Lately, I realized that my milk prodcution is not as stable as before. There are days when the prodcution were low, as much as only 10oz per day. But there are also days when the production seem promising, as much as 18oz per day.
I suspect the inconsistency in the production was due to my stress level at office. Few times that I am too occupied with works and I delayed my pumping session to 1-2 hours than my usual pumping time. Thus, milk production will be low for that day. Or even when I did not eat a lot.
I tried to use breastfeeding calculator from The result came out like this:-
to our calculations, a baby weighing 18 pound and ounces
will need approximately 19 to 23 ounces
of breastmilk while you are away. Please
keep in mind that this is based on the typical average child.
There will be some variances based on age. For example a younger
child may need less breastmilk and a child that is over or
underweight may need more or less breastmilk. Please consult
your doctor for more specific questions about how much breastmilk
your child should be taking.
So true. Everyday I packed Ilyaas 18oz for drinking and another 3-4 oz for his nestum. and today I made him mash potato utk bekal ke rumah babysiter. Harap2 Ilyaas ok with the mash potato, so that after this I don't have to give the extra 3-4oz EBM for him anymore for the nestum.
Having back ache for the whole day today. Nak susukan Ilyaas sambil mengiring pun sakit. Salah tidur agaknya semalam =(
Hari ni, balik kerja cepat2 kami suami isteri buat kerja rumah dan selesaikan mana yang patut seperti basuh semua botol susu serta menyapu rumah (sambil Ilyaas di dalam buckle tai). Kemudian bagi Ilyaas main dgn mainan yang baru di beli tadi. dan kami suami isteri mandi cepat2.solat maghrib dan basuh baju. kemudian terus keluar ke Jusco Setiawangsa. Singgah di KFC utk makan malam. Bagi Ilyaas rasa mash potato KFC (tanpa kuah yang masin itu).Ilyaas kegembiraan di KFC.
Kemudian, kami bershopping barang2 dapur dalam tempoh masa 35 minit sahaja (termasuk beratur dan membayar di kaunter). Pulang ke rumah. dalam perjalanan terlihat seorang ibu muda sedang berjalan kaki sambil mengendong anak kecil serta menggalas beg baju si anak. Agaknya baru pulang dari kerja dan baru ambil anak dari babysitter. Itulah lumrah hidup kata suami. Kesian sungguh pada ibu muda itu. Terus saya jadi bersyukur pada kehidupan yang saya miliki. Walaupun sering rasa masa tak cukup bersama anak, tp sy lebih beruntung dari wanita itu. Saya pulang kerja jam 5.30ptg, jam 6.15ptg biasanya Ilyaas sudah berada dalam pelukan saya. tidaklah seperti ibu muda itu, jam 9.30 baru berjalan kaki mahu pulang ke rumah setelah ambil anak dari babysitter. Pasti dia ibu yang sangat cekal mencari rezeki.
Berhenti sekejap jemur baju di ampaian (ampaian kah itu kalau jemur dekat balcony condo?).Ilyaas baru tidur dgn nyenyak.jadi sampai sini dulu,sakit belakang makin menjadi, tanda badan harus rehat. Selamat malam semua. Have a sweet dream all.
Today Ilyaas Hafiy dah masuk 6 bulan..Yeayyyy...Gembira sebab anak yang ditunggu2 sejak mula pregnant dulu tiba2 dah umur 6 bulan sekarang...cepat sgt masa berlalu...Alhamdulillah semalam bawa Ilyaas ke Paed untuk injection 2nd dose pneumococcal injection. His current weight is 8.37kg with height 66cm. Alhamdulillah, good progress boy.
Since today is his 6th month birthday, I cook him porridge. Actually last week dah start bagi porridge sikit2 testing sama ada Ilyaas suka atau tak. He seems ok with any food. Porridge ke, nestum ke, fruit mash ke, farley ke, semua pun he likes.
Ilyaas Hafiy sedang menikmati his porridge sambil layan Melodi.
So, here goes the simple recipe for baby porridge 1 (no 1 cause I believe many more would come along the way)
1/4 cup beras.
1/2 batang lobak merah
Air secukupnya
1. Bersihkan beras dan isi air di dalam periuk sehingga menutupi paras beras.Lebih kan air.
2. Potong separuh batang carrot kepada bahagian2 kecil.
3. Campurkan carrot di dalam beras.
4. Masak campuran carrot dan beras di atas dapur sehingga menjadi tekstur bubur.
5. Biarkan sejuk apabila bubur sudah masak.
6.Blend campuran bubur sehingga jadi pekat dan lembut.Sedia dihidang.
Bubur nasi + carrot yang telah di blend.Rasanya manis-manis carrot.
1/4 cup beras menghasilkan satu mangkuk kecil bubur. Boleh disimpan dan digunakan 3-4kali makan.
Jika mahu memasak lebih, boleh asingkan kepada beberapa bekas kecil, dan simpan di dalam freezer. Bila nak makan, boleh dipanaskan.Hati-hati jika memanaskan menggunakan microwave, hot spots may occur in the porridge.
As most of you know, I support baby wearing. Currently, I only have one baby carrier.Custom made by NeezaNeedle. I always tempted to order some more from her, especially when I see the new fabrics coming in plus all the new features she has created for the recent buckle tai.
