Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Photo Editing in Photoshop

Want to learn some new photo editing tricks in Photoshop? Check out this FREE class being offered at www.jessicasprague.com!

Register THIS WEEK, class begins July 6th! I'm already signed up and can't wait to see what new stuff I'll learn. It's always an adventure with Jessica and Liv.

To take advantage of the free class, log-in to www.jessicasprague.com. If you aren't already registered on the site, you will need to register first, then log-in. Once you are logged in, click on "redeem gift codes" (from the general menu on the left), then type "FREECLASS062009" in the code box. That's it! See you in class!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Stay OUT of the Garage!

I spent yesterday (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. - yes ALL day) cleaning out our garage. The girls came out around 11:30 and helped for the rest of the day. Literally took everything movable OUT. Cleaned out years worth of dust, dirt, sawdust bunnies, and mouse poop. Washed the window. Sorted stuff by type/purpose (lawn & garden, sporting goods, auto, hand tools, etc.). Removed one highly under-utilized old dresser (storing auto parts for cars we no longer own). Then moved stuff back in - mostly to original positions, but organized by use.

This is the new part. Moved in a nice workspace for Jay, something he had indicated in prior discussions about expanding the garage that he would really like to have some day. The set includes two cabinets - one with 3 drawers, one with 2 doors that has shelves inside - and a "hutch" piece that is peg board with an attached light and power strip and lots of space to hang tools for easy access. The two cabinet pieces, side by side, create a nice workbench surface and the peg board hutch sits at the back of it. The whole idea behind this purchase was to provide Jay a nice workspace in the garage as his gift for Father's Day. Anyway, move all done, garage back together, four sweaty, filthy, exhausted women.

Jay comes home. He is suitably surprised with our work but trying to figure out where we put everything (most stuff hasn't really moved from original positions). As he is becoming reacquainted with his garage, he sees the location of the snow blowers. Now understand, placement of the work space necessitated moving our two snowblowers (yes, TWO) into a small space in front of my car. Why two snowblowers? Our driveway honestly isn't that big to begin with. But apparently the smaller one is good for snow less than 6", the larger one for over 6" (which happens once every five years? maybe?). No deal. Ugh.

Apparently where I chose to store the snow blowers will NOT work because they are not readily accessible without moving my car back (which of course you can't do unless you open the garage door and back it out into the two foot pile of snow sure to be sitting there). So now he is brainstorming ways to fit his new storage (which can't be returned BTW - it's assembled!) into the garage and have the snowblowers in a place where they can be turned right out into the middle of the garage with both cars in it. Okay, you'd have to know our set-up but this is IMPOSSIBLE! His current thinking is to hang the hutch piece on the wall, stack the two cabinets facing sideways out from the wall, and park the large snowblower in front of them. Which means whichever cabinet is on the bottom will be completely inaccessible unless you MOVE the snowblower. Which is exactly where the under utilized dresser sat - blocked so that you couldn't get into the bottom two drawers - which may explain why Jay didn't know he was storing oil filters from vehicles we owned in 1999!

The point of my rant? Lesson learned: never never never enter a man's domain and try to organize it for him! He hasn't moved things around yet, but I am certain he will. And when he does the entire point of the exercise, that four women spent all day on, will be forever lost. He will not have the workbench surface, he will not have the open workspace we created for him. Guess he didn't want it bad enough to put up with having to reach an inaccessible snowblower once every five years.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Clutter Sucks {Life Away}

Do you own your stuff or does it own you? I'm reading "It's All Too Much" by Peter Walsh (of TLC's Clean Sweep series) and it really resonates.

Peter says: "Clutter is insidious, a slow but steady tide. It enters your home little by little, usually over years. Clutter sucks life away. It leaves you depressed, overwhelmed, lacking motivation, and unable to breathe. Clutter prevents you from enjoying the most precious, intimate moments in life. Clutter robs you of far more than the space it occupies - it steals your life!"

Oh - I couldn't agree more! A little further into the book he expounds on the excuses we all have for not removing the clutter from our lives. Excuse #5 "I don't have the time" is my personal excuse. But I was reading on another blog (The Happiness Project) how the author has changed her personal philosophy from "I'm in a hurry" to "I have plenty of time for the things that are important to me."

