Working is fun........ only if you meet nice employer, nice colleague, nice environment and sometimes nice agent.
Being busy working for the past Raya holidays. FYI, not switch.
An eyewear roadshow in Queensbay. Met those girls again. hehe. Many familiar faces as we worked together on the same event held in Gurney. It was a 5 days roadshow, so it is quite tiring, no shopping, no resting for the five days. =( But can earn money...wahahaha
Get to know many new friends, too bad zl can't join us. Xiaocyhi and cheehoe couldn't join us as well. I tell youuu, I grabbed so many free stuffs. hahhaha *I am so proud* On the last day, we went to supper at a nearby mamak store.
with all leng luiss
Couldn't get the group photo, don't know using which fellow camera. I gonna find more roadshow job... i need money!!!! I am out of MONEY!!!
Although I haven't receive the pay yet, but I think I've spent all the-five-days-salary!! in 2 weeks time!