I have been using Merak Buckle Tai since last July. So, I would like to take some opportunity to write in some review for this baby carrier.
NeezaNeedle Baby Carrier is awesome because :-
The fabrics is good quality. It is strong enough and it is also warm to wear anywhere you go.So, it is temperature friendly. My baby tidak berpeluh-peluh bila pakai baby carrier ini.
Easy to wear. Just like 1, 2, 3. and I'm done. Just need to watch the tutorial video for first time.
Comfortable. As said in comment no.1, it is warm to wear anywhere. Baby even can fall asleep in the carrier.
Have warranty for one year. Cool kan sebab this is handmade and still got warranty. Means NeezaNeedle really care for her customers. Just keep in the receipt.
It's affordable. compare the price with other baby carriers in the market like BabyBjorn, they are lots pricey.
Custom made: you can choose your fabric, your carrier type, your add-ons and tell NeezaNeedle, they will try to satisfy you.
My baby has been growing so fast last two months, but he still can fit the carrier nicely. I bet, by the time he is 1 years old, he will still enjoy been carried in the carrier. So,NeezaNeedle Baby Carrier is a long term purchase item.
Top of all, I like this carrier because it's Asian style baby carrier. Asian style baby carrier has more benefits than other carrier. Can read more here about Asian style baby carrier.
NeezaNeedle also states that Asian style baby carriers are more ergonomic since baby's legs are not hanging and the baby's body is closed enough to the mother/father/carer, so it is more safer. Asian style baby carrier also does not hurt the carer's back. Trust me, it's true! I have been carrying Ilyaas for more than one hour in shopping centre, and my back does not hurt.
Till then, enjoy baby wearing. It helps to create the closed bond.
When I browse through fb for NeezaNeedle Fanpage this morning, I found out that Malaysian Baby wearers is doing some survey.
To those mothers out there who are using Soft Structured Baby Carrier (Merak Buckle Tai look-alike), you are welcome to fill in the survey.
The survey is purposely to make comparison chart for soft structured carriers. Please click the link if you wish to join the survey. Don't worry, your details won't be disclosed.
hari ini saya pening kepala. sbb mula buka website uni sekali lagi.
aaahhh, xlarat nak type panjang2 di sini sbb sudah luah perasaan di sini.
kalau larat, click dan a gentle reminder, entry itu terhuyung hayang.
kalau yakin diri tidak akan kepeningan lalat, bacalah.
ok, sekian.nak pi baring sebelah husband tgk fast and furious beli kat pasar malam.
Ilyaas dah tidur lepas menggombeng selama hampir 30minit.
esok nak pi cucuk Ilyaas 2nd dose pneumococcal, pastu pi 2 open house(s)
I rarely read newspaper. Teruk kan? Ye, mmg teruk sbb saya sangat malas nak bukak newspapers Malaysia. Hari-hari penuh dgn isu politik yang tak ada kesudahan. Boring. Tapi tak patut saya buat mcm tu, sbb bnyk lagi info-info serta isu-isu yang penting dan berfaedah dalam newspaper. So, hari ni, masuk office saya bukak The Star. Tajuk utama hari ini ialah Shocking reasons why Malaysians are living beyond their means. Boleh click di link ini untuk berita penuh.
Saya sgt2 bersetuju dgn rencana ni. Tepat kena batang hidung sendiri. Saya selalu overspent. Tiap-tiap bulan overspent. Nak kata bayar macam-macam, tak juga.Banyak expenses suami yang tanggung. So,ke mana duit saya ? hmmmm, menjadi tanda soal dalam kepala....?????
I realize that I am not a good financial manager of myself. Selalu tak buat perancangan tentang apa yang perlu and apa yang tak perlu dibeli. Sejak ada Ilyaas, sy macam ada magnet kalau tengok barang-barang bayi. Mesti nak singgah tengok, lepas tu terbeli. Untuk pujuk hati sbb terbeli barang baby, sy kata, takpe, spend untuk anak,tak pun guna alasan, anak sulung byk barang takde, jadi kena la beli. Tak patut. saya bukanlah pakai handbag berjenama pun, jadi bab handbag mmg dah pangkah awal-awal.mmg saya tak spend duit pada handbag. dan juga pada make up. tp saya spend duit kat mana yer?
Ahhhh, tak tahu...Makan? ada la jugak. Baju? Emmm boleh tahan. Saya banyak baju dalam almari. Tapi selalu kata alaaa, tak muat la, baju lama, buat alasan beli baju baru. Tudung? Oh mmg banyak sama mcm baju, selalu buat alasan kata tudung lama. Bil Telefon? hehehe, dulu ingt lepas kahwin bil telefon tak banyak mcm zaman bertunang sbb tiap2 malam wajib cakap fon. hmmm, tak juga. ada anak, bil naik balik.sbb selalu sikit2 amik gambar anak, pastu nak upload kat fb.kena la bukak internet through hp. pakai pulak celcom package biasa, hp pulak hp cap ayam mmg slow la internet kat hp, tp sbb nak jugak upload gambar anak kt fb, sanggup bayar bil telefon mahal2..hmmm, mmg tak perlu.harus dihapuskan tabiat ini. tak pun sikit2 nak telepon mak kat penang nak tanya pasal itu ini about baby. yang ini perlu la kan.
