Showing posts with label Carpe Diem Haiku Kai New Beginnings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carpe Diem Haiku Kai New Beginnings. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2020

Carpe Diem #1804 New Beginnings ... candlelight

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Yes ... another episode of our wonderful Kai, because I was late with our Monday episode, "snowdrops".

Today I love to challenge you two times. I love to challenge you to create a "fusion-ku" with two given haiku and to create a Troiku with your new "fusion-ku". I have chosen two haiku by Jane Reichhold extracted from her online Saijiki "A Dictionary of Haiku", section New Year.

Here are the two haiku to work with:

a new year
rising from wild seas
a few stars

the glass with candlelight

© Jane Reichhold (1937-2016)

Champagne and Candlelight (© photo Isabella Cabre)

Two beautiful haiku by the Queen of Haiku (and Tanka), Jane Reichhold. She was once my co-host and taught me a lot about all kinds of Japanese poetry ... I miss her still.

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until February 3rd at noon (CET). Have fun!

Carpe Diem #1803 New Beginnings ... snowdrops

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Welcome at a new episode of our wonderful Haiku Kai. This month it's about New Beginnings and it means all things that start new. Today I have chosen the prompt "snowdrops", those beautiful small white flowers that start blooming in Winter already ... Snowdrops are the first signs that Spring is near.

Snowdrops (image found on Pinterest)

snowdrops blooming
waving goodbye to Winter
nearly Spring

© Chèvrefeuille

Look at those beauties ... so fragile, but strong.

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until February 2nd at noon (CET). Enjoy the fun!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Carpe Diem #1802 New Beginnings ... without beginning

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Maybe you think "What?" because of the title of this new episode "without beginning". Maybe it brings you ideas of that classical dillema "What was first the chicken or the egg", but no ... that's not the dillema here.

"Without beginning" points towards the circle, or the wedding ring. The wedding ring is a milestone, it's a new beginning, but its form ... a circle ... is without beginning. So today our prompt is related to the circle ... without beginning.

I recall an article I once read about deathpoems and one of the examples was the deathpoem by Shinsui.
During his last moment, Shisui's disciples requested that he write a death poem. He grasped his brush, painted a circle, cast the brush aside, and died. The circle— indicating the void, the essence of everything, enlightenment— is one of the most important symbols of Zen Buddhism.

Deathpoem by Shinsui (* - 1769)

Isn't it a wonderful deathpoem? But as we look closer to this deathpoem ... we see were Shinsui started the "circle" (at the 'bottom' somewhat to the left, we can see the start of the brush). Does this mean a circle has a beginning and an end?

eternal circle
lotuses blooming and decaying -
ancient wisdom grows

© Chèvrefeuille

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until January 29th at noon (CET). Have fun!

Monday, January 20, 2020

Carpe Diem #1801 New Beginnings ... first cry

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

"Listen ... listen carefully ... Do you hear the first cry of a new born?" I always enjoy the first cry of a new born. That can be a new born human, but also a new born bird for example. Maybe if you have a super hearing ... you maybe can hear the first blossoms cry out their joy ...
Here in The Netherlands we have one of the warmest winters ever. There are already birds building their nests, the Daffodils are blooming ... it's a very strange happening ... maybe it's the Global warming ... maybe not ... I don't know, but it feels already like spring here in the Netherlands.

halfway winter
daffodils bloom, cherry trees almost --
first cry of a newborn

© Chèvrefeuille

Daffodils bloom

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until January 27th at noon (CET). Have fun!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Carpe Diem #1800 New Beginnings ... first leaf falling

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

I hope all have had a wonderful weekend and that you all are capable to do a new week here at CDHK. This month is themed "New Beginnings" and today I have chosen a nice prompt for you to work with.

