We had a fun Halloween together. We had several parties, lots of fun and gobs of candy!
My mom always hosts a fun family party. This is probably the one time we actually get a picture of all the kids together! It's fun to see how they've grown. Thanks mom for putting on a great party as always...loved the games and prizes (no matter how much we tease you, we really do love it!)
My mom always hosts a fun family party. This is probably the one time we actually get a picture of all the kids together! It's fun to see how they've grown. Thanks mom for putting on a great party as always...loved the games and prizes (no matter how much we tease you, we really do love it!)
Even grandpa got into the act. It's hard to tell in the picture but he came up with an awesome faux hawk for the event!
The Lane's in their Toy Story outfits...sooo cute guys!!
West Point City hosted a little carnival for the kiddos. It was PACKED but way fun! Look at these cute little "Belle's"
Kaedan and Cooper didn't know if they should dress up or not so at the last minute they decided they better and all they could come up with is these skirts and high heels. When Cooper put on my shoes (which fit perfectly by the way) I have to say, he really did have the legs for them!!
Cambrie and Hadlie in their 80's workout costumes. I just couldn't stop singing "Baby remember my name, Fame! I'm gonna live forever....." "Like, you girls look totally rad"