Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bed time antics

I have put the kids to bed and asked them to go to sleep I am in my room and I hear Nadia yelling....."Mum come and spank me"

WHat has she gotten into now...she is a riot I will tell you this

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Family Photo at St Augustine Lighthouse

The lighthouse symolizes many things and the same rings true for our family. Jesus is our lighthouse and we hope to look to him for guidance but also to light our way home and protect us from the storms.


Elena loves the beach, she is just like her sisters a little fish. She played in the surf and dug in the sand, and just had a good old time.

Thanksgiving mornings at the beach

Thanksgiving at the beach

So this year we decided to do the untraditional thing and hang out at the beach for Thanksgiving. It was a fun an beautiful time. We got up early and tried to see the sunrise(the clouds did not want to co-operate with us). We ran and played tag on the beach. We dug holes in the sand and made castles, and the kids tried to boogy board and surf.

We visited Lighthouses, got super sandy and dirty and thoroughly enjoyed being beach bums.

It was alot of fun and what made it even better was that Grandma and Grandpa were there with us.

Of course since we were so close to the beach we eat ou fair share of fresh seafood and boy was it yummy!!!

We really enjoy living here in Florida and are making the most of it while we are here and send out an open invitation to any friends and relatives to come and play with us.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Maria is amazing

I know Maria hasn't posted in a while, she isn't much for blogging and she has her hands full with 3 little girls, and an absentee husband. I just wanted to say that she is amazing. Somehow she manages to take care of the family, her friends, and just about everyone she meets, in addition to getting in shape and being an incredible athlete.

Seriously, I'd be lost without her, my world would crumble the first or second day if she wasn't holding it together, by raising our beautiful girls, handling the finances, and keeping me on task.

One day I hope to pay her back by being the man she deserves, but if that happens it will be because she helped to get their.

I love you Maria.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hair Cut

Yes we cut Anya's hair. I asked her what she wanted to do and she told me she wanted to cut it and donate the hair to those girls who don't have hair. We talked about baby Lily and others who needed to wear wigs and she was so excited to do it. I tried not to be too sad but inside my heart was breaking.

I am so proud of her. She always thinks of others and I love that about her. Nadia on the other hand was so upset. SHe sreamed and cried at the hairdresser and gave him dirty looks and kept telling Anya that if she did it she would have ugly hair. Anya just replied but Nani it will make pretty hair for someone else.

Now Nadia is semi okay with it but man her eyes were shooting daggers, if looks could kill that hairdresser was done for.

I will post some pictures of my girl later

They cut off a foot I made sure that he had more than enough. I told him as he was just going to take 9 inches. I said you make sure you have enough as I didin't want to cut her hair for no reason. He got it all ready and is sending it in for us.

I love my girls they are blessings in my life and are great examples to me, even Nadia who was just trying to protect her sister.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pumpkins, doctors and ballerinas

I was cutting up a pumpkin and I asked Anya to scoop out the insides(thinking that she would have fun doing it) gross mum I can't touch it, it is messy and looks like skeletons and such. I asked her what she meant and she told me that it was like what is inside a human(bones and muscle string thingies). I told her it wasn't that bad, she proceeded to tell me that she liked pumpkin pie and roast pumpkins but she was never going to touch the inside of a pumpkin. "one day I said you will be a mummy and have to make something with pumpkin." "Yes mum but then I would just get my husband to do it"....nice I thought John might like that.

Anyways I then told her that her husband may not be around "look is daddy here to help?"

She looked up at me and said that she was then going to be a doctor. "I am going to be a doctor so that I can make lots of money and I will pay someone else to clean my pumpkins" Who's doctors house has she been too...the kids are always going on about how poor we are...

So trying to make this long story short... I told her that doctors have to touch yucky things like blood and the insides of people which is what she doesn't like about pumpkins..." hmm she says then I guess I will just have to be a ballerina"

Gotta love the kids huh..

I think I just want to be a ballerina today too!!!!

She then decided to touch the pumpkin to get used to it for when she is a mummy

Friday, July 30, 2010
