
17 March 2013

Baby Lilian is here!

Hello!  Long time no see.... sorry.  I have other priorities in my life right now.  Our little girl arrived two weeks early on 3.3.2013, a great date for a birthday!  She weighed 6lb 4oz, but has been feeding well and regained her birth weight in the first week.  

I had a relatively uneventful pregnancy (apart from the move from Greece back to NZ and the fixing up of our house after it had been rented out for 7 years) but the midwife was a bit worried about Lilian's growth rate, so I was getting ultrasounds every second week for the last few months.  It turns out that it was a good thing that she decided to come early as there was a true knot in her cord that had not yet pulled tight thankfully and my placenta was not very big.

Me ready to go in for the induction...

My husband and I decided to use hypnobirthing as our method of birthing and I am pleased to report that it worked out really well for us and I didn't have to have any pain relief in spite of having to have an induction (due to my waters breaking) and be on a syntocin drip all day on the Sunday.  

We are all doing really well and Lilian is eating and sleeping nicely and not crying much at all.  She seems like a very contented wee baby which is nice.

I haven't done any crafting since we have been back in NZ other than to make some adjustable width 'elephant ears' for Lilian's car seat capsule...

She loves having her head massaged for her bath...

and sleeping with her hands up by her face...

I hope all is well with everyone in blogland!  I do intend to get back to card making at some point, just not sure when yet!


Arabella Chickie in Auckland, NZ