Berbalik pada artikel dalam The Star hari ini, saya jadi sedar (harap sedar berpanjangan, bukan sedar sekejap je) pada sikap shopaholic and poor financial management yang saya miliki. Membaca entry Kak Hannah Johary pasal ways to manage your financial banyak membantu saya untuk lebih berhati-hati menguruskan kewangan. Agaknya, kalau gaji 10ribu pun, kalau tak reti nak manage duit, surely akan kayap juga kan? Duit oh duit...Sejajar dengan masalah rakyat Malaysia overspent ni, The Star telah melancarkan Kampen Protect Our Pockets.
Saya click untuk join kampen ini. Hehe, saja suka-suka dengan harapan dapat memberi faedah pada diri sendiri yang fail financial management ni.Melalui kampen ni, ada 6 resolution yang di ketengahkan.They are :-
dapat la resolution2 ini dilaksanakan. Kalau bukan kerajaan yang
laksanakan pun, try practic kan pada diri sendiri urusan2 financial
magement yang bagus. Kalau google how to manage your financial, sure
banyak website bagi cara-caranya.Tinggal diri sendiri je nak
praktikan.Kalau tak pandai nak buat budget untuk diri sendiri, boleh
guna budget calculator. Okayla, semoga diri saya mampu
menjadi pengurus kewangan yang berjaya untuk diri sendiri dan keluarga
secara long term.Bukan hangat-hangat taik ayam.Wish me luck! =)
ps: jom Abang, malam ni tolong saya set up financial budget kita saya lagi sekali.
Spot that! Cherish Every Cherry is now in ParenThots blog directory . Hopefully Cherish Every Cherry can share more issues on parenting with more people now.
ps: ramai org sudah letak blog di sini, sy yang jakun ni saja terlebih excited. Haha.pls excuse me :p
I was on Ivillage doing some reading during lunch hour and I have come acrossed this useful baby gadget. I have read the testimonials from the users and believe all of them are saying the truth otherwise I might be fooled.
It is a nasal aspirator. Not the normal nasal aspirator that Ilyaas hate. I have used the normal nasal aspirator provided from Paed once Ilyaas had a running nose when he was 3-4 months old. He doesn't like it at all, might be due to the size. I bet your child acts the same way as Ilyaas does, right?
The normal nasal aspirator for baby.Most commonly used.
The nasal aspirator that I have been eyeing now is NoseFrida:The Snotsucker. It is said that this is a product that new parents should get. It's a nasal aspirator that actually works! Ya, the normal aspirator doesn't really sucks the hingus right? This NoseFrida is a doctor invented and doctor reccommended, has been fabolously reviewed on Parenting, BabyTalk and Cookie. It is also totally hygenic due to provided filters and most of all it has been used widely by parents in Europe.So, Malaysians mothers should start trying this new NoseFrida soon. I will get one too once I found out where to buy it here.
This is how NoseFrida works.It looks yucky that you have to suck your baby/child hingus, but a mother will do anything to see their baby eat, breath and sleep well again.
Here is a leaflet I found on the net about this cool gadget.
Sempena Hari Malaysia, kami sekeluarga ambil kesempatan balik ke Bukit Mertajam,kampung halaman saya. Tak sangka balik kali ni, penuh dgn aktiviti2 on both extended families from my parents' sides. Hari Jumaat malam, ada BBQ di Sg.Seluang kampung sebelah my dad. Meriah sungguh and sgt ramai orang. tak sempat nak snap picture sbb Ilyaas sedikit moody malam tu. Maybe sbb penat travel and terkejut dgn keadaan org yg terlalu ramai. Makanan masa BBQ tu sgt variety. masing-masing buat pot luck, so ada nasi goreng, meggi goreng, mihun goreng, mee udang, laksa, bubur pulut hitam, ketupat palas, ketupat pulut, rendang daging, sosej, nugget, kuih-muih serta ayam and daging panggang. Balik semula ke BM and sampai rumah pukul 11 malam.kepenatan and terus tidur.
Hari sabtu, pegi PC Depot, beli laptop baru utk Ijat. pastu ke kamdar, cari kain, then ke Jusco. beli hadiah utk Ijat sempena birthday dia yg ke-11 minggu depan. Then belanja Ijat makan kat chicken rice shop. Petang kami sekeluarga bertolak balik ke Bayan Lepas. sbb lepas maghrib ada majlis kahwin anak kepada sepupu tok di dewan tabung haji. sempat snap gambar masa majlis reception ni.Ilyaas was behaving well through out the majlis. and pengantin sgt glamour mcm princess.
ni Ijat, my mum and my dad
Ilyaas naik basikal.pinjam basikal Aiman.Smart tak baju Ilyaas?
pertama penubuhan Malaysia bermula pada tahun 1961 merangkumi
Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, Singapura, Sarawak, Sabah dan Brunei yang
dicadangkan oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman.
ini secara amnya diterima oleh penduduk Tanah Melayu dan Singapura,
tetapi telah menimbulkan rasa curiga di kalangan penduduk Sabah dan
juga membantah dengan mendakwa Sabah adalah haknya. Cadangan tersebut
juga menerima tentangan dari Indonesia yang melihatnya sebagai satu
langkah untuk menjajah Borneo oleh Sukarno dan Parti Komunis Indonesia.
