Monday, July 23, 2012

Facebook Posts

I decided to delete and deactivate my FB account because it was driving me nuts. I spend way too much time on there, there is nothing of importance on there, my bro. and sis. keep posting profanity and I get sucked into way too many heated discussions that just get me into trouble. So I pulled the plug! Went cold turkey! Get thee behind me Satan! The temptation is no longer! Anyway, I did post some funny things my kids said and good moments that happened that I didn't want to forget. So I copied them into this post so that when I print my blog I will have these forever. I try to write down the things my kids say and do but with all of the technology of this day and age I find that I no longer "write" but "type" them in a place for all the world to see but for me to forget. So here they are more for my knowledge and keepsake than for yours but you are welcome to read them.

Happy Mommy Moment of the day: Maddie found some change around the house and just kept walking around looking for more. She found .95 and asked me if she could give it to the "fast." I asked her why and she said, "Well, because it's fast sunday and I know that the money goes to help those who don't have any money or who don't have a lot of food and I have 95 so I want to give it to them." I found 5 more pennies to add to it so she'd have an even dollar and she filled out the slip all by herself and gave it to the Bishop. She did this all on her own and I am very proud of her! (Feb. 5/12)

While eating lunch with my little 3 year old boy he said, "Mom, I want a baby brother that is not a toy. One that says words like me." Uh oh... (Jan. 30 /12)

My God is truly a God of hubby just fixed an electrical appliance all by himself!..and it works! (Jan 21/12)

We told our kids that we were going to the temple for FHE tonight. My little boy ran downstairs and got into his church clothes (complete with tie and everything!) all by himself. I felt pretty unworthy standing next to him in my jeans and t-shirt! (Jan. 30/12)

Today I had heard, "Hey Mom," about a bazillion times too many and so after we dropped off the last child from carpool I calmly told my children that we were going to play the quiet game and that no one was to say my name until we got home...two seconds later my son said, "Hey Cara,"...couldn't help but smile and laugh and kiss my little boy! (Dec. 13/11)

Em told me earlier that she has been working out downstairs. She came up the stairs and said, "Phew! It sure is hard to walk up the stairs with these big muscles!" (July 19/12)

I asked my son to bring me some more toilet paper because it was all gone in the downstairs bathroom. He came in and said, "Mom, I couldn't find anymore little ones so I brought you a big one." I looked to see that it was a roll of paper towels...ya that should be real comfortable! (July 14/12)

ust told Nate that his dad is going to be one of his coach's for soccer. Emma asked him if he was excited. He replied, "No, I want a real coach!" (July 6/12)

Nate: Dad, you're really good at finding stuff. But you're not very good at fixing them. (May 21/12)

My son had better be the next Jimmer with all of the early morning dribbling sessions he does at 6:30 in the blessed a.m! (Feb. 16/11)

While stopped at a red arrow, my five year old wanted to know why we weren't going when the light was green. I explained that we were turning and the arrow was red. She said: Oh, are we turning left? Me: Yes we are. 5yo: How did I know we were turning left? Me: I don't know how did you know? 5yo: Cause my Holy Ghost told me. (Jan6/11)

Fish died. Lived about 4 years which is eternity in this house! to tell my daughter...I sense a good old fashioned Bill Cosby fish funeral happening tonight! (Jan. 10/11)

Emma: I wonder why my room doesn't have a door? Nate: Because Heavenly Father didn't make it that way. (Oct. 18/11)

My little boy pulled out three weeds with me and then asked me for a dollar! (June 21/10)

I just love potty training! I checked on my son who is taking a nap and found him naked...without his pull-up on...which he had pooped in before taking it off...sleeping on top of his blanket...I love potty training! (May 3/10)

Just finished reading the entire Book of Mormon with my girls! (Sept. 29/09)