Saint George again? Yes! and I am ready move there. Too many fun things to do and the winter weather is too good. Monday our car said it was 65 degrees. Mix that with blue skies, red rock, and a whole lot of sunshine and you get a pretty good time--especially with Provo stuck in the inversion.

Ben with his many a tie downs. This guy is a nazi

Jesse getting his sun tan on.

Jesse taking my picture--not bad composition.

Faith on the shores of Sand Hollow Res. (There were even water skiers out--crazy!)

Sitting on the trailer tongue.

Testing out the new RZR.

Faith always in her princess attire

Faith covering her ears during the scary parts of Aladdin

Mom's turn

Not so sure.

A little reluctant, but we made it just fine.

RZR or jungle gym, take your pick.

I even got to ride for the first time in over a year. I only fell once, and I even picked up my own bike. Who needs a man?