Bagaimanapun cadangan tersebut mempercepatkan penggubalan perlembagaan di Sarawak, Sabah, Sarawak dan Brunei. Kebanyakan negeri di Sabah dan Sarawak menyokong penubuhan Malaysia.
Walau bagaimanapun, tentangan yang berterusan daripada Filipina dan Indonesia telah menyebabkan PBB menghantar misi ke Borneo pada 1963. PBB melaporkan bahawa pandangan awam rata-ratanya meyokong penubuhan Malaysia.
Justeru, pada 16 September 1963, Malaysia secara rasminya dibentuk terdiri daripada Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, Sabah, Sarawak dan Singapura. Brunei pula menolak usul untuk menyertai Malaysia. Pada 1965, Singapura juga menarik diri.
Reminder: Post ini panjang berjela, kalau tak larat jangan baca.tapi kalau boring dan nak isi masa lapang, jemputlah baca
Flashback to Year 2006:Pertama kali berhari raya di perantauan (Miri, Sarawak)
Boleh kah consider Miri, Sarawaka perantauan? Boleh kan? sbb kampong halaman saya di Bukit Mertajam, Penang. I was 19 by the first time I celebrate my first Aidilfitri away from family.Bukan tidak dapat cuti utk Aidilfitri, it was in fact a whole one week break.But right after the break was my major exam which will determine whether I canfurther my studies oversea or not. So, as this is what I have been dreamingsince a child, I didn’t dare to disappoint myself plus my parents. Apart fromthat, money is another issue for me to come back to Penang. My scholarship wasnot enough to pay for the flight tickets, savings are not that much and parentsstill have to save their money for more important things as I have another 3brothers after me.
My mum posted me my baju kurung.Sedih but I have few friends like Ipah, Amal and Non with me. Four of us do a major spring cleaning of ourhouse. Bersih berkilat rumah yang sebelum ni bercompang-camping walaupunpenghuninya ialah anak-anak dara rupawan. Our parents pun ada send kuih-kuihraya, and kitaorg pun merebus ketupat adabi untuk mengurangkan kesedihan berayadi perantauan. Masa hantar kawan2 lain balik beraya kat airport, terasa jgkesedihan tu tp tabahkan je hati yang sayu ni. After solat aidilfitri, we wentback to our house and menjamu selera dgn kuih muih yang parents masing2 hantar.Then we moved to berjalan raya ke rumah kenalan sekitar Miri. We went to rumahsapa2 je la sampaikan kakak librarian kat library uni pun kitaorg singgah.Punya la nak mengurangkan rasa sedih di hati. Pergi beraya di rumah Mr Ariffin,our lecturer jugak. Pastinya juadah wajib berhari raya di Sarawak ialah keklapis. Saya paling suka kek lapis hijau buatan isteri Mr Ariffin. First class.Sampai sekarang masih belum dapat jumpa any kek lapis yg dpt menandingikesedapannya. Second day raya, kitaorgdah tak berhari raya dah. Pergi Econsave borong barang2 rumah since kitaorgberempat sewa kereta wira utk tujuan ronggeng hari raya. Oh ya, sehari beforeraya still merayau-rayau di Bandar Miri utk beli barang-barang raya. Seronok!And berbuka puasa di restoran Thai yg paling fames di Miri, tp dah tak ingtnama restoran tu. Kalau ke Miri nnt, saya mahu ajak suami makan di sini. Ayampandan dia sgt sedap. Begitulah cerita first time beraya di perantauan. Jomsambung cerita Aidilfitri kedua di Perth pula.
Flashback to Year 2007: Secondtime berhari raya di perantauan (Perth, Australia)
when i first arrived in perth.ini rumah Lawson St saya. sy di tengah2 bersama Non dan Ipah.Rock belum sampai sbb ada masalah visa.
