Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hip Update

All pretty much good news!  I'm at day 23 and feeling good.  Every day that passes I feel more normal, and I'm remembering what normal even is.  I no longer have to wear a brace--but I'll be honest, I never really did.  I no longer have long, catchy stitches--which means no more waterproof bandaids.  I no longer have to wear the calf pumps if I'm sitting or laying down for mar than 20 min.  And I only have to CPM for 2 hours.  Hallelujah!

So 5 more days of crutches--which I'm nervous to be off.  I don't know why but I'm a little scared to do it on my own.
5 more days of CPM/2 hours per days

Then life will basically be normal, except for PT twice a day and water therapy.  But that's basically like a daily workout.  Otherwise I can clean, cook, pick up Hannah, run errands, carry in the mail, etc...which will be so nice.  All the mundane things of life will be so nice now.  I'm so thankful to all who have been filling in--especially Diane who was here for a week!--but I'm anxious to be "mom" again.

Then hopefully by the end of March I can start running, biking, you name it, to my hearts content.  I know it will be awhile before I'm strong again, but at least I can start the process.  I'm hoping that I can enjoy this summer before I feel like I have to do my right side.  Feb was a good month too be laid out.  I don't know how I could finagle another Feb. surgery, but it'd be nice.

Right now I'm able to put more and more weight on my surgical side and I'm feeling like I'm getting stronger.  I had a little hiccup my first few days of more weight bearing, but now I feel like I'm managing it well.  I still look pretty lopsided, but I hope it's just swelling and not a new shaped hip.  I'll stick with symmetry please! 

So far so good.  I think it worked.  Cross your fingers for me and pray for continued success.

Sunday morning I came out of my parent's house to this pretty view.  Made me feel thankful for such a beautiful earth we have.  I love frosted trees.

Stitches out!  Getting them out made me so nauseous.  I get so woozy with the smallest things.  Somehow watching strings coming out of my body sent me over the edge.

My PT buddy.  I go to my parents house twice a day to ride their stationary bike and to swim.  Which is so nice to have a close place to do all my PT.  Thanks mom and dad!  Faith will often come for companionship.  Love her.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from all the Hoopes!


The first week of December I surprised the kiddos with a trip to Disneyland!  I love Disneyland and I especially love taking my kids.  I've been dying to go for about a year, but things never seemed to  work out with finances or Ben's work schedule.  But at the beginning of the month I saw a deal on flights to Long Beach so I just went for it and decided to leave Ben with Hannah.

We had the time of our lives!  I kept it a secret all the way to the Hotel. That morning I sent the kids to school as usual so they would not suspect anything.  Then I went and picked them up from school and told them that Dad called me and told me he had a special surprise for us and that the only thing I knew was that I was supposed to pick up the kids then have them read a note that Ben left in the car.---When I picked J up he was really nervous.  Wondering where we were going and how long we'd be gone, because he had perfect attendance and he really didn't want to mess that up! haha.  So Jesse---.  Once we had all the kids in the car Jesse opened the note and it told us that we had to call Ben and he'd give us clues to where we needed to go.  First he said get on the Freeway and head up towards Salt Lake, then we called and he told us to look for signs for the airport.  Then we parked and he told us to look in the glove box and there was a piece of paper that we needed to give the lady at the counter,... etc all the way till when we pulled up to the Disneyland gates.  It was perfect, Mickey and Minnie called us right as we were pulling up to welcome us to our vacation!

It really couldn't have been a better trip.  The weather was perfect, the lines were small ( I don't think that we had to wait for more than 15 min anywhere!), we got to do all that we wanted and more, and all the Christmas decor was the perfect beginning for the holiday.  I think we might have to make it a tradition!

Right when we arrived we had lunch at Ariels grotto and got to see all the best princesses--Ariel, Belle, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderlla and Snow White.  I think Belle had a little Crush on Wy.  ps. This is such a great way to see the princesses so you don't have to wait in that ridiculous line.

Cinderella and Cinderlla

Buzz.  Wyatt was so excited he couldn't even take his eyes off him for the picture.

Small World lights.  Small World is my favorite.  Especially the Christmas Edition

Splash Mountain was Faith and Jesse's favorite.  I love this picture.  Right as we were getting on Faith panicked and said she wanted to sit by me, so without thinking Wyatt got in front then Faith and I slipped in behind her so I could hold on to her.  Then I panicked because little Wy was in front all by himself!  I kept yelling at him to hold on so tight.  I was so scared he was going to fall or jump out.  You can see me reaching for his shoulder to hold him back.  It was true terror for all of us and I loved it!

