Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Madalynn's Baptism

I'm a little late in posting this, but oh well. Madalynn Dianne was baptized on April 30, 2011. I was also baptized on April 30, so that's fun. She has been waiting for this day since she was about 2 or 3! Since January I have heard nothing else but "when I get baptized..." or "how much longer until I'm baptized..." or " I can't wait until April because then I get baptized..." and it drove me nuts, but it also brought my heart joy to know that she couldn't wait to enter the waters of baptism. Knowing how much my little "mermaid" loves water though, I wanted to make sure that she understood how important this was and that it wasn't just a chance for her to get wet and go swimming. So every FHE we had we discussed baptism, making covenants, choosing the right, fasting, bearing our testimony, reading scriptures and what it means to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She fasted with us on fast sunday and did a great job! She also shared her testimony in sacrament meeting and it was beautiful and heartfelt. When the big day arrived she could hardly sit still! I wanted this day to be extra special for her and all about her!! (especially since her birthday kind of got jumbled in with everything else going on). We bought her a pretty dress, made her a special headband, got new shoes and did the whole kit and kaboodle. On the table I had TONS of pictures of her in frames. I didn't realize how many pictures of her I had as a baby. I truly think I had her picture taken every month for the first 12 months of her life! I made a special slide show for people to watch during the time that she wasn't getting changed after her baptism. I took her to the temple for a little photo shoot with my new camera. The slide show here is just a few of my favorites from that day. Maddie prepared a song to sing called, "Today I will be Baptized" and she was really nervous to sing it in front of everybody but she did fabulous! She sang really softly so it's hard to hear but please take a minute to listen to the video...
Today I make the choice to follow Jesus,
To always try to live my life for Him.
Today I promise willingly, to love and serve Him faithfully.
Today I take upon me His dear name.
And soon I will receive a gift from Father,
The Holy Ghost to help me choose the right,
As hands are placed upon my head and sacred priesthood words are said,
That I might have the Spirit's guiding light.
Today there's wonder in my eyes.
Today I will be baptized.

Grandpa Newby gave a talk and then she was baptized and then Aunt Amy gave a talk and then she was confirmed. Everybody that participated really made it a special day for her and we appreciate all those who came to support her. Jason did a wonderful job with the baptism and confirmation. It was a special day for him too.

I have to share this one thing...after Maddie was baptized and she came to the door for her towel she said, "I am so glad I am baptized! I can't wait until I'm 12 and I can get baptized again!" So, two things went through my mind. First, "already thinking ahead to the next time rather than enjoying the moment (as usual)" and second, "wait-what?!!?" So I talked to her about that and I told her that she only gets baptized once but that when she is twelve she can go to the temple and do baptisms for the dead. She said, "ya, that's what I mean!" Oh, ok :) Anyway, I thought it was cute.
I'm so proud of my Moops and her choice to get baptized. She has been working hard ever since to be a good girl and choose the right. In fact, one day her siblings were causing her grief and she said, "I wish I hadn't been baptized so I could be mean to my brother right now!" Sometimes I feel like that too, I wish I didn't know the difference between right and wrong so that I could just get out all my frustration! But thankfully we have the gift of repentance and I have a feeling she'll be learning that lesson really soon! :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter 2011

Easter Sunday was kind of late this year. One day before my birthday...but never on my birthday! On the Newbold side of the family we do an annual Easter Decorating Party. This is not your average decorating!! We have contests and prizes and all sorts of fun. This year my parents hosted the party and assigned everyone a color to use in their decorating. We had the color green. So this is what we came up with (caution, these are really LAME!!)
This is Emma's Chia Pet and my lettuce
Jason did the M&M and Nate's Alien
Maddie did Green eggs and Ham. Hopefully I'll have some of the others so you can see the talent and extreme some people have! We had a lot of fun decorating them and hunting for them the following morning.
Easter Sunday we all wore our new outfits to church. I could not wait to get pictures of everybody in their clothes! My kids looked so dang darling!
Isn't that a great looking bunch of people!
The Ward Choir (directed by me) did our Easter program and it was awesome! After church we came home and Jason and I wanted to make sure the kids all knew what Easter is really about so we watched the Veggie Tales Easter Carol movie. It is soooo good! It really captures the meaning of Easter or as they call it "The Hope of Easter." Then we let them watch the Easter Bunny movie. We had a really nice dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Childs' house and enjoyed being around family.