Alhamdulillah, berkat menabahkanhati tidak pulang berhari raya masa tahun 2006 (serta berkat doa ibu bapasaya), tercapai jugak impian nak sambung belajar kat oversea walaupun bukan UKseperti yang dicita-citakan sejak dari darjah 1 lagi. Perth, Australia. I firsttime arrived in Perth on 14 February 2007. Valentine Day lagi ok. Tp xdelapulak kisah cintan cintun monyet saya bermula di Perth.Hahah. Berakhir di Perthya :P
As last year, mak poskan bajuraya saya. kali ini, sama warna tema dgn baju raya mak, ayah serta adik2 dikampong. It’s purple.geng2 raya kali ni lebih ramai sbb boleh dikatakan semuaPetronas scholar tak balik raya.yela, mahal kot harga tiket. Oh kecualiRock,dia pulang. Kami menjadikan rumah di Berwick St sbgai rumah terbuka hari rayamanakala rumah saya di Lawson St rumah tertutup hari raya.haha, tak aci kan.tapi kami kemas kedua-dua rumah. Cuma it will easier utk org datang ramai2berhari raya di Berwick St since tak gated, and kereta senang nak masuk. Meriahjuga malam raya kami, saya ditugaskan memasak nasi tomato, kak chom masak ayammasak merah madu, Amal and Ipah buat rendang and syuk uruskan bahagian ketupatketupat ni. Saya juga buat biskut cornflakes. Siap prepare kerisik sendiri ok!Gigih tak? JPagi raya, saya pegi solat raya di masjid berimamkan Imam dari Turky. Adajamuan raya di masjid. Kemudian balik rumah Berwick dan sambung makan masakansendiri. Kemudian ramai-ramai convoy dgn budak-budak lelaki ke rumah Aunty Mimidi Karawara. Then beraya di rumah jiran Aunty Mimi together with Kak Ziesekeluarga. Pastu pergi rumah Aunty Yati di Belmont. Then ke rumah Aunty Murnidi Vic Park.Malam pulak pergi rumah Aunty Fauziah di Clayton. Fuhh, by the timebalik rumah Berwick, rasa nak pecah perut. Tu pulak budak-budak lelaki dtgberaya kat rumah kitaorg sbb dorg lapar nasi since seharian makan kuih2 raya.Maka habislah jugak masakan kitaorg. The next day pulak, jalan raya lagi. Penatwoo.byk rumah yg disinggah sbb ramai je orang melayu kat Perth ni. siap pergisampai ke North Perth beraya rumah sapa2 ntah Aunty Mimi bawa. Overall, seronok beraya di Perth ni. pasang lagu rayakuat2 dlm rumah, nyanyi ramai2 since dari mula puasa lagi. Ipah stress sbb dgrlagu raya, kelakar! Pengalaman berbuka puasa di surau university pun somethingyg different. Berbuka dgn masakan Arab dan sama-sama jemaah hingga terawikh.Dahla time autumn, mmg terasa keseronokkan Ramadhan and Eid di oversea. Alhamdulillah, I’m lucky.
Flashback to Year 2008: Thirdtime berhari raya di perantauan (Perth, Australia)
Tahun 2008=final year in uni. Idecided to move out from rumah Lawson St and move in dkt rumah Heirisson Way,Victoria Park. Jauh dari uni, dekat dgn Perth City. Rumah Heirisson sgt best sowalaupun jauh saya ttp mahu tinggal di sini. Tinggal bertiga dgn Rock and Min.second sem, Min moved out to Bentley, and Kak Ira move in. Kak Ira isIndonesian doing her Master. Bila time raya, seperti biasa, Rock pulang keMalaysia. Saya rapat dgn Rock (ye la kan, housemate dah 2tahun), so sedih sedikit bila dia pulang beraya. Nasib baik Adila datang sleep over during raya,so ada la jugak teman. Before raya, saya and Kak Ira sama-sama sediakan biskut2raya. And saya juga berniaga kecil-kecilan biskut cornflakes. Dapat la untung beberapa dollar.hehe. duit raya katakana. Pelanggan terdiri daripada student2Malaysia and Indonesia. Saya jual dr jumlah order sedikit (25 pcs) ke more than200 pcs. Seronok, rasa lebih dewasa bila buat begini.lepas sahur/sebelum sahur,saya akan bakar cookies. Then siap2 ke kelas.Kelas wajib lah pergi sbb dahfinal year kan. stay kat uni sampai petang dan study. Kalau rajin ke surauberbuka ramai-ramai dgn international student, kalau tak balik Heirsson Way berbuka dpn tv.
Hari raya pertama, saya andAdilah ikut Abg Nizar and Kak Hanisah (kini lecturer di UniMap) ke masjid.Khutbah tahun ini dlm bahasa melayu sebab majority penduduk di kawasan masjidni ialah Melayu sama ada from Christmas Island, Indo, Malaysia, or Singapore.Tahun ni raya pakai baju kurung yang dah ada.mak pos baju kurung hijau ygdibeli utk kenduri sepupu summer 2007. Lepas solat, ada seorang uncle fromSarawak ajak ke rumah. Random ok.tak pernah kenal tp since it’s Eid maka sy dankawan-kawan pergi la.Fuh, best! Rumah dia besar n rasa mcm kat Malaysia. He hasmigrated to Perth 20 years ago. Tapi ciri-ciri Melayu masih tinggi dalamfamily dia. Balik dr rumah pak cik ni, saya tak kemana-mana.stay di rumah sbb kawan-kawan lain dah keluar beraya dulu.since sy naik kereta Abg Nizar kemasjid, so dorg dah tinggalkan saya dulu.Sobs, sedih tp tak kisah la.I stayedat home and study. Since dah final year, byk la projects kena siapkanespecially aktiviti mewarna map.haha, selain belajar geology, saya juga belajarart semasa di uni.melukis serta mewarna map!Tidaklah, main2 saja. It’s apackage, you learn science behind the geology, and you also learn arts init. Hari raya ke tiga, saya buat openhouse.Dengan bantuan kak Ira, kami sama-sama menunya semua masakanIndonesian. Sebab she’s in charged. Anew experienced for me. Saya juga pergi beraya ke rumah Aunty Mimi, Abg Faisaland Kak Najwa, rumah Aunty Fauziah dan Aunty Yati seperti tahun sebelumnya.Serta rumah Aunty err tak ingt nama, but she’s married to Lebanese. When my parents came to Perth for my graduation in Feb 2009, I bring them to meet him,MashaAllah, he loves my dad like his own brother. Sampai menitik2 air mata diasbb my dad is not to stay longer in Perth.