Okay, busted. If getting rid of that clutter was really important to me, I would make the time to take care of it! So today I made time. I listed 3 cropper hopper work stations, 2 student clarinets, a cash register, and a credit card imprinter on craigslist. Listing the CH work stations has been on my "to do" list since January! The clarinets - sitting in a tub untouched for 3 full years now! Anything that hasn't sold in a week, they are going to Good Will and I'll just take the tax deduction. Time for this stuff to LEAVE! Now if I could just convince Jay that we don't need two snowblowers and four ladders....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Utterly Uninspired

Some of you might be wondering - so, Cheri, where the hell have you been??? I've been here, I've just been utterly uninspired. I've been updating and tweeting and involved in multiple online courses simultaneously and very very very busy. But not so busy that I couldn't blog. I just haven't felt the blog spirit move me recently. Sorry.
My journey I've been while I've been M.I.A.:

Big Picture Scrapbooking - the Library of Memories (second time fully engaged in this class), Wellness Journey, and Everyone Can Write a Little classes have just wrapped up. Absolutely adored ECWL and would highly recommend it to anyone when it is offered again in the future! Here's a sample from my ECWL album:

and yes, that thought is fairly representative of my mindset of late. Now aren't you happy I haven't been posting that kind of heavy stuff on a regular basis?

Now I'm eagerly anticipating Lisa Day's "Challenge of Me" class at BPS (starts June 25) and then Cathy Zielski's "Me: The Abridged Version" which hasn't opened for registration just yet (starts in Sept.). I'm aware that the themes of these classes are similar, but I know each teacher will approach this from a very different angle and I expect I'll still end up with two very different scrapbooks out of it!

Simplify 101 - Just finished "Organize Your Paper Clutter" and now I'm knee deep in "Organizing 101". Thanks to these classes I've recycled SIX grocery bags full of shredded paper, taken a trunk load of stuff to Good Will, and have a blissfully clean laundry room and a well-organized and fully stocked linen closet. Other projects for the next few weeks include the upstairs hallway bookcase (aka "junk case") and the downstairs hall closet. Aby is very sweet and very involved in the class forums. Good stuff. Another round of the paper clutter class starts soon if you are interested.

Jessica Sprague - signed up for the "ACDSee" course - got through the intro and stalled. Need to get back to it. I don't seem to do as well with the self-paced classes. Never finished all the layouts from "Type + Writer" either, so I need to get myself motivated to get back to those soon.

Other than that, I celebrated my 48th birthday with a quick day trip to NYC (where I DID see the famous Naked Cowboy) and had a lovely lunch at Bubba Gumps.

Monday, April 20, 2009


If you have been following my blog, then you know I'm taking an online course called "A Life Well Crafted." As part of this course we get a new journaling prompt each Monday. The last two weeks have been very interesting. Last week (4/13) I missed the prompt getting ready for my trip to Portland. When I got home and looked it up, here is the question:

What is the simplest yet most important thing you know? My answer: I am enough.

Intellectually I know this to be true. Sometimes though - emotionally, physically, spiritually - I have difficulty believing it and loving myself as I am, faults and all. I am human. I make mistakes. (a lot). I don't always manage to control my temper and I am not always the nicest person to be around. I have issues. I'm not always the most consistent parent. Sometimes I don't enforce the rules enough, other times maybe I am too strict and keeping my girls on too short a leash. But I always mean well and always want the best for my children. Making mistakes in parenting does not mean I love them any less. What I know most of all, deep down in my heart, is that at any given time I am doing the best I can with what I have and what I know. I hope that is what they grow up understanding. Not that I was perfect, but that I did the best I knew how.

Which brings me to today's question. What do you like to read?