Today I love to challenge you to create Japanese poetry themed "first leaf falling", autumn is in my opinion one of the most beautiful seasons and it's, according to classical sources of Japan, the best season to see the moon and praise her beauty. Autumn ... gives me always the feeling of departure and letting go ... Leaves are coloring and finally fall ...

light of the full moon
silverly beautiful ... so fragile
leaves are falling

© Chèvrefeuille

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until January 26th at noon (CET). Have fun!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Carpe Diem #1799 New Beginnings ... a huge wave (Crossroads feature)

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Today a very special episode in our wonderful Kai. This month our theme is "New Beginnings" and today I will leave that theme in a way.
As you all know one of the renown modern haiku poets was Jane Reichhold (1937-2016), she was a co-author here and co-host. She is still missed.

Today I have chosen two haiku written by her and I love to challenge you to create a "fusion-ku" and with that "fusion-ku" a Troiku ... (more on Troiku above in the menu).

Here are the two haiku by Jane to work with:

a huge wave
thundering across the beach
my birthday

the new-born comes wrapped
in previous lives

© Jane Reichhold (extracted from the online Saijiki "A Dictionary Of Haiku", section "New Year")

Two beautiful haiku created by the Queen of Haiku, Jane Reichhold, to work with. Enjoy this excercise.

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until January 23rd at noon (CEST). I will try to publish our new weekend meditation later on.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Carpe Diem #1798 New Beginnings ... Metamorphosis

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Welcome at a new episode of our wonderful Kai, the place to be if you like to create Japanese poetry and share it with the world. This month is themed "New Beginnings" and there is an amazing new beginning in nature's small world of insects and butterflies.

Today I love to challenge you with "metamorphosis", that awesome idea of a caterpillar changing into a butterfly.


What a transformation this creature makes ... awesome!

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until January 22nd at noon (CEST). I will try to publish our new episode later on. Have fun!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Carpe Diem #1797 New Beginnings ... First Snow

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

First my excuses for not publishing yesterday. I had some trouble with my PC, but now it has been made, so today I will publish two episodes. This (belated) episode will be short. I will give you only the prompt and a few examples of haiku created by several haiku poets.

Today's prompt is "First Snow", it's a classical kigo for Winter and that means you have to try to create a classical haiku or tanka following the rules as I think you all will known.

The first snow
That the young Hijiri-monk has
The color of the wooden box.

© Basho

Another one by Basho:

The first snow,
When is the pillar set up
For the Great Buddha?

snow's falling!
I see it through a hole
in the shutter...

© Shiki

Well ... it's up to you now to create a haiku or tanka (classical way) themed "first snow".

Here is mine:

a cold moonlit night
just the sound of fresh fallen snow -
wandering over the moors

© Chèvrefeuille

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until January 20th at noon (CEST). I will publish our new Tan Renga Wednesday episode later today. For now ... have fun!

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Carpe Diem #1796 New Beginnings ... first sunray

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

We are continuing our exploration of our them "New Beginnings". There are a lot of new beginnings as we have seen already last week. Every day starts with the first sunray. As a new day rises we see how the sky is starting to change colors ... and than ... there it is the first sunray. That first sunray awakens us from our sleep and has something magical.

Today our prompt is "first sunray". I found an example with this prompt in it hidden by Matsuo Basho (1644-1694):

Mume ga ka ni  notto hi no deru  yamaji kana

Scents of Ume blossoms ―
The sun rises like a marvel
Ah, this mountain path

© Matsuo Basho

First Sunray

What a joy to feel the sun awaken you with his first rays. I can feel the warmth on my naked body and ... makes me happy ... a new day rises, another day to enjoy.

a new day rises
the first ray of sun
cherishes my body

© Chèvrefeuille

Not as good as I had hoped, but I think this haiku gives you that feeling to awaken from a night's sleep and the happiness it will give you.

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until January 19th at noon (CEST). Have fun!

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Carpe Diem Weekend Meditation #111 Troiku ... New Beginnings ... Lotus starts to bloom

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Welcome at a new Carpe Diem Weekend Meditation, our special feature for every weekend. My excuses that I am a bit late with publishing this weekend meditation, but ... well you all know the circumstances I have to deal with at the moment.

For this weekend meditation I have chosen a wonderful haiku to work with and create a Troiku with. More on Troiku you can find above in the menu.

Here is the haiku to work with, a haiku chosen from our archives themed New Beginnings:

in deep prayer
eyes closed in devotion -
Lotus starts to bloom

A beautiful haiku to workj with I think. Have a great weekend!