Perth: whom I dearly miss.
Flashback to Year 2009: Fourthtime berhari raya di perantauan (Singapore)
Mum and me on second day raya before leaving to Singapore
2009, I started working andstarted to know my husband. Hehe.suka sangat part ni even terpaksa raya seharije kat Penang and ptg raya 2nd dah balik ke Singapore (atas tuntutankerja) sbb my boyfriend aka my husband is waiting there. Phewit! Siap mukasengih2 kerang busuk letak light make up sebelum naik flight balik keSingapore, pastu my mum siap suruh pakai baju kurung comel-comel.Haha, bolehpulak mak ni,since she approves him to be my bf :P Masa ni baru bercinta.heheh
So, literally, tak la beraya diperantauan pun sbb 1st day raya dgn family.2nd day rayabalik Singapore. Sampai je, Tok Samsudin yg tinggal dekat Changi datangjemput.He is my grandfather’s bestfriend in Singapore. Went to his house andberhari raya dgn his family. Then, all of us went to Tok Mamat’s house which isnot that far. Tok Mamat is my grandfather’s friend jugak. All of them are frompenang but migrate to Singapore. But when my grandfather went back to Penang,they stay till today. Seronok juga raya dgn diorg, first time jumpa but I canmix well with them. Reach my apartmentafter Maghrib and straight away call my bf. Kitaorg pegi makan KFC.hahaha.hariraya makan KFC.layan je la since he is a big fan of KFC. The next weekend, I wentto Tok Shah’s open house. Ni sepupu my grandmother. Seronok gila jumpa thisfamily.Tunjuk gambar lama-lama masa I was just a newborn and they came to visitme. And again ni la first time I meet them in person.before this dgr nama je.After the open house, Tok Shah’s first daughter bawa pusing2 dkt LittleIndia.Nampak MUSTAFA.hahah, terus the other weekend, I went to MUSTAFA with my bf.
Well, overall hari raya is hari raya no matter where are u celebrating it. Takbir tetap bergema. Ketupat rendang semua boleh disediakan kalau rajin.Kalau tak rajin, pakai perencah Brahim pun ok dah. Sangat bersyukur diberi kesempatan menyambut lebaran dirantauan. Paling best di Perth. Sebab negara orang puteh, dan jauh mmg terasa feeling dendang perantau. Siap hantar salam perantauanlagi. Sedih? Mestila kan, tp tak kan nak kurung diri dalam bilik. Dah sendirimahu belajar oversea, kena la face it. Seronok sebenarnya, satu pengalamanindah.
What do you think he is doing? yes, he is sucking milk directly from the cow!kesian kan? he looks like he has been missing his mum a lot that he need to sooth through the cow's mummy :(
The full story is :-
KOAKROKA, Cambodia (AP) — A Cambodian man says his young grandson has livedpartly on milk he suckles directly from a cow since the boy's parentsleft their rural village in search of work.
Um Oeung says 20-month-old Tha Sophat started suckling the cow in July after he saw a calf do the same.
UmOeung told The Associated Press he pulled the boy away at first. Herelented after his grandson protested loudly and the boy has suckledthe cow's milk once or twice a day since then.
Tha Sophat haslived with his grandparents in Siem Reap province in northwest Cambodiasince his parents moved to Thailand looking for work.
Um Oeung said Friday the cow doesn't mind the boy suckling but he is worried about his grandson's health if he continues.
I am not obsess about breastfeeding though I am still breastfeed my baby since the first day he was born. I believe every parents want the best for their child. And all mothers will try their best to breastfeed their babies. However circumstances like working environment, health concern, money, emotional and moral support can be one of the reasons why breastfeeding can't be continued.
But this boy's story is pitiful. How good is his survival instinct that he can find a way to sooth his longing to suck his mummy's breast. And how poverty can lead to circumstances in providing breast milk or even formula milk to your child. In this case, the mother has to leave in order for her to find a job, and the grandparents do not have enough money to buy the formula milk for the boy.
So, for now lets all of us be glad that we are able to breast feed our babies or if not can provide the fancy fully nutritious formula milk for them.
When Aisha, 29, an attractive and intelligent Asian
woman, meets Mark - charming, handsome and successful, she knows she
has met the man of her dreams. After a brief romantic courtship they
marry, and Aisha is soon expecting their first child. But there is a
sinister side to Mark, which has been hidden, and now starts to emerge.
Aisha returns home from hospital
with their baby and Mark flies into a rage and knocks her unconscious.