I just finished the Twilight series - devoured most of the last book on my flight to Portland and finished it while I was there. The Twilight series is a young adult fictional romance with vampires. It was a good read, mostly just entertaining.
But I liked Stephenie Meyers (the author) enough that I picked up her next book "The Host" to read on the trip home from Portland. If you like fiction that has a broader message and leaves you thinking, I highly recommend this book. It gets you pondering the question of exactly what it means to be human. And thinking about all the different emotions that go along with being human. Could we appreciate great joy and love, if there were not sorrow and hate to compare it to? to balance it out? I'm not going to give away any of the plot, but consider it for your book list.
I also enjoy reading self-help type books if they are ones that speak to me. My all time favorite remains "Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting" by Lynn Grabhorn. Right now I'm reading "I Thought It Was Just Me" and following the read-along on the author's blog. But I'm almost ready for some new material. So what do you like to read? Any recommendations?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Road to Recovery, Creative Mojo, Age of Enlightenment, and other Random Stuff.

I've had this blog post rattling around inside my head for days now, but between being sick, work, two 7 hour round-trip drives to Susquehanna University, and just spending some family time on Easter weekend, I just haven't had time to put it together. Now I've got a free 1/2 hour before I head to the airport so here goes...

Road to Recovery: Yes, I've been noticeably absent. Because I was sick. For two weeks. I had the sore throat, cough, congestion, body aches, all I want to do is sleep thing that's been going around. And trying to sleep propped up so I could breathe aggravated my sciatic nerve so then my back hurt so bad I could barely walk. I finally did three nights of Nyquil-induced coma and I'm feeling much better, thank you. Does mean I missed a solid week of Curves and my strength dropped, so my workouts have been less than par. And I stayed away from Treadmill for awhile, so I'll be back to square one there. But I will be back.
As soon as I get back from Portland that is. Yes, heading out for a four day work-related trip to Portland. Don't envy me. I get to spend all day Wednesday in a hotel conference room with 25 other attorneys talking current issues facing our MLS businesses. Yawn. I'll try to hit the fitness room while I'm there. The upside to Portland - I'm going to the read the last of the Twilight series books on the flight to/from. Yeah! Escape into vampire world!
Creative Mojo: So I think maybe my Creative Mojo is coming back. I feel right now like I'm back in college juggling a full course load, but I'm LOVING this! I'm currently enrolled in three Big Picture Scrapbooking courses - Life Well Crafted (year long), Library of Memories, and Wellness Journey. The Wellness Journey one just got started and it is all about embracing fitness and getting your body moving. I NEED this class! I'm also taking Type + Writer at the Jessica Sprague site. Type + Writer is a combo journaling/digi-scrapping class. Check out my first two layouts!
The Age of Enlightenment: Now this second layout is interesting because it comes at a time when I'm also doing a "read-along" with author Brene Brown on her blog following the book "I Thought It Was Just Me". This book is about dealing with shame and moving into shame-resilience which is a hard concept to explain, but very eye-opening work. At any rate, I've decided having gotten into all these online courses and what not that the 40's definitely is the Age of Enlightenment. It is that point when you finally realize that trying to be the person everyone else wants you to be just isn't working for you and you need to learn to just BE YOURSELF. You need to take all those versions of yourself that you've created to meet everyone else's needs - mother, wife, friend, employee, etc. - and incorporate all those selves into one authentic whole person. And even more than that - a whole person who takes the time to nurture and love herself and meet her own needs. I'm working on it. But man, what a concept. And why does it take us this long into our human existence to figure this out anyway???
American Idol - I'm thinking Adam has a good shot at winning, although he's really not my thing. Lil has a great voice but she isn't doing a very good job at showcasing it. Love Danny Gorkey, but don't think he's the best. Personally I'm having a hard time deciding between Matt and Kris. What do you think?
Wii Fit - so we got this game for Easter. And knowing NOTHING about it or how it works I get on and my kids click me through the fitness test. My brain has a really hard time translating how those pictures on the t.v. are supposedly telling me how to adjust my weight right vs. left foot. I finally got it, but apparently too late. The Wii tells me "So the balance test isn't your forte. Do you find yourself tripping over your own feet?" Aw, come on - give an old lady a break! It also told me I'm "obese" (okay, I knew that) and that my Wii Fit age is "49" - not so bad considering I'm almost 48. But my 50 year old DH has a Wii Fit age of 37. God, sometimes I hate men. Anyway, after Portland, I'm going to try the yoga and stretching stuff on Wii. Anyone out there do this? Does it work?
Time's Up! Okay, gotta run now. Airport and Twilight, here I come!