Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Date Night

Trip Distance: 12.67 mi
Trip Calories: 1998 kcal
Climbed Alititude: 2237 ft

and only half of our adventure last Saturday.

Does it get any better?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sahara Desert

We spent a half day driving out to the Sahara Desert.  Rode some camel out into the dunes, then rode to our tented camp where we spent the night under the stars.

A real Bedouin tent.  Occupants didn't want their picture. But the little boy had a Sponge Bob hat on:)

At camp we were treated by this music sensation and we danced the night away--well, at least Sarah did.

Our tents and camp
Enjoying the show.

Moroccan Interiors and Design

The outside of a Moroccan home looks like this...
Plain plaster, on a narrow street, a few feet from the next.

Then you go inside and it looks like this...
And this...
Completely covered in ELABORATE decor from floor to ceiling.  Mosaic tiled floors, and about the first half of the walls were mosaic tiles.  Then carved plaster till the ceiling, which was always elaborately painted cedar.  Not to mention, all windows are either stained glass or, had iron work in them.

I could do without the floors and walls, but I loved all the ceilings.  I loved the colors the designs, the carved wood.  Oh and the doors were painted as well, or they had intricate carving on all surfaces, or both!

One ceiling without paint, but you can see the wood work.

We went to a tile factory where they make the tiles for the mosaic wall.  All the tiles are placed upside down like this...

 And the result is this.  Gave me a whole new appreciation for the artist.  Backwards and colorless.  I wouldn't have the memory or the eye.

Every mosque had one of these on top to show the direction towards Mecca
These next few are of the first university supposedly ever.  9th century.  Women were permitted, but stood behind wooden dividers so they couldn't be seen

The dark wood is original

One gate to the Medena

At a restaurant

Monday, June 8, 2009

Fes Medena

The Medena or "Old City" was founded in 808, and has remained basically the same since then.  Similar clothes, same streets, selling the same goods.  It really did feel like we went back in time.  Some men wearing western clothes, but the woman still in the traditional garb--oh how thankful I am to be a woman in the US!  No cars, or automobiles--no use since some streets are only 3 ft. wide.
Just your average neighborhood street.

The group wearing the scarf, Moroccan style

No cars, just these guys bearing the burden.

On a terrace over looking the city

Woman in the market with the Islamic star above

Mostly olives and dates

Alley cats everywhere!

Chicken for dinner?  We saw a man come up and purchase a chicken.  Tied it's feet up, but didn't stay long enough to see the beheading.

Can I get a Sirlion and a testical with that?  Really, is that used?

Terrace top.
Such an experience.  Even though the city was remarkably clean, and smells far better than NYC, I am still amazed that we are all living on the same earth.  Such a different culture and landscape.  Another reminder how blessed I am in my life's circumstances.