Thursday, August 22, 2013

Lets Just Say...

Let's just say that I am a failure at many things...scrapbooking being one of them. I am great at taking pictures...just not that great at putting them in a book or organizing them. I love to blog about my family...just not that good at keeping up with it. My computer crashed and we had to get a new one. We finally joined the world of technology and got a laptop...I have a love-hate relationship with it! Sometimes while I am typing, I don't know what happens, but my cursor will jump up to a previously typed part and just start typing there. Or I will somehow hit a button or put too much pressure in one spot or something and it will either delete all that I have done or open a different window or try to print something...(which just happened even though you don't  know that it did!)
My mom told me the other day that some of our family friends said that they look at my blog and some other people have told me that they check my blog and even people that Jason works with check my blog. I thought that blogging was passe now and had been overrun by instagram, pinterest, and facebook, none of which I participate in. So I guess I'll try to visit this page every once in a while and post pics of my super cute kids and give you all the details of our crazy life here at the Child house hold!

Back to School!

School started this past Tuesday on the 20th. We are all early birds this year. That means we start school at 8:00 am! Both of the girls got the teachers they wanted. Maddie is in 5th grade now and she has Mrs. Kukahiko. She was a Cougarette and married a former BYU football player. Maddie says she is the nicest teacher in the whole 5th grade! She is a really cute teacher and I think she will be perfect for Maddie this year.

 Emma is in 2nd grade this year. That means she will be baptized this year as well! She is so grown up now (in her mind). She has Mrs. Radulovich, but the teacher said to call her Mrs. Rad! Emma was jumping up and down-pee her pants-excited when she found out who her teacher is. She has a friend from our neighborhood that we carpool with in her class. She came home the first day of school and told me that she had learned "a ton of new songs." One of them is how to spell her teacher's name. I like this teacher already!
 Every year the school has a new theme for the year and they welcome the students back with a big production. This year we have a new principal and I am so glad that he is keeping this tradition. The girls get so excited to see how the teachers are going to greet them every year. This year the theme is "Incredible" and so they did a Super Hero theme. Some of the teachers were dressed up with capes and masks and holding different posters like "Pow!" and "Zing!" and things like that. When the students would walk up to the front door under the balloon bridge the teachers cheered them on. They usually have music pumping loud. I couldn't hear any but I could see the table with all of the equipment so who knows.
I know the girls are so excited for school. It's nice to have my children enjoy going to school ALMOST as much as I enjoy them going to school! I think it's going to be a pretty incredible year!