The Castle was so pretty and magical

Each night we lost one while walking back into the hotel.  Too bad we partied too hard during the day to stay awake for any of the late shows.

Breakfast with Characters.  I think we saw just about every character there was over the course of the trip.  Only disappointment was no Rapunzel.  Mom wasn't will to wait for 90 min.

The Grand Californian Christmas tree


We can't wait for Cars Land to open.  We'll have to go back.

Small world boat all to ourselves.  I'm telling you Dec. is a great time to go.

Natalie and our favorite cousin Kristen came to play with us too!  The kids had so much fun with Kristen showing us all the  insider secrets.  It's always a party with Kristen around!

Faith got to visit the fairy godmothers at the Bibbity Boppity Boo Boutique.  She loved every second of it!  Definitely a must!

After 3 days at Disneyland we went and played with cousins for a night.  I think Faith loved showing up like a princess.  I don't think Truman minded it either:)

Playing at the beach in Emerald Bay.   Such a dream.  We are thoroughly jealous and loved taking advantage of it for a morning.

It was such a fun memory to make with my kids.  They loved it and were really appreciative.  It was so fun to just get to play with them for 3 days without having to deal with the rest of life.   It's crazy the days of having tiny kids are almost gone.  I've got to soak it up while I can.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Oops! I missed a few.

Somehow some pictures didn't make the first cut.

School started back in Sept. and this little girl started kindergarten.  Is she going to break hearts or what?  She loves school, friends, the bus...basically the whole shebang!  She's smart to boot too.

Labor day we went up to the ranch and had a ball.  Four kiddos in the tub.  Had to capture the moment, but hope there's not too many nakie parts.  Don't look close!

Ben's doppleganger

My boys aged another year.  We had a party at the park with rockets and a piƱata to celebrate!

Lucky boy got an iPad(my old one with a new cover!)

Love this pic of Sar and Zoe and my cute girl.  Crazy.  Seems like Zoe was this size just yesterday. 

Building rockets

Oh, we went to Scicily and Ireland for a week.  I'll have to do another post, but it was a ball.  Best part was the fun hotels that we stayed at, and a week break from life!

Catch Up

Since instagram I've really been lacking in the blog arena.  But no more.  I really want to keep a journal of my kiddos going--at the very least semi-regularly.  Here's a quick catch-up of the last few months...

Cheesy Messy grin from Wy

I love sink tubby pictures and this one is especially cute.  Love this girl and all her silliness.

All the kiddos now sit at the bar.  Hannah insists upon being a big girl and just one of the kids.  No more babies here:(  It's really a little sad.

I've been catching a few runs here and there.  I'm excited and geared up for the winter weather!  I've got some vortex shoes and some snowshoes all ready for the snow to come.

I picture I took while on the pot.  I was chuckling to myself thinking how I rarely have a moment on the toilet by myself anymore.  I think it's been about 7 years!

This fall we had fun cheering Braydon on at Timpview football games.  Wyatt thinks that Braydon is the coolest thing that ever walked this earth!  Maybe he's right!

Hanner's hair has finally grown long enough for piggies!  Uh oh, now i have to do her hair.

Cool Wy

Hannah also has to feed herself.  Very messy and independent girl!

All the "meets" (binky's) have officially left the premisses.  Sad but this big boy had a serious addiction that needed to be overcome.  Hannah's binky's were collateral damage.

Faith and her BFF.  She and Hallie met at kindergarten and it was friendship at first sight.  They adore each other.  They have decided to make a long term commitment and swear they are going to be college roommates!  Best part is Ben and Hallie's mom used to play together when they were little, and these two happened to be in the same town, same school, same class and pick each other as best friends!  I love it.

Santa Clause

Cute Hanner

   Thanksgiving in St. George at Cracker Barrel.  It was yummy, cheap, and super fun!  I think we might make it a tradition.  Good news is the gift shop is even better than the food.  The holiday was perfect.  Warm, we did lots of hikes, swam, did the nativity at Tuachan, and played at the spin park.  We honestly couldn't have asked for a better holiday.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Car Wash

The car wash is almost as good as Disneyland in my kids book. Don't tell the boys they missed out!

I'm loving just having my girls MWF mornings.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Who needs dolls when you have a baby sister?