Saturday, September 14, 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Che: long hair and exhaustion signals the end of term (he's waiting for his lift to the school disco)
Poet: her smile, giggles and affection have been so comforting this past week; she's such a happy soul (her sweet top is from printebebe

These portraits so aptly capture the children's personalities - the serious one and the joyous/cheeky one. 


Oh sweet Josephine and her sticks - I love the soft light and that stunning backdrop / Lucy and her pink bow and that first sunset / little boy mastering the kayak - water like glass / Stella, her chubby cheeked baby brother and a smattering of colour for good measure / and finally, like father like son - beautiful moment, perfect light. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


sweet peas with the richest scent from mama + popa's garden (they've grown particularly well next to coriander) / starting to put a few things aside for Bali (including lovely gifts from fabrik and lilya)

Saturday marks the end of six weeks of solo parenting. Daniel has been working away and I have been working full-time, a new experience for us and one that has, at times, been downright challenging. At the beginning I found myself getting completely overwhelmed with the weeks ahead so I quite literally had to take it one day at a time. I'm mindful that this could be a new normal for us (the film industry is renowned for short notice and long, long hours) but for now I'm grateful that the end of this stint is near. Yes!

Today I finalised stories for work, wrote lists of things to buy and clothes to pack, looked at all the food still in the fridge and thought about the best way to use it all before we go away (juice, anyone?). I tried my best to put our broken/unfixable car and a whole lot of lost money into perspective, marvelled at the non-existence of public transport in our area and accepted help from the grandmothers (again!). After considering, buying and then returning a high-waisted bikini I purchased two gorgeous one-pieces (bandeau and halter) that fit beautifully and will last for the next three summers - fingers crossed. 

Yesterday evening, after Che had spent the afternoon eating ice cream and swimming in the rock pool with mama, he held my hand as we walked and said aloud: "Ah, this is the life." Isn't it just.

Monday, September 9, 2013

fabrik : a spring/summer collection giveaway

Fabrik is a celebration of the feminine; a collection of clothes, linen and toys with a distinct European aesthetic.

Designer Sarah Hardie created Fabrik soon after she became a mother. Her daughter, Jemima, inspired a baby and children's collection featuring hand-embroidery, vintage fabric and muted tones. Since then the brand has grown to include beautiful linen and a timeless range of women's clothes; classic with a refined bohemian edge. I particularly love the Karina dress, Ginger skirt, Dandelion pants and basic tank


The winner of this giveaway will receive a $100 Fabrik gift voucher.

To enter all you need to do is leave a comment telling us about your very favourite piece of vintage summer clothing (you can see mine here). Sarah and I will choose the winner based on the best little story you can tell (no essay required!). Comments will close on Sunday 15th September at 5pm and winner will be announced shortly afterward.

Best of luck!

Comments are now closed. The winner of this giveaway is #16 - Lucy W. Congratulations! x

You can read more about Fabrik here (in a little piece I had the privilege of writing) and, if you like, you can follow on facebook

Saturday, September 7, 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Che: Back to swimming lessons and keeping his feet up. 
Poet: Hot and rosy-cheeked after a big bike ride. 

A watery diptych on a spring day that felt very much like mid-summer. 


As we move into Spring I'm noticing the rich, deep tones of autumn in the Elsa in the evening / perfect composition and the prettiest of colours - Hattie in a field of lavender / three stunning portraits by Lou, precious everyday moments captured / colour and quirk - love these portraits / and ringlets and tippy-toes - beautiful little Chloe

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

whole family rhythms : a spring giveaway

beeswax sun / vivid watercolours / flower crown / thumbprint buzzy bees

Meagan of Whole Family Rhythms and This Whole Family has been busy of late. In June she welcomed Juniper, a beautiful baby girl born at home in the early hours of the morning. Winter was a blur of newborn bliss but regardless, Meagan has completed and just released the Spring Guide; brimming with inspired ideas for celebrating the season.

Whole Family Rhythms are a series of monthly and seasonal guides created and designed to help you maintain a steady rhythm in your home. The rhythms include unstructured, child-led play both outdoors and indoors; early childhood stories and finger puppet plays; weekly bushwalking themes; daily art, handwork or creative projects; holistic baking and cooking recipes for the whole family as well as weekly caregiver meditations and projects for families of all ages and sizes.


