Saturday, September 5, 2015

Birthday Surprise-Taylor Swift Concert!

For more than 9 months I have kept a secret from 9 year-old-soon-to-be-10-year-old-daughter...she is going to the Taylor Swift "1989 World Tour" concert!!
Jason and I decided to start a new tradition with our children for their birthdays. We can't always afford to do fun things with our children but we know how important it is for them and how important it is to make memories and strengthen family bonds. So we decided to do a big activity with our children for their birthday rather than buy them "stuff." Last year we thought it would be fun to take Emma to a Taylor Swift concert...but she wasn't going to be in Utah. THIS year however, she had Utah on her list of tour dates. I thought Amy bought the tickets in January but she said she bought them last June! Whenever it was, I've had to keep it secret for a very long time!
 Originally I had planned to just tell her in the car on the way to the concert, having cleverly disguised it as going to a movie. But then I saw a cake online from several years ago that had revealed the surprise and I thought I'd attempt to do the same. I was going to bring the cake to school so she could receive the surprise surrounded by her class, but then Jason suggested soccer practice which was even better...or so we thought. The thing I forget about Em is that she is very shy and reserved around other people. She's not loud and boisterous like Maddie who gets OVER-excited sometimes. So in my mind I had this great big reaction coming from her, but in the end she gave me exactly the reaction that only she could give.

We quickly left soccer practice and went to change our clothes and get ready for the concert. We drove down with Nic and Amy who also had tickets for the comcert. Emma chose to eat at Costa Vida and ordered the nachos while I had a pork salad. On the way to dinner we passed by row, after row, after row, after row of tour trucks. She had at least 3 dozen, probably more! We had to get a picture with one.

Then it was off to our seats. I had another surprise for Emma. You can't go to a concert without buying some souvenirs right? Taylor had a great service where she opened her merchandise store online a few days before the concert. You could buy everything online and then pick it up at the concert and not have to stand in those horrendous lines. So I sent that link to the family members and told them that if they wanted to get Emma something for her birthday that this was an idea for them. She got some great things. A t-shirt, a key chain, some bracelets and a glow stick and a tour book that has all of her songs and outfits performed and worn for the show. She was in awe.
There was a photo-op with "Taylor" of course that we had to do.
The band Vance Joy opened for Taylor and they were really good. I even recognizes a few of their songs. I couldn't wait for Taylor to come out and start her concert. Em and I looked through the tour book while we waited and we were so excited to see it in person. Taped to each chair was a clear white bracelet that looked like it would light up...only it wasn't working. I was very intrigued with how this was going to figure into the concert. Shortly into the show they lit up and they were basically choreographed into the show and changed colors and turned off at certain points and turned on and flashed at certain times. It was really cool. After the show they turned on anytime they were in motion or got bumped. I was so excited to see Emma's face when Taylor Swift finally came out that I turned on the camera to record it all and missed the first minute or so of her entrance but I figured it would all be worth it to watch my little girl have a dream come true...again, this is Emma we're talking about. While the crowd is going nuts and the noise is deafening and I'm so excited I feel like I could just burst, there's my little Em just sitting there patiently waiting and watching the stage with a fixed stare. I told her to turn on her glow stick, so she did. And she waved it a little. Then Taylor came on and the noise level increased, Emma's waving increased....and that was about as good as it gets. I had to ask her to give me a "whoo!" which she obligingly did. I turned off the camera and watched the show and screamed loud and got into the music. I'm going to spare you the videos that I took during the concert of Emma just sitting there, singing along, but sitting there. I had to grab her hand and jump with her, or wave them in the air, or shake her or whatever. I danced, and sang, and jumped, and waved, and screamed and enjoyed every minute I was there. I'd look at my girl and see her singing along and waving her stick every once in awhile and I'd just smile. This was my Emma enjoying the concert in her way and I knew that while she wasn't showing it on the outside, she was screaming and jumping on the inside. I think if she had one of her friends there instead of just her mom she would have let loose a little more. 

Taylor put on a great concert and had some amazing outfits and did some really cool renditions of her songs. The special effects were cool and she is truly an amazing artist and very talented. Despite receiving all of her great merchandise, she wanted to spend her birthday money and buy something. So she chose a great bag to put all of her stuff in.
 I really had a fun time and I was just bursting with mommy pride for my little girl and just loved that I could share this moment with her. Her first concert and her favorite singer. I know she will remember this day forever and that she will share this memory with her own children one day. I hope she has an experience just like this one where she sits in a crowded, loud, dark room listening to great music with one of her children. And I hope her heart swells with love and pride and pure joy like mine did tonight.
Happy Birthday Emma Boo! These past 10 years have been such a joy and pleasure to watch you grow and turn into such an incredible young woman. You are my biggest helper and you are so smart and funny. You are a great and loyal friend and a wonderful big sister to your younger siblings and a great friend to your older sister. I know you will make a great mom someday and that you can do great things with the wonderful talents Father in Heaven has given you! Mommy loves you!