
31 December 2010



Hello! Lama dah aku simpan cerita ni haha. So,dalam entri kali ni,aku nak cerita pasal task-task aku untuk weekend ni. Lepas je breakfast tadi, pepagi lagi dah kena bersihkan jamban tandas. Then, bermanja-manja lah aku dengan jamban tandas ada la dalam setengah jam. Euwww~ Okeh,tak nak cerita dah pasal tandas ni. Karang ada je yang tak lalu makan :D

Weekend ni, turn aku dgn Zik untuk beli barang-barang dapur kt Souq Sayyeda Zainab. Souq tu pasar ya kawankawan. Haha. Bajet pro ammi lah ni. -_____-' Lepas siap-siap, start lah perjalanan ke souq. 20minit jalan kaki. Nasib lah souq jauh. Tapi tak pe, demi nak kurus wekkk. Eheh, ekceli ni 1st time aku pergi pasar sayyeda yang betul-betul pasar. Biasa-biasa pergi shopping kat kedai-kedai yang berdekatan Sayyeda tu je. So, eksaited tu lebih lah ya. Haha.

Haah. Kami start memborong kat bahagian sayur dulu. Sayur kat Mesir ni,ya Allahhh.. Geghammmmm nengoknya! Dah laa segar bugar, saiz-saiz tu pulak, kecik sikit je dari sampan. Wahaha. Hiperbola. Ye tak? Ok, tak percaya tengok ni.

Haaa. Macam mana? Sampan kan? Haha. Haihh~ Kobis-kubis kat sini besar yang amat,youuu! *konfius ejaan yang betul :p Dah laa yang lain-lain tu boleh dapat dengan harga L.E 1 je untuk sekilo. Murah sangat! Cakap je, nak lobak merah? Kentang? Tomato? Semua L.E 1. Okay, sila bahagi dgn dua untuk tahu harga pasaran jika di Malaysia. Tak faham jgk? Okay, macam ni, L.E 1 bahagi 2 = RM 0.50. Dapat? Tak ke korang akan cakap, MURAH GILAAA! :D

Yeah,itu karottt! Hurm~ Then kami beli ikan, ayam. Ikan boleh la dapat L.E 10 harga member-member. Teehee. Ayam pulak... Haa, nak cerita pasal ayam la kan. Tadi,aku tak tahu la pulak ayam tu dia belum sembelih lagi. Mahunya dia sembelih depan-depan aku. Dah la ayam tu memekik menjerit melolong mintak tolong. Spontaneously, aku pulak yang sambung turn ayam tu menjerit. Aaaaaaaaaaa~ *lakon semula. Bukan apa, terkejut la! Ehh. Boleh pulak pakcik tu bantai gelak bila dengar aku terjerit. Eh aku pun satu hal.. Saje je gedik nak jerit-jerit,kan? Bajet ayu auw auw. Haha. Tapi takpe. Setelah dirunding-runding dengan pakcik yang err tu, harga ayam yang L.E 21 dapat discount jadik L.E 19 hehs!

Itu ya kawankawan kedai pakcik ayam yang pemurah tu. And yang kat atas tu lah Zik yang cantik, tengah posing depan kedai ayam. Heee~ Adeihh. Rupa-rupanya memang besar la Souq Sayyeda ni. Menitik peluh den berjalan ke sini ke mari haha tipu jeee! Dah tu, beli-beli lagi. Okay jap nak list. Beras, tepung, pasta, makarona *sepupu makaroni, gula, bebawang, telur, buah oren. Eh,itu je la kot. Asal tadi rasa banyak dan berat haa. Nak putus rasanya jari-jariku yang runcing ni. *uwek! Oh pasal oren tu kan. Yeahh,mana nak dapat oren sunkist RM 1 sekilo kat Malaysia? Haa... Habaq mai. Aku nak tempah 1 kargo dari Malaysia ke Mesir. Wohhh. Tapi kat sini adaaa~ L.E 2 je sekilo! Murah kan kan kan? :DD Sebab tuuu lah aku SUKA Mesir! *capslock sbb suka sangat. Haha mengada-ngada.