There will be two winners of this giveaway. Each winner will receive:

The Whole Family Rhythms Spring Guide with over 70 pages including: weekly oral stories and fingerplays, bushwalking themes, seasonal crafts, wet-on-wet watercolour painting, drawing, modelling as well as weekly caregiver meditations, monthly caregiver handwork projects, and seasonal book and nursery rhyme recommendations (valued at $29).

To enter all you need to do is leave a comment telling us about your very favourite way to celebrate the arrival of spring. Meagan and I will choose the winners based on the best little story you can tell (no essay required!). Winners will be announced in the post at 9pm on Thursday 12th September.

You can read more about the seasonal guides over here, pop into Meagan's blog here, or follow her on facebook (she always shares fascinating articles/films/recipes). 

Best of luck!

Comments closed. Winners are #4 Max and #29 Sara - congratulations!

If you're in the North and interested in a little guidance for the cooler months, you might find Autumn and Winter helpful. 

a girl and her boat

circa spring 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013

eleven | practicing simplicity

this tiny pot of thyme is growing beautifully on the table; simple, cheap, edible decoration

Live a less-distracted life : embrace the seasonal clean as a ritual, not a chore

It's the second day of spring and I'm relishing in the opportunity to clear the physical clutter, simplify and create space. In years past I have found the process a little daunting as I venture from room to room and take note of just how many cupboards need attention. But last year I adopted a methodical approach and always accompanied my cleaning with music and wafting spring scents. The key is to take it slowly but do it daily (even if it is only 15 minutes). Remember, you have an entire season to declutter; it doesn't need to get done today.

Some things to keep in mind:
  • getting rid of physical clutter allows you to focus your energy on the things you need and the things that make you happy
  • if something is bothering you get rid of it now, don't wait till tomorrow
  • turn on the music; it's an excellent motivator
  • burn beeswax candles - a natural air purifier, beeswax helps to rid the home of odours, dust, pollen, mildew and mould and leaves a subtle, honey scent in its wake. I buy Queenb - always made from Australian bees. Yes, beeswax is more expensive but it's natural and safe, unlike paraffin and soy. 
  • burn essential oils - I have a few oil burners (one electric and two that require tealight candles) and I have one on daily. At the moment I'm using eucalyptus, lemon and frankincense (a few drops of each in water) to dilate the airways and refresh the home. Sometimes I burn peppermint or orange and clove.  
  • expensive cleaning products aren't necessary. One of my favourite concoctions is hot water + bicarb soda + vinegar + lemon - a great way to clean walls, ceilings and surfaces (I don't use it on wood, though). However, for the bathroom I only ever use this and for the kitchen, this
  • when it comes to cleaning out my wardrobe I have one rule: if I haven't worn it in a year, it's going to the op-shop
  • the children's clothes have always been a bit of a dilemma for me but last year I decided that keeping all of their clothes was silly - someone else could be wearing them and they take up a lot of space in the cupboards. So, I keep the beautiful and sentimental pieces (I pop them in big plastic boxes with the size clearly labelled on the front) and I pass all the other clothes on to friends or the op-shop. I truly believe that when it comes my time to have a baby again, there will be at least one (probably 10) people ready to pass wondersuits and singlets on to me. It's the law of baby clothes. 
  • pack away your woollens. I use space bags for my knits and wool throws and stack them in the cupboard, surrounded by tonic's eco sachets. To be extra careful and keep the moths away I also add a few drops of clove oil onto giant sticks of chalk - works wonders!
  • use up the staples in your pantry and buy fresh for spring. 
  • cull the toys. This is probably best done when the children aren't around, otherwise they go through separation anxiety with every. single. toy that goes in the op-shop bag.
  • take the op-shop bag to the op-shop - immediately. 
As you rid your home of clutter it's also essential that you're mindful of what you bring in. You don't want to make space and then fill it with more (new) stuff. When you are buying, collecting or gathering, take the time to ask yourself whether it's necessary, whether you need it, whether you want it. 

So: happy spring cleaning!

For those of you in the north, as you venture into autumn, it's comforting to settle in for the cold months ahead. Unpack your woollens and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the wash for a thorough clean. Collect books to motivate and inspire you, start a project, embrace warming teas and foods. Create a beautiful nest and enjoy a little hibernation.