Friday, January 30, 2009

Crazy J

Growing Up

Yesterday I laid Wyatt down in his bouncer and next thing I know I find him like this.  Sitting up like he's done it his whole life.  He says he has had it with laying down.

And this is him laying eye's on Daddy when he came home from work.  Far better then coming home to a puppy.  You can see the love in his eyes!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Washington Dam and Sand Hollow

Saint George again?  Yes! and I am ready move there.  Too many fun things to do and the winter weather is too good.  Monday our car said it was 65 degrees.  Mix that with blue skies, red rock, and a whole lot of sunshine and you get a pretty good time--especially with Provo stuck in the inversion.
Ben with his many a tie downs.  This guy is a nazi

Jesse getting his sun tan on.

Jesse taking my picture--not bad composition.

Faith on the shores of Sand Hollow Res.  (There were even water skiers out--crazy!)

Sitting on the trailer tongue.

Testing out the new RZR.

Faith always in her princess attire

Faith covering her ears during the scary parts of Aladdin

Mom's turn

Not so sure.

A little reluctant, but we made it just fine.

RZR or jungle gym, take your pick.

I even got to ride for the first time in over a year.  I only fell once, and I even picked up my own bike.  Who needs a man?

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Jesse: Mom you better come down stairs and do some exercise, because you are starting to loose a lot of fat.

I don't think he quite gets it. I am not sure if it was a compliment, or some healthy criticism. Either way I am going to take it as a compliment.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Living La Vida Loca

The day after Christmas my parents invited us to go to Cabo with them last minute.  And despite rumors going around infants do need a passport.  Good thing Wyatt is blond and blue eyed.  We might have had to leave him at the border.  The days were spent consuming tacos, maple donuts, and sunshine.  Ben relaxed--as much as you can with 3 kids, I played a lot of tennis, J mastered his swimming skills, Faith--had the flu for pretty much the whole time, and Wyatt kept his milky skin in the shade.  The weather was great and and the ocean was perfectly mild for the kids first excursion.

J, yes in the nude.  You have to wear a swim suit for the rest of your life, why start now?  Modesty never has been my forte.

The whole fam, with a gratuitous Sam in the background.

Wyatt's mode of transportation
Faith's disposition for most of the week.

Ben hard at work.
Keeping that skin baby fresh.

Thank you Nana and Papa

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas

This year has been my favorite Christmas yet.  Why?  Because the kids were so excited and all of the magic of Christmas is so real for them. With each and every gift purchased I couldn't wait to see the smile that it would bring to their face.  This holiday season was filled with hot coco, Santa's lap, snow play, gingerbread houses, parties and parties, family, chocolates, and a lot of baby Jesus talk.  In truth, there was a lot of anticipation of gifts, so I tried to explain to the kids that Christmas is Jesus's Birthday and to remind us all of him and his gift for us, he shares his birthday with everyone (and Santa is his special helper).

Faith got everything princess--only fit for a princess right?

As you can see the jammies didn't last long.  The dress-ups are her favorite.  She always has a princess dress on--even naps in them--and will only take it off if we leave the house. 

Slot car track, bike, and xbox games--does life get any better for a 4-year-old?

Santa enabling the addiction.
All and all it was a great season and I am only glad it's over because all the fun was exhausting?  Now what am I going to hold over their heads?

Monday, January 12, 2009


I have had all sorts of intentions of doing some catch-up posts, but heck I have three kids kids to please all day. I have next to no time on the computer. Slowly but surely I will do it.

About a month ago we put Wyatt in Jesse's bed while we were getting Faith and Jesse out of the tub. He was looking so big, I went and grabbed the camera. Plus I have few pics of Jesse loving on his little bro. When I was pregnant Jesse would hug and kiss and talk to my belly all day. He loved the guy so much before he even met him. And now it hasn't stopped--well it's transferred to Wyatt, not my belly. No one can make Wyatt laugh like Jesse can. Wyatt is going to be one lucky guy to have a big brother that loves him as much as he does.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Scene: Hallway just outside Wyatt's room.

Mom: Hey why don't you guys go play down stairs so I can get Wyatt to sleep in his bed.

Jesse: Ok mom. Faith, follow me

Faith: No

J: Yes, follow me Faith.

F: No

J: Follow ME!

F: No

J: Fine, (Stomping down the hall) Go follow the prophet!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Our Little Wy Guy

This milky little guy really is too fun. He's sweet, he's happy, and he's too much fun to kiss. He is now 4 1/2 months--rolling over both ways, is a champ at eating cereal, and sleeping till about 6 and then goes back down for another hour or so. Everyone said that #3 is the one that put them over the edge, but I really feel like I have been able to enjoy this guy the most. Not that I don't have my hard days, because I definitely do, but 3rd time around I guess I am a lot less neurotic and a lot more confident as a mom.