Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Looking for...

An orange clock--or a clock that I could paint orange and an orange rug--preferably shag. Anyone seen anything?

And as for Wyatt's room I have been waiting till I get it all done, but I realize it may be a week or so yet, so I will just leave you with a teaser.

And this is the cradle that my very kind sister is letting me borrow. I love it and I can't wait to use it. I never splurged on one with my first two.

More Ranch Pictures

I took a total of 3 Ranch pictures, but thankfully my Mom took plenty.

The Whole Crew
Who knew 2 people could generate this much offspring?

Just the grandkids.

Faith dancing for someone...

My brother even brought up a wagon to get in the spirit of the 24th.

Jesse and Matthew have never paid much attention to each other before, but this trip they did some serious bonding.

They spent most of the day doing this.

And a very pregnant Momma.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Ranch Reunion 2008

Over the 24th we had our annual Ranch Reunion. 53 in total including all my siblings and their kids, my parents, and my cousin and her kids. Lets just say we were happy to have our trailer and just a little bit of private space. The days were filled with jeep rides, rhinos, 4-wheelers, jumping on the tramp, and jumping in the lake. I don't think that Jesse said more than 10 words to me for four days. He was all about cousins 24-7. Faith enjoyed charming one boy after the next-getting them to pick her up and love on her for as long as they would tolerate it. I enjoyed not really having to do much, and going for walks. And I think Ben liked it all. All and all is was a successful vacation. The last before our new little guy comes! Just 3 1/2 weeks.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Big Thanks To My Man

We, well maybe I should say Ben has spent the last two Saturdays painting my nursery furniture. And now, after hours and hours it is all painted. He really wasn't excited about the task, so I really appreciate his willingness to do it for me--and I have to say that it turned out pretty stinking cute. So thanks Daddy, Wyatt's room will be unbelievably cute--I mean studly.

I know, your thinking aqua? Well, wait till you see the finished product, in the nursery, with the bedding.

*and thanks to Karen for the idea*

Monday, July 14, 2008

Family Night Up At Tibble Fork Reservoir

For family night last night we decided to do a little picnic up at Tibble Fork Reservoir. Faith started to get sick on the way up and didn't have the best time, but the rest of us did. We enjoyed the scenery, fed the squirrels, and put our feet in the freezing water. American Fork Canyon is so pretty I wish we went up there more.

Jesse has learned to roll his tongue and now you can see he does it quite a bit.

Faith not feeling so great if you can't tell

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Old, but still makes me laugh

I think this was two years ago, but I came across these pictures just now and I still laughed out loud. This is our bumper after driving up to Afton Wyoming and we told my nephew if he did a full tongue lick up the bumper we would give him--I think $12. Maybe we should have been reported to child protection services...

New Crib!

Well kind of...at least new paint. I went and got all of the tools, now I am just waiting for Ben to come home and help me carry the dresser and crib the the garage to paint. I have been waiting to do this for what seems like months, so I hope it turns out.

I'll post pictures when we get it all done.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

and Daddy too.

Just One Way to Induce Labor

Not really, this takes as much exertion as walking. And the fall is a little softer than laying down in my bed. I love it. No fear of going fast on a ski, no pressure to jump the wake resulting in an excruciating enema on a wake board. A pain free behind the boat option.

Even Jesse did it...We didn't get it on tape, but Jesse, Wyatt and Momma did it together too.

Girls Camp

My belly and I snook up to Girls Camp for the day yesterday and I have to say we have some mighty pretty girls in these parts. I was kind of nostalgic of the old days. Wish I could have partied all week.

Monday, July 7, 2008

J Man and wumdopony@gmail.com

A few months ago I was going through my list of people that had accepted invites to my blog and noticed a name and email that I didn't recognize--user name:J Man email:wumdopony@gmail.com. So I emailed J Man and asked him who he was. After about a week I didn't get a response so I removed him from my invitees. I didn't think much of it. Thought that it was someone that I invited but just used an email and name that I wasn't familiar with.

Well, my sister-in-law has a private blog too and somehow this same person mysteriously showed up on her invitee list too. She emailed him too, and also no response.

So I just went through my list again and the same guy is on and I haven't sent out any invites for a long time. I emailed him again and no response.

So are there any of you out there with private blogs with a J Man on your list too? Does anyone know who this is? Or J Man who are you? Let me know who you are so I am not nervous that there is this master hacker out there.

Still I am hoping that it is someone I know that just doesn't check that email, but I wouldn't mind an explanation. So any of you with private blogs, check it out.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

New Bumper

We have been celebrating the 4th with Ben's family in Donner--pictures and video to come--but just incase you wanted an update on the bumper, I thought I would introduce you to  Darth.  I was even of some assistance in the garage before we left.