Showing posts with label play. Show all posts
Showing posts with label play. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to buy Che a little wooden recorder at the op-shop yesterday. It went with him to bed last night and he hasn't put it down all day. In gumboots and his winter gear he closely resembles the pied piper (although the pp was probably a little more in tune). The high-pitched squeaky noise is starting to grate but he loves it. So much. I can't bear to take it away. I just have to tell him he can't play it while I'm driving. Or while I'm sleeping. Or waking up. Or writing. Or...

We discovered a neighbour's garden today...sure it was wet and soggy but a gigantic liquid amber and a lemon tree bearing fruit turned it into a bit of a treasure. Lemon meringue pie is on the cards for the weekend.

I'm feeling a little disenchanted with everything at the moment, I'm blaming the weather. Surely some sunshine would make everything seem a little more colourful,

Excuse my whinge. Writing here makes me feel better.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

in a field...

we dreamed of a wrap-around verandah
more children
a dinner bell
tea and cake
piles of books
incense burning
a hammock
a home to build, add to, settle in and love.
One day.
ps. it's for sale (the field)

Monday, May 18, 2009

ché's room

a while ago I decided to ditch the newborn neutral colour palette and design a new play space for Ché. He still spends the majority of the night snuggled between us so it's not necessarily his 'sleep' space. it will be one day though.

i gave the vintage bookshelf a new coat of red and carefully arranged his beloved toys and books on it. it stays in order for about 10minutes of the day but before bed each night we put everything back in its place. it makes me so happy to see him sitting on the carpet flicking through books, muttering to himself. so happy that our deep love of words has without doubt been passed on to him.

I wanted a colourful space without it becoming too lurid and so I tried my best to use natural shades, earthy shades. I sourced the gorgeous elephant fabrics from goodness and the bunting from ella at little red caboose. The prints are from ashley g and sandra juto - yes, every boy definitely deserves to be superhero sometimes.

It's taken months to come together and me oh my what fun it was. To go a little crazy with colour and quirk. It's fun and dreamy and i love that at times all three of us are in there reading, relaxing and playing together.

When I look at his room I feel quite proud of my decision to be conscious of the toys that come into our home. I made it clear to family from the start that we didn't want flashing, buzzing, battery-operated, plastic toys for Ché. Instead his play world is full of handmade, mama-made, wooden and musical toys - toys created with love and passion for a child that doesn't need a lot. He's so happy with what he's got and so am I. So lucky we are.

So thank you to those mamas and artists who helped contribute to this little space in our house. Thanks also to Jimin and Emma for dressing Ché so well!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

it's all about the bike

Oh radio flyer. Love the primary colours and the fact that I can steer the bike while he rides. Without fail when we ride across a pedestrian crossing Ché will ring the bell. He's down with all the other bikies too - and the skateboarders. Even if they're 14. Skateboards scare me so I'm staying well clear of them for now.

We've had some pretty exciting op-shop trips lately too. Wooden puzzles, new shoes and these automobiles, handcrafted by a local wood turning group. Aren't they gorgeous. I picked up a big wooden lorry too. Daniel and I are planning to paint it and fill it with little wooden people. We'll tie a big bow on it and give it to Ché for his second birthday. I'm thinking a yellow lorry might make his heart go all a flutter. Mine sure skipped a beat when I saw a whole tub full of wooden trucks and cars. For all you local girls head to the Vinnies opposite Fountain Plaza at Erina. I left you some x

Saturday, February 14, 2009

letting go

I always tell my pre-natal students that pregnancy and motherhood is about surrender. You surrender when you conceive, you surrender to the journey of pregnancy and when your baby is ready to be born you 'let go' to birth.

Motherhood is about letting go too. It's about holding back sometimes to allow your little one to explore. Watching with eyes half-closed to see if the exploring will end in triumph or a fall. Last week I learned the subtle art of standing back and observing as Che crawled around the garage while D worked on the bike.

And I realised that a camera can be so wonderful a shield. Through the lens I saw screwdrivers, sharp metal objects, danger and blood. In photos I captured exploration, concentration, fine motor skills, delight, wonder, deep thought and connection. I let go (for a few small moments) of my maternal and instinctual need to constantly protect and I watched Che learn. It's just the beginning of his adventure. And mine.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

dada got a mo-ha-ka

Yep, Che is speaking three-syllable words. And his Dada's pride is palpable. Why? Because after saying the usual Muma, Dada, bubba, hello, no...he can say motorbike (mo-ha-ka). I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said it was bordering on obsession. I have to steer clear of bikes in the park or near the beach because regardless of the fact that he's still unsteady on his feet, my little one will try to climb up and go for a ride. Brrroooommmm, brrrooommmm. Oh yeah, that's right, I birthed a boy. A male. Who is already fascinated by wheels, handlebars and helmets - beep beep!

Since the day this 1978 Yamaha SR500 made its way into our garage my baby has turned into a bike-loving kid with passion and drive (pun completely intended).

I've stocked up on band-aids. And arnica. And I'm practicing my speech that I will stand-by regardless of the whinging: "You can get a motorbike when you're 21...and no sooner."

