Thursday, September 24, 2009

He's here!

For anyone who hasn't heard, Gavin Neal Cheney was born Sat, Sept 19. Good healthy baby and oh-so-cute. I'll update with more photos and info when I'm caught up on sleep. Okay, so I won't really wait a whole year to post again, but hopefully next week I'll have a little more blogging energy (besides, it's almost my bedtime--feed the baby and then I'm out as soon as I can). For now....

Friday, September 18, 2009


Nesting Instinct:
an uncontrollable urge to clean one's house brought on by a desire to prepare a nest for the new baby, to tie up loose ends of old projects and to organize your world.Females of the animal kingdom are all equipped with this same need. It is a primal instinct. Just as you see birds making their nests, mothers-to-be do exactly the same thing. The nesting urge can also be seen as a sign of the onset of labor when it occurs close to 40 weeks of pregnancy.


No baby yet. And so, on goes the nesting. Of course, it could just be my organizing, clean-freak, just-moved-into-a-new-apartment need that is part of my natural personality, or maybe it's remembering that after having Ethan, I felt like I got NOTHING done on my to-do list for months, and wanting to instead, get everything I can done now. Regardless, until I have any contractions, on I go. Here's a few projects from the past couple weeks. Today's list: clean the whole house (hence, why I'm instead blogging :) ).

Nursing cover, wipes case, and burp rags

Hooded towels for the boys

Repainting Ethan's dresser (before and after)

Friday, September 11, 2009

The last leg...

Ten days until "the day". No, it's not the new season of Fall I'm referring to (that's the next day), but the season of baby cooing and crying. My doctor's appointment today showed I'm not dilated, so I may have some time before baby boy Cheney arrives. My hopes were that I'd be able to be induced next week, but without any dilation, it's a no-go.
"What's that?" you say. "You want to bring this baby into the world sooner than nature intended?"
Given the choice, I'd say yes. I know it's best to let nature do it's thing and let the baby come when he's ready, but I'd love to have the baby come sooner than later despite having fewer days of peaceful sleep (very relative since pregnancy sleep is no where near the good sleep you'd usually get in a night) before waking up several times a night--for several hours each time, trying to teach a newborn the difference between night and day AND despite a baby being SO easy to take care of in utero--no diapers, no nursing, no crying, nothing compared to the tumultuous chaos that erupts for a baby's world after delivery. I'm sure my opinion on that will change as soon as reality of the newborn cry hits my ears. I just can't help that we're excited to meet the little munchkin (and have my body back to myself--mostly--nursing doesn't really fit into that whole privacy thing).
Oh well, though my characteristic self yearns to have life planned out into a convenient little schedule, I'll have to throw that out the window and work on that little bit of spontaneity that I've repressed my whole life. Who knows, maybe I'll like the surprise of going into labor on my own so much that I'll get into more exciting hobbies like skydiving and shark hunting. Hmmm, maybe not.

38 Weeks