Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

We had another wonderful Christmas! We spent a lot of time as a family and enjoyed the Spirit of Christ's birth, lots of family time, great food and of course, were spoiled by a lot of great gifts!
Annual Christmas dinner with the Choi side at the Dragon Restaurant
Christmas Eve at the Warlaumont's. We love Grandma and Grandpa!
Cute cousins! They are all growing up so fast!
What a bunch of cute girls!

We did the Nativity in a puppet show. It was fun for all the kids to play a part and it was really nice to bring the true Spirit of Christmas. My cousin Brian and his family made the puppets and gave them to us a few years ago. They have been so great! It came with a script including music.

Do I even have to say anything about this picture?
In their new Christmas PJ's.
Conlie got an American Girl doll from Grandma and Grandpa. So fun!
Lookin' at the loot from Santa.
Really all Cannon needed was a couple of Cars and he was happy. Wonder why we got all the rest of the stuff??

The girls' dolls having a sleepover. Jen and I made sleeping bags for our girls for Christmas this year. We had a ton of fun doing it but for sure it was a trial and error process. Let's just say there was a lot of unpicking involved! The end result was cute though.
Dolls with their "Breakfast in Bed" set. I want an American Girl doll! They are sooo cute!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Gingerbread Cookies

We decorated Gingerbread cookies this year. It was so funny to see everyone make their personalized people. So here's what they are: Top Row - Chon (business casual), Chon (beachwear/six pack abs and pecs), Carrie (beachwear made by Cambrie). Bottom Row - Cooper (Green Lantern), Cambrie (festive), Conlie (festive), Cannon (Cars). So fun!

There's a hilarious story about this as well. When Chon was making his first cookie, he put a M&M sideways as the nose and it looked really funny because it was so big. I said "geez Chon, you are Chinese, not from Greece or Poland (no offense to Greek or Polish people." Quickly Cambrie replied.."Or, where are you from mom?" Really Cam, is my nose that big??

Friday, December 16, 2011

Winter Dance Recital

It's recital time again and the girls were gorgeous as ever! It was so fun watching them perform. Conlie is of course just adorable and so fun to watch. I love that age! And Cambrie is really turning into an amazing, and beautiful dancer!

This recital was especially fun because each dance was announced by one of the little dancers and Conlie was chosen to introduce one of them. She had to wear a nice Christmas dress and say "For My Christmas wish, I want Peace on Earth". She practiced all week and got it perfect! It was so cute!

Conlie all dressed up for her "speaking part"

Our beauties!
The cute little girls waiting for their turn.

Cambrie, 3rd from Right
Conlie - middle

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cannon's 2 Year Pictures

I wanted to post a few pics of Cannon at 2 years old. I just love that boy! We had to have his Lightning McQueen car in the photo shoot because that is his life!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Braces...Phase Two

Cooper got his top braces on for Phase Two. He did great and when we are all done with this he will be even more handsome! His bottom braces will come later. Don't be alarmed at the scary look on his face, it was just to show them off!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dad's Retirement Party

My dad is retiring after 48 YEARS at Case, Lowe, and Hart as a Mechanical Engineer. He is an amazing man and is truly the hardest worker I know. I learned early on how to work, and be honest, timely and accountable. As his boss stated, he gave so much to the company and helped keep it running even when times were tough. He has made lasting friendships and I know will be dearly missed by his co-workers. This will be a difficult adjustment as he has truly given his heart and soul to his work. However, I know he will find plenty to do. Dad, good luck! Enjoy your retirement and we love you!!!

They had a nice celebration in his honor. It was fun to hear about some of the accomplishments he has had as well as some funny moments.
Even though times have changed and everything is computerized, my dad still loves to use the old-fashioned drawing board.

Our proud family. I know my mom has been such a great support to him over all these years. Guess you two will have to find some fun hobbies!!!

The kids and grandkids had this blanket made. We know that my dad loves his family more than anything so that's why we got this for him, not that he ever sits down to relax, but who knows...

Dad with the current president of the Company, Kevin Lewis. Kevin has some really wonderful things to say about my dad! He also talked about things that were happening in 1964 when my dad started working there...the songs that were popular, movies and that my dad made 90 cents an hour!! Wow, times have changed.

Dad with one of the original owners, Bob Hart

I included this picture because this is one of the vivid memories I have as a kid going to my dads office. They had a little old office above a barber shop on Kiesel Ave. I remember going there to see my dad and remember all these shelves and shelves of binders. I haven't been to his office in years and I guess I was kind of surprised to still see these. I also remember the smell of pipe smoke because back then it was ok to smoke inside and one of the bosses enjoyed his pipe. It was always so fun to go visit dad at work! It was always a treat!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Gingerbread House Fun!

Ever since I had kids, I have wanted to make a gingerbread house as a family. But I have been to cheap to spend the money on a kit so never have done it. Well last year I got smart and bought a clearance kit after Christmas and figured since we wouldn't really be eating it, we could save it for a year and do it this Christmas. So, we broke out the kit and here it is!!

It really was funny seeing how each of our personalities came through during this project. I was just trying to keep the peace, Cambrie was meticulously pouring over the directions ensuring we did each and every step in the exact order, with the correct type of candy and the right color, Coop did one thing and got bored and wanted to move on to something else, Conlie was in the middle of it all, wanting to help but mostly just enjoying sneaking a candy or two. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad we did I can check that one off they list of "things to do".

Ta Da...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Forever Friends Get-Together

We have a group of friends that have been close with for a really long time, some since birth, others since Junior High and a few others a bit later. We have the greatest time when we are together it is full of lots of laughs and fun. Unfortunately our time together happens less and less over time as we all are so busy with life and kids. However, we always make an effort to get together a couple times a year and here we are...

(Left to Right) Jeff and Stacey MacAurthur, Ryan and Keri Richter, Chon and Carrie Choi, Bryce and Anne Kendrick, Blaine and Cami Hoopes.
We especially miss the Hoopes family since they have moved to Pennsylvania!! So glad you came back and gave us a good reason to get together!! Thanks to Stacey for putting it together and being brave enough to host it at your house. I am so grateful for the friendship that I share with all of are wonderful people and make me want to be better!
All those years ago when we because friends before we were married that the 5 couples would produce this......19 crazy kids
Here's a little more tame photo of the kiddos.
The men

And the ladies..

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Locks of Love!!

About a year ago, Cambrie and her cousin, Katelyn decided together that they wanted to grow their hair out and then cut it and donate it to Locks of Love. They both have long, gorgeous hair and always have but they knew someone else could use it more than them. They never waivered in their decision. All year long we talked about it and they both were very committed to the cause.


Measuring the 12 inches that were to be cut.

The cut!!

Holding their ponies that were cut. This picture appeared in the Standard Examiner in an article about hair donation. It was so fun for the girls to be recognized.
It was so cute to watch Cam play with the hair nervously as Katelyn got hers cut.
They are just as gorgeous as ever!! Great job girls...we're so proud of you!!