One incident quickly follows another and Aisha finds herself trapped in
a highly abusive and violent marriage. With no money, and terrified of
what Mark might do, she doesn't want to bring dishonour to her family
by admitting what is happening and ask for help.
two children, desperate, and fearing for her life, Aisha finally seizes
an opportunity to stop the abuse for good. Although now free of her
abuser she is crucified by guilt, which undermines any chance of
happiness, and also her sanity. Only when she discovers Mark's past can
she start to come to terms with what she has done and look towards the
It gives me different perspective of life. How lucky am I to be grand with a stable life from school years to university years, followed by a career in a very demanding field. Most of all, been married to such a lovely, caring and responsible husband. Reading the novel make me love my husband even more that I can't put myself to understand Aisha's situation being jailed and abusive by her own husband whom she loves too much in the beginning.
From this novel, I learned how strong can a woman particularly a mother can be to stand out for the children. It's a magical that Aisha can raise up again after all she had experiencing during her marriage to Mark. This make me believe the power of family support as Aisha received lots of supports from her parents.
I would recommend all of you to read this novel if you prefer something different from normal love story.
Here is recent update about Aisha if you are interested to know more. It was updated on April 2011.
Mental Note: I think I'm liking Cathy Glass' writing for now as how much I used to like Jodi Piccoult's once before I conceived Ilyaas.
I'm looking for my writing mood for these past few days. I still can't find it. Maybe it's been grounded due to my current attention to my new novel. (it's not mine, I borrowed from my mother in law).
So, as my reading mood is in the air, I will slow down on writing. I might write this novel review in the next entry. It has been quite a while now that I last wrote about the novel I read. This is because it has been quite a while too I touch a novel.
The urge to find out what will happened to Aisha (the main character in the novel) keep pressing me. Plus seeing hubby reading my anniversary gift to him make me jealous ( I bought him A Dr in the House). I want to read too!
Off to go for today.
ps: Ilyaas is sleeping in his cot next to me now. So I should take the chance to finish my novel.
Lately, I have been crossed through words that make me feel sad
and think how people think life is so easy peasy. The words are:--
1)" Ala, baru anak sorang dah susah nak bersosial dgn kawan-kawan"
2)"Don't you think your baby is taking away your social life?"
3) " Eh mmg bila dah kahwin tak kan ada masa eh nak lepak-lepak lepas kerja dgn kawan-kawan mcm dulu?"
Usually, when a friend of mine ask me this kind of questions, I will smile back and reply No-lah. I will not make a long dreaded statement to them. There is no use as none of them will truly understand the shoes I'm in now.
Friends, if you are married, then you will understand what is marriage means.
Friends, if you have a child, then you will understand how to bring up a life. An amanah from Allah to you. Your zuriat. It is never the same with your single life. No matter either you are in long distance marriage or living under the same roof with your husband. Unless you are a reluctant wife, then maybe no difference in your single and married life.
The words " baru anak sorang dah susah nak social dgn kawan-kawan" is so mean. Do you have any idea what is the package you receive once you deliver a baby fresh from your womb? It's a combo of LOVE, AMANAH, RESPONSIBILITIES and most of it is a LIFE you have to take care. Ini bukan main-main, ada anak, senang2 boleh tinggalkan dan keluar bersuka-ria rira rira dgn kawan-kawan lepas kerja hingga tgh malam baru pulang. Even if you have a helper at home taking care of your baby, you will never have the heart to do so. Apatah lagi kalau baby tu minum susu ibu sahaja.
Socialize after marriage (in my own dictionary) means spending more time with your family and extended family members. There are lots of hearts to take care now. There are more responsibilities on your shoulders compare when you are single. Thus, family always come first.
I'm sorry to some extend that I can't join my friends to watch movies, or go shopping, or lepak-lepak at kopitiam or starbuck or burger king like before. I'm sorry that I can't make any sleepover just like before. But this is the life I have chose whole heartedly with sincere. And I never ever regret this. My social life revolves around my husband (syurga itu di bawah telapak kaki suami), my son (the amanah from Allah to me), my parents, my parents in-laws, my brothers, my sisters/brothers in-laws and relatives from both sides. There will be some time later on in life where we can gather and meet like before again (dengan izin Allah jika umur masih panjang dan masih sihat tubuh badan).
After all, you'll never understand this situation unless you are in my shoes. So please and please don't just sesuka hati berulang kali mengeluarkan ayat-ayat begini everytime I bumped into you. It somehow saddened me how the words can simply slipped off your tongue.
Raya tahun ni kami sekeluarga beraya di kampung saya dulu. Basically pagi raya di Bukit Mertajam , then pulang ke kampung sebelah ayah di Kulim. Jalan-jalan raya di kampung. On 2nd day raya, balik kampung sebelah mak di Bayan Lepas.and on the 3rd daya raya, we were on our way back to Bukit Payong to celebrate raya with my in laws.
Trip from BM to BP mengambil masa 7 jam (during normal period). Last time kitaorg buat trip mengikut jalan yg sama (iaitu jalan Baling-Jeli-Tanah Merah-Kuala Tganu) ialah beberapa hari lepas akad nikah.hampir setahun 4 bulan yang lalu. sekarang trip ini akan menjadi lebih bermakna sebab kami membawa si kecil Ilyaas bersama-sama. Jangkaan kami trip ini akan mengambil masa lebih kurang 7-8jam (allowing the heavy traffic during Aidilfitri).
Tapi semuanya meleset, the heavy traffic becoming VERY VERY HEAVY TRAFFIC! and the trip drag us to stay on the road for 10 hours!