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

come, let's dress-up and play

He's pretty determined which means when he doesn't get his way the elephant tears start flowing. I'm learning (slowly) how to quickly resolve the situation. I was wearing this scarf for a few minutes before he pulled it off and tried it on. And yes, I know that second-to-last shot is blurry but how could I resist? That face - priceless. And yes you guessed right again - I'm pretty annoyed I didn't capture it at the right moment. Next time. Hopefully.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


...translation (hello, hello).

New phones, old phones, vintage phones, mobile phones. Give my little one some buttons and he's happy. His little index finger pushes each individual button - 1, 2, 3, 4. And then he giggles. It is rather sweet to watch.

In the last few weeks I've all of a sudden remembered the contentment that comes when a child is in the wonderful world of play. Sometimes I join in, other times I just observe and occasionally I start to work on my own little projects. We are busy, our home is calm and all is well.

And look at this gorgeous new bookshelf that Che's Ommi found in the local church op-shop. It's so wonderful for his books and toys. And very, very red. I love it, love it but I'm not sure if I'll keep it how it is or paint it white. I wonder...

Monday, November 17, 2008


I've been away. Not from home, but from this blog. A little break, a little breather. It was time to find some rhythm and now we're sailing rather smoothly.

I actually started by changing a few things about my evening. Before Che goes to bed we clean up his toys together. And before I go to bed I make sure the kitchen is spotless. As far as I'm concerned there's nothing worse than waking up to dirty dishes - a clean kitchen is a fresh start. Perhaps I really am heading towards domestic bliss?

On the food front there was one habit I had to kill. I'll admit that I'm slightly addicted to chocolate and if there's a block sitting next to my cup of tea, I'll get through it pretty easily. Although the taste was enjoyable (the guilt not so nice) I was waking up with a sugar hangover. True. Sleepy, lethargic, cranky - not the kind of Muma that I need to be. And so I've taken on the French approach - one square of quality chocolate a day (sometimes two) with my tea and I'm waking up much happier. Good start to the day.

And Che and I? We pitter and we patter and I'm pretty happy with how our week has been. We visited the Steiner playgroup down the road and me oh my it is a delight. Unfortunately we can't go till Che is two. I was slightly disappointed but I see it as a opportunity to find our own way together - and without wishing the days away we have something very special to look forward to next Spring.

We've been row-row-row your boating, sandcastle making, reading and gardening.

Not long ago it became pretty evident that Che has rhythm - he shakes his bum in time to the music, he beats his body to song. He's fascinated by sounds - give him some windchimes and he's happy for hours. And so everyday we make music with his mellow sounding drum, our Tibetan singing bowl, a tambourine, maracas and our voices. I have no music talent whatsoever but I do enjoy watching him have fun. Sometimes we do a little Kirtan (devotional chanting to music), sometimes we just make a whole lot of noise. I just have to convince him that high-pitched squeals are not music to anyone's ears. Oh my goodness, how my child can squeal!

...and the winner is...Christie from Pigeon Pair. A gorgeous 70s clothkit is coming your way!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Saturday night. Cooking dinner for friends. Wearing my Nana's apron for the first time. I found it in my Mum's wardrobe and brought it home with me. She was the best cook, my Nana. Perhaps that is why I always think of baking when I think of New Zealand. Shortbread, pikelets and ginger gems. Tins and tins full of buttery, sugary treats. I'm hoping her secrets are stitched into the apron. A nice thought.

I've been wanting to bake lately, so desperately feeling the urge to knead some dough and bake some sweet treats. But an inquisitive, curious 13-month-old and baking don't mix well. He's at one of those in-between stages and I am really aware of staying present with him and not wishing for him to reach that next phase. But in doing so I'm finding it a little difficult to create a rhythm in our days. Or to even notice a rhythm. And because I'm one of those ether types I tend to float along all day until I realise that it's almost dinnertime. I work better with routine, with rhythm.

So I'm going to spend the next few days creating some routine. Writing it down. Being a bit more aware, more grounded.

And just as I have been pondering all these thoughts I find out that my street is in fact blessed. There are four churches so you could call it holy land. But apart from that it seems to continually offer me things I ask for. Cherry blossoms - tick. Roadside blooms - tick. A footpath - tick. Village markets - tick.

A Steiner playgroup - tick. Today I discover that the house at the end of the street does in fact hold a Steiner playgroup every Friday morning. With bread baking, story time and lots of like-minded mumas and their little ones. Oh my goodness gracious me I am a lucky girl.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

30 days of gratitude : 28

Remember when you had a newborn and you found it hard to imagine that little bundle as a moving, giggling, wriggling, social little creature? You were so stuck in the awe of new parenthood that for a while you didn't think about parenting a toddler. You momentarily forgot that soon you would be chasing your little one around a park.

I'm just beginning to realise that while the present moment is so much fun there is always that next stage to get excited about. And as you can see we have officially reached the 'park' stage. Yes, we are a park family. We love it. Swinging, sliding, round-a-bouting till our hearts content. Watching Che observe, chat and play with the other kids is just gorgeous - he's pretty passionate about fun. And Daniel