She says "oh," "hi," and "baby." And, she took her first real steps today. Yippee!

Some other cute pics from the last month...

She fell asleep this way, but she woke up before I could get an aerial view!

Awesome bedhead after nap!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I'm 11 Months Old!

Millie's monthly posts will shortly end, since she will be a one year old in a few short weeks. But, until then, I will continue to document her accomplishments. This month she learned how to drink out of a straw, give 5, and climb down stairs. She learned all three of those in practically one day while we were in Provo. Anyway, she is definitely starting to develop a mind of her own and has proven that she can be as stubborn as her father (and mother). She is still on the verge of walking, but she is too timid to try it on her own. I wonder who she gets that from...

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Christmas with the Roberts

I am finally getting around to blogging about Christmas. We spent 2 weeks in Provo with the Roberts fam, which was great fun. We ate lots of great food, had lots of great family time, and spent lots of money! We kept talking about how much $ we were saving by driving instead of flying, but I think we spent the difference and more. Oh, well. The drive went pretty well, considering we had a 10 month old in the car for 9 hours and 7 hours each day, each way. She didn't cry at all on the way out - only some frustrated squealing. But, she cried for about an hour on the way home. I will definitely need some time to forget how long the drive was before I commit to doing it again. Because of all the stuff in our car and how long we were gone, it seriously felt like we were moving. But, we have been settled back at home for 2 weeks, and it is nice to be back.