Jalan yang kami pilih ialah dari BM-Kulim. from Kulim we took our road to Baling and from Baling masuk Lebuhraya Pantai Timur straight ke Jeli. Initially, from Baling to Tasik Banding, semua nya ok. Ilyaas slept in his car seat, umi also have a nap. Lepas Tasik Banding -Jeli, it becoming difficult. Since makin mendaki banjaran Titiwangsa, telinga masing2 makin berdengung sebab pressure yang makin tinggi. semua nya jadi sangat tidak selesa. Apatah lagi buat si kecil Ilyaas. I tried to breastfeed him sepanjang perjalanan from Tasik Banding -Jeli utk mengurangkan kadar telinga berdengung, but the distance was so long, and I can't force him to keep sucking the milk if he is already full. So, once he can feel the pressure entering his ears, dengan keadaan jalan yang berpusing-pusing, Ilyaas started to cry. Kesian sgt since not much I can do to ease the uneasiness feeling. What we (husband and me) did were:-
Shut off the music
We takbir
We recite some common surahs
I hug Ilyaas tightly near to my chest so he feel safe
I rub his back, chest and feets with Baby Telon
Try to breastfeed him when I can. Don't force him if he doesn't want.
Talk to him and play with him to distract his uneasiness.
Ilyaas was crying when I changed his diaper. He was already hungry, sleepy and tired by the time we reached Jeli.
Once we touched Jeli (kaki Banjaran Titiwangsa), we stopped at pump station. I quickly bring Ilyaas out from the car to get some fresh air. He stopped crying on the spot. Alhamdulillah. Change his diapers, and we started our journey once more. Unlucky us, we stuck in the bumper-to-bumper traffic jams from Tanah Merah to Machang.I thought because on accident but it was actually because of traffic lights at intersection to KB-KT where so many cars coming in and out at the same time. Even polices were there to help. We were in the jams for 3 hours. Ilyaas was sleeping before we entered the jam and he woke up after 2 hours and we still in the jam. And Ilyaas poo-poo on me + muntah dgn banyak nya sampai kena seat kereta and I have to change my whole attire from tudung to jeans.Kesian Ilyaas having car sickness=(
heavy traffic jams in Tanah Merah. gila!
Ilyaas poo-poo on Umi.By this time, dah move from seat belakang ke seat depan. Me myself pening kepala apatah lagi Ilyaas yang masih baby.
Activity utama bila stuck dalam whoring
Jem bukan setakat di Tanah Merah-Machang je, nak masuk Pasir Puteh pun jem juga, Mulanya ingat nak ikut jalan dalam je from Besut ke KT, tp sampai Besut, jem teruk jugak. 15minit dalam kereta tak gerak-gerak. So we decided utk ikut jln pantai melalui Setiu. Nasib baik tak jem walaupun kereta mmg banyak. Sampai Setiu nampak sign board highway baru, so try highway baru and alhamdulillah 30 minit dah sampai Bukit Payung. Roughly kitaorg sampai BP pukul 6.53ptg setelah bertolak dr BM pukul 8.20pagi. Fuhh!kebas punggung duduk dalam kereta selama itu.
jadi kat sini nak share beberapa tips utk perjalanan jarak jauh yang mencabar begini bersama baby:-
Stock kan minuman dan makanan dalam kerata cukup.My mum bekalkan nasi dan lauk ayam serta kuih-kuih raya
Letak persalinan baju ibu/ayah dalam baby bag. Terjadi kes mcm Ilyaas muntah and saya kena salin baju, tak perlu lah korek bonet utk ambil baju dalam beg besar.
Bawa banyak mainan baby utk kurangkan rasa bosan baby duduk dalam kereta lama-lama.
driver, penumpang serta baby haruslah pakai pakaian yang longgar, selesa dan lightweight.
Jangan biarkan baby duduk dalam carseat sahaja, kesian sbb sakit belakang baby.sekali sekala dukung/pangku baby.
Isi minyak kereta penuh2.
Penumpang @Isteri jangan cepat merungut dgn keadaan perjalanan yg mencabar sbb nnt driver@suami akan tension. Bagi support pada suami yg memandu.
Sabar separuh daripada Iman.
kalau susu dah penuh, cepat2 pump dalam kereta sbb nnt kesian baby nak minum tersedak-sedak sbb susu terlalu penuh and baby akan jadi semakin cranky bila keadaan ni berlaku.
stock kan lagu2 yg best dlm CD/Ipod sbb atas banjaran titiwangsa tak dapat signal radio.
Hopefully next trip kitaorg mengikut jalan yg sama ni akan lebih mudah.
all his baju raya are either 8-12 months or 12-18months size.
cepat sungguh anak umi membesar. but habit menghisap jari makin menjadi-jadi.
and this is Ilyaas on our way back to KT from Penang. the trip was far more challenging than our flight experience.if sempat i will update about the trips.
Ilyaas on second day raya in Penang
My cheeky Ilyaas now on his way mengangkat punggung utk meniarap
looking forward for coming weeks. I can start weaning soon.
Will start making him rice porridge. As for now, he is on-off taking some fruit puree and he loves the apple-banana puree a lot.