Ouh kita kena beroutfit macam tu ya, sebab nak ke pasar dan bukannya ke City Star. So, if pakai macam nak turun training basketball pun bolehhh. Dannn dan dan, kita kena buat muka macam tu ya sebab nak tunjuk muka protes sebab kena bawak barang banyak. Aishh, banyak pulak sebab nya. Hak3. Eh, strawberry kat belakang tu, L.E 4 je sekilo der! Eh aku ni apa hal haa. Dari tadi lagi promote harga. Kan kan? Perasan tak? Eheh. Eh nak stop dah laa. Nak study pulak *phewitt*. Eh jangan laa. Serious ni haha. 

notakaki: aku dapat discount ayam sebanyak L.E 2 tuuu, sebab aku kenyit mata kat pakcik ayam tu taw taw? ;)

26 December 2010


I just don't know why...
But i'm sooo in love with Physiology ;)

Physiologys' Textbooks

You can believe me on this,
Physiology is truly fun! 

24 December 2010






*alahai budak kecik ni,esok lusa dah nak masuk form 2,tapi umur baru  13  hari ni hee~

Somehow, it's nothing much right? kecik-kecik cili padi orang kata. Hehe.
Angah, I LOVE YOU so much okay? Sorry for all my wrongdoings. I know I can't be the best sister ever.
So, GOOD pun kira okay lah eh.
I'm having fun with you tonight, my lil angels. 
You guys made me laugh freaking much! :DD
p/s: kakak xpandai lah nak upload gambar td tuuu. uwaaa T.T
So sorryyy.

Tapi takpe..

Ada ni !! Hee~

notakaki: kek tu,makan on the way pergi holiday nanti,ya? Hek3 :)

21 December 2010


Im sorry dear. I broke the rule. I just can't stop myself from switch-ing on the lappy and produce this entry. The good news was really-really made my day! Sorry once more ;)

Alhamdulillahhh.. That's only the word that came out from my mouth after got the phone call from Papa last morning. Papa was still in Putrajaya. He told me about the sweetest ever news, briefly. I just don't know what should I say to Papa. Im speechless. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah. Thanks God!

Oh mygoodness. Can somebody tell me,am I too lucky as I got this good fortune? Oh yess. Im pretty sure that you guys will keep asking, what on earth im talking about,is't? *bajet mcm rmai baca blog aku haha. Okay,this will explain you clearly. Impressed? Yess! That's what I feel now. How come im selected in that only 300 lucky persons. No objection, but still, I can't believe it since the very first time Papa told me about this. And I just,broke into grateful tears. T.T

Papa Mama. They're the happiest persons for this,for sure. I can see it from their faces and eyes. Oh God thanksss. You made my precious can breath deeply now. At least, I can ease their burden. Nobody knows and understand my real condition by right. Oh please,never underestimate. Hehe. Studying abroad by private? Yess,everybody will just assume that it's loaded enough by holding that status,dude! Nooo darlings. You're wrong. Im the typical one.

In the meantime,he got the 1MDB too hehs! :))) *senyum lebarlebar.  Is't what we call destiny? Eceh! Félicitations aussi cherie~ (^^,)

notakaki: tibatiba rasa sayang lebih kat Malaysia. Teehee :D

15 December 2010


Hye! HAHA. okay,just a short entry,promise!

err..wanna show our kesengalan di tengahtengah larut malam yang larut..erkkk..

Photoshoot at the midnight?? Okay,please believe that we're medical students. ;) Bye!

10 December 2010


Where are you?? :'( Boring gila nak mati. Malam ini,rasa semuanya bagai tak kena and aku ponteng program Gabungan Smart Circle malam ni. Lepak kat rumah je. NANA,apa nak jadi?? Malam ni tak study langsung?? -______-' TAKKK! 0245 waktu Malaysia just now, Papa called, bagitau Adik Am arrested kat ward Hospital Kuala Lipis. Adik asma lagi. Uwaaaa T.T Get well soon my dearest. Used to love you as always.


07 December 2010


The Maal Hijrah,which is also called Awal Muharram, is an important day for Muslims not only to commemorate the hijrah of the Prophet Muhammad Mecca to Medina but also to reflect their inner self and deeds.

The Hijrah that occured 1432 years ago is still relevant in its essence today that goes beyond the physical migration,the migration from ignorance to enlightment through the Al Quran.

Every year the Maal Hijrah is celebrated by recalling the historic migration that is also the cornerstone of Islam :)

Today,all of us,the first-year-medical-students really really had fun time. A program titled SHAQAH SISTERS' PICNIC was held at Hadiqah Azhar or Al-Azhar Park. It's organised by PERUBATAN. We're about 100 all together. My goodness,the park is awesome! Who knows in hectic Cairo,still located the green-park-so-called. Phewww~ You know,we had pot luck! :D Yeahh! Varieties of food served in front of me. Rawwrr. *aku suka makan! HAHA XD

Here we go,some pics of us. :)

03 December 2010

weekend in UK...


