Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The [War]ld is an amazing place

RandomThots was on a sabbatical.
What? No. I was just lazy.
Anyway, half a month is a disastrously long time to not have written.

How long? Enough for the most star-studded music fest of my life to have passed, (for me to become a webcomic addict), for the biggest games in the world to begin, the Premier League season to have kicked of, and, for WAR to start.
At first my reaction was - war? It's the 21st century, and one country declares war on another?
And then i realised - territorial war, war on terror.. Meh. mere differences in vocabulary.

I once wrote an essay where i said that the USA is like a terrorist organisation because of their [illegal?ill-approved?unwarranted?] war against Iraq. I didn't actually score very well on it so maybe all i'm saying is fluff.

See, a lot of problems in the world is just pedantics.
Merriam Webster says war is: (1): a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations.

Now the clincher is this - what defines 'armed hostile conflict between states or nations'? How and who are we to decide what the parameters are? If the prime minister approves that i whack Charmaine on the head with a rolling pin (merely because she's Singaporean), doesn't that fall under 'armed hostile conflict between nations?'
Alright, so maybe not, but the point is, who are we to decide whether you count as a representative of a state or nation and what scale conflict has to be on to qualify?

In any case, i maintain that i should've scored higher for that paper.

But anyway, first reaction to hearing about Russia vs. Georgia.
1) There's WAR in the 21st century. (unjustified. not the first one)
2) Russia is a gazillion times bigger! Gah! Big Bullies!

And i think a lot of people think #2 too. But you know, dug a little deeper. It seems Georgia tried to muscle in on the South Ossetian land and the people there were actually grateful for Russian protection.
So.. Georgians allegedly tried to take control over disputed territories
The Russians retaliated as they've sort of been giving these territories protection.
But now the Russians are in Georgia and they don't want to leave.

If they were children and i was their mother, they'd both have to pull their ears and squat in the corner. And they probably wouldn't get dessert, either.

So, to sum up. Georgia wants more land. Russia wants Georgia. Noone really cares what the people on the disputed land think.
Yay! Same as nearly every other conflict in the world!

Indeed, The world is an amazing place.

In other news, if i was to start a Jeannie to Melbourne fund, only looking for, say, 400 AUD, would there be any kind contributors? There may be food, cocktails and all sorts of cajoling involved. Hur hur hur....