Sunday, May 10, 2015


 Here are some random pics.  First, Cheyanna at Chloe Hildebrand's birthday party.  Next, when I do Cheyanna's hair and she wants see what the back looks like, I often take a pic to show her.  Here's one braided day.  And the other two are of Magic--Cheyanna's favorite stuffed animal. 

Lindsey comes to visit

 Lindsey came to visit for a few days in August.  We got to celebrate Ivy's 3rd birthday with her!  We went to Peter Piper Pizza and everyone had fun. 
Lindsey and I went to the Gilbert temple together.

 Charles Howard Watkin times three!

First Day of School 2014

 It's Charlie's Senior year!  Holy cow, how is that possible?  Charlie is in 12th grade at Skyline High School.  Carson is in 10th at Skyline.  Cade is starting Junior High!!  He's in 7th grade at Smith Junior High.  Cheyanna is in 5th grade at Noah Webster School. 

Visit from the Roberts cousins

 The Roberts family came to visit us at the end of the summer.  They stayed in a nice vacation house about 7 minutes from our house.  The cousins had so much fun playing and swimming together!  Dina and I had fun spending some quality sister time.  Rebecca had just turned 16, so we thought it would be fun to set up a group date.  She went to a YM's basketball game at the stake center and picked out Devon Rash from the crowd of YM there.  The kids went on a group date mall scavenger hunt and had a blast.  Madeline went with Jacob Roberts and Charlie went with Kaitlyn Ray.  Well, Rebecca and Devon totally hit it off!  They got along great and had so much fun together!  Dina and I took the girls and Charlie to see Footloose at the Hale Theater, which was lots of fun too.  It was so great having them in town and getting to spend so much time together!  :) July-Aug 2014

On our way to Footloose

Cade First Class Scout

 Here are some pictures from a Court of Honor where Cade earned his rank of First Class.  July 2014

Palmyra and the Sacred Grove

Waiting for the Hill Cumorah Pageant to start

These two trees were actually on the diamond notch road, where Carson and I went walking/jogging.  We loved how these two trees seem to be hugging.  Cute!