Sebenarnya aku rasa macam nak berbahasa melayu je hari ni. Boleh je kan? ^.^ Hehe. Tajuk entri tu,lupakan je okay? Haha. Tarrra~ it's weekend! Sumpah bahagia. Nak nak pulak wifi kt rumah ktorg ni dah aktif. So,skrg tak ada la berjanggut tunggu broadband tu meloading tak habis-habis. Aihh -____-'  Tak tahu pulak kenapa dia buat hal. Bil da settle,okay? Haha.

Macam biasa,hujung-hujung minggu macam ni, ke Sg.Nil la jawabnya. Jogingjoging gelakgelak makanmakan. Tapi,ini lain. Haha. Minggu ni,aku,Lulu and Natrah decide nak jenjalan habis-habisan. And paling penting ktorg nak buat photoshoot! Haaa~ *keningkening. Dengan bergayanya,ktorg turun dari rumah pagi ni ada la dalam pukul 8 macam tu lah. Tell you what,sejukkk gila hari ni! Tak sia sia lah kami b'outfit baekk punya. Oh ye,bila tengah cakapcakap tu kan,ada wap kot yang keluar. Oversea habis lah! Hahaha.

Okay jap,aku tunjuk my first snapped ya. Hehe.
Alahai silap,gambar ni kecik. Muka bahagia tuu. ;) Aku pun tak sure tu tempat apa. Tapi,dia punya tangga,sikit punya tinggi laa. Eh eh,apa? Nak tengok gambar lagi? Laa. Sabarsabar. Ni baru satu,kami snap 120 gambar tadi,tau? Bapak banyak,kan? :p Haha. Padahal around ktorg punya rumah je pun ni.

Gah! Aku rasa aku suka gambar ni.
Ha'ahh. Sebab,dia nampak macam adik-beradik yang sangat akrab. Ye tak? Oh,how i wish our friendship will last forever. T.T 
Ada lagi nii~

Eyy,tadi kan ada lah satu cerita ni. Haha. Kitorg sbnrnya,nak ambik gambar yang ala-ala tengah melompat keriangan tuu. Tapi,si Natrah ni,tak pro mana la pulak nak snap gambar mcm tu. Aku dengan Lulu pulak,boleh lompat katak je. Haha. Ada la dekat 10 gambar melompat tu,yang memang tak jadik langsung. Pfft. Then,Natrah pun suggest la something. Jengjeng. Korang tengok ni ea.

Yaww~ korang tak rasa aku melompat dengan sangat tinggi ke tu?? Hahaha. Sangat kan? Ni la dia,Natrah suggestkan kitorg untuk lompat turun drpd kerusi tu! Desperate gila. Aku jatuh macam nangka buruk lepas tu. (O_o) Hahaha. Btw,thanks to that bench.

Agak-agak dah puas pose dengan kiut-sekiutnya, *muntah* and bila mulut dah mengeluarkan wap, pipi dah rasa sejuk semacam, tangan dah kebas even pakai gloves, kaki dah menggigil dan tak mampu berjalan lagi dah *okay,itu tipu. Haha. Kitorg pun balik rumah. Penat penat penat. Tapi,I bet ni hujung minggu yang sangat cool.

Yes,sangat cool! ;)


Hello! Let us start our lesson today with the important derivatives of monosaccharides-aminosugars. kehkeh :p

Okay,they are formed from the corresponding monosaccharide by replacing the OH group at C2 with amino group (NH2) e.g. glusamine,galactosamine and mannosamine.

Aminosugars are important contituents of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) or mucopolysaccharides and some types of glycolipids e.g. gangliosides. They are conjugated with acetic acid and/or sulphate to form different derivatives as follows: 

.............psstt.. just abandon the other examples,yeah? the most important is --->
Sialic acid or N-acetyl-neuraminic acid (NANA). muahaha :D yess. NANA enters in the structure of many glycolipids and glycoprotein. It forms an important structure of cell membrane and has many functions as follows:
  1. It is important for cell recognition and interaction.
  2. It is important constituent of cell membrane receptors.
  3. It plays an important role in cell membrane transport systems.
Sooo,as the nutshell of our lesson today.. im too important in your life,right??  hik3^^ no offence,guys~

02 December 2010



notakaki: sayang dan rindu mereka amatamat!