Sunday, April 23, 2006


Here is our Easter Picture!! Can you believe that those flowers grew in my garden??? Actually I am quite impressed with my Garden Recently, Chris is shocked and amazed, but I appreciate his bragging about our Garden!! Hope everyone has a great EASTER!! Posted by Picasa


So we all decided to have EASTER 2006 at our house. It was so much fun we had ham, funeral potatoes, green bean casserole and all.  Posted by Picasa


Although Natural Bridge was extremely exciting. Nothing can top the Beauty and Splendor of FOAMHENGE!!! You know, I am really not suprised to see this after being an appalachian american for almost a year now. Posted by Picasa

Waterfalls and Natural Bridge

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The Indian Village at Natural Bridge

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Natural Bridge

We headed out to Natural Bridge for an Easter Weekend, it was amazing. It is one of the 7th Natural Wonders of the New World, only 2 more wonders to go! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Last week we went to Utah to visit our family. No one knew except our parents. It was my two cousins birthday's right before and so we had a "birthday party" for them, and inside their huge present was me!! They just stood there and were completely shocked for a bit and then super excited! It was such a fun trip, here are some of our pics Posted by Picasa

Me and Mom

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The soccer game trauma!

We went to Corey's indoor soccer game, which he played great at!! Well there was this one girl on his team who really sucked. Well we laughed whenever we got the ball, and Chris would yell don't pass it to her, she's horrible! Well we weren't too worried about people hearing around us because there was just us and one other person, and he wasn't yelling loud enough for people in the field to hear. Well after the game the girl came up and sat by her dad, the man that was sitting right next to us. So we all learned a valuable lesson that day, don't make fun of people who are crappy at soccer!! Posted by Picasa

Casey, Carol and Corey

Here we are at dinner!! By the Way Corey got his mission call to Cleveland Ohio Spanish Speaking mission! Yeah Corey. the other Cool this is that his best friend left last week for that same mission. What are the chances!! Posted by Picasa

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Everyone was in Utah this week!!

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The Rock

So we were minature golfing and Chris's mom suddenly fell (almost into the little stream.) Well the culprit was a rock that got stuck in her shoe that made her lose her balance!! Posted by Picasa

Out for Pizza, very normal!!

Our last night the fam went for Pizza and a movie, but I got really sick right before the movie, so we rented one instead!! Posted by Picasa

Take this KK

So Time after time I kept trying to take a picture and Kierstyn kept holding her hands up of putting her face in the way. Ha Ha, now Kiersty has this lovely picture on the blog!! Posted by Picasa


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Amer and Me!!

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Like Father Like Son

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Our Washintgton DC trip.

So a few weeks ago we went to Washington DC for the weekend. It was a blast, we rollerbladed all over. We went to the spy museum, and Ford's Theater. At the end of the trip we decided to have a relaxing day at the zoo. We saw some really neat animals at the zoo - let's see, there were some squirells, some robins, fly's, occasionally a chipmunk, some fish in a pond.... Well at the end of all that excitement we did see some sea lions and seals. For some reason all the animals were not out. We did see for reals a giraffe and some cheetas sleeping in the distance, as for the new baby panda, we saw live action on a tv screen, but we did not see him up close. oh well maybe next time!! Posted by Picasa

Medic and a soldier

This is at the American History Museum and was a vietnam memorial of a medic with a soldier. Posted by Picasa

Ford's Theater

This is outside Ford's Theater Where Abraham Lincoln was shot.  Posted by Picasa

Chris got Attacked!

This happened in DC Posted by Picasa

Washington DC temple

Here we are at the DC temple, it was Beautiful. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Here is the picture from our enrichment activity. Don't we look like general relief society presidents! Posted by Picasa