Remember how I used to say how perfect and sweet Wyatt was? Well times have changed. We call him the terrorist because he strives to bring fear and destruction into our home each and every day. He makes unbelievable messes, tries to break most things he touches, and has no idea the amount of danger he puts himself in (suicide missions). Here's some evidence....

Came down from upstairs making beds to finding him like this. Luckily came down before he fell off or before he started chucking vases. And yes, he pushed the chair over there himself.
The other day I found this mess after blow drying my hair.
and just tonight our sitter texted this to us two minutes after we left. Notice the smile and the diaper on the floor.
We are no longer safe at restaurants, church, in the car, friends houses, basically anywhere. And he seems to only be content if he is outside or in the garage, and not in either by himself. Anywhere else and he's not happy. The other day he ate a tuna sandwich in the middle of a snowstorm.
Also we just got our wood floors redone, and within hours of writing the check, he decided to bring a chair in from the garage and push it in circles around the kitchen. So now my fresh floor has two chair scratch trails throughout the kitchen. Oh, and in the middle of all that, he nearly overflowed my tub, and threw the remote in to soak while he was at it. And our basement flooded that evening too, but I can't quite blame that on him. All this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Just at my height of thinking, "This guy is driving me crazy!", I went to our stake women's conference where the theme was, Finding Joy in the Journey. All the women who spoke told how they have found happiness, contentment, and peace despite their life struggles.
So I will no longer say, "I can't wait till he's two", or "Wyatt will be so much easier when..." but, I will find ways to appreciate and find joy in all his stages. And hope he doesn't kill himself in the mean time.
That fact that he's so dang cute doesn't hurt either--as evidenced below...
( Warning: this video may be long and laborious to all except his mother)
And after a weekend of conference all I can say is, I'm mighty thankful for a husband and kids.
If a naughty one year old is my biggest problem, i'd have to say I'm pretty dang lucky.