This weekend meditation is open for your submissions next Sunday, January 12th at 7:00 PM (CEST) and will remain open until January 19th at noon (CEST). Have fun!

PS. If you like Tanka than you can also visit Tanka Splendor, that special website on Tanka. I have published a new Tanka Splendor episode there.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Carpe Diem 1795 New Beginnings ... Rainbow

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Welcome at a new episode of wonderful Kai. This month I have themed "new beginnings", so all prompts have to do with new beginnings. Today I have chosen the prompt "rainbow", but what has the rainbow to do with new beginnings? Let me explain that to you all, but maybe you have an idea yourself.

The Rainbow was a sign of God, after the flood He promised Noah that He never would send a flood again to destroy all life. So in that context ... the "rainbow" is also a new beginning. This promise to Noah you can find in Genesis Chapter 9 verses 13 to 16:

13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.” (New International Version)

Here is one from my archives:

the little child sobs
'I want to cross it' -
the rainbow bridge

© Chèvrefeuille

And here is a new one:

no more destroying
peace will come

© Chèvrefeuille

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until January 16th at noon (CEST). I will try to publish our new episode later on.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Carpe Diem #1794 New Beginnings ... new born

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Welcome at a new episode of our wonderful ai. This month our theme is New Beginnings and today I love to challenge you to create a haiku, tanka or other form of Japanese poetry themed "new born". This can be about new born babies, new kittens and more ... it even can be about the birth of a new haiku of a new year.

her smiling face
she holds her first born
tears of happiness

© Chèvrefeuille

New Born

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until January 15th at noon (CEST). I will try to publish our new episode later on. Have fun!

Monday, January 6, 2020

Carpe Diem #1793 New Beginnings ... first day of spring

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Welcome at the 2nd episode of this new CDHK month. This month it's all about "New Beginnings" and today I love to challenge you to create a Tan Renga with the following classical kigo: first day of spring.

The first day of spring is in the Japanese calendar around January 15th, because that's the date on which that very special 5th season, New Year, ends. Spring ... new life sprouts, the snow melts, the temperatures becoming higher ... new life ...

First Day Of Spring

after the dark
first blossoms bloom
at last

the song of birds will fill the sky
praising their Creator

© Chèvrefeuille

Maybe not a really classical haiku, but I think this is one that really points towards the "first day of spring".

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until January 13th at noon (CEST). I will try to publish our new episode later on.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Carpe Diem #1792 New Beginnings ... New Year's Day

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

First ... HAPPY NEW YEAR ... to you all. Let us make this a wonderful year full of love, beauty and inspiration. This month is themed "New Beginnings" and that's what this year will bring us all I hope.

As I told you several days ago my mother has been institutionalized in a nursing home for the elderly people. She has peace with it, but ofcourse it's not easy to cope with this new beginning for her and for me. Time will bring us healing for this ...

The theme for this month is New Beginnings and today we start with ... New Year's Day ... Our classical haiku masters wrote a lot of haiku about New Year's Day ... here are a few examples:

New Year’s Day
dawns clear, and sparrows
tell their tales

© Ransetsu
Japanese Crane

it’s play for the cranes
flying up to the clouds
the year’s first sunrise …

© Chiyo-ni

the first dream of the year —
I keep it a secret
and smile to myself

© Sho-u

New Year’s Day–
everything is in blossom!
I feel about average.

© Issa

Year after year
on the monkey’s face
a monkey’s face

© Basho

Japanese Calendar (Wikipedia)

The old calendar
fills me with gratitude
like a song

© Buson

New Year comes,
and I become poorer
than before

© Shiki (never published and recovered in August 2018)

All wonderful haiku on New Year's Day. In Haiku philosophy we count five seasons and the first season is New Year, it's roughly the period of December 15th and January 15th. So I challenge you to create a classical haiku themed New Year, to celebrate the new year.

Here is mine:

New Year's eve --
through the bare branches
the wind as always

© Chèvrefeuille

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until January 12th at noon (CEST). I will try to publish our new episode later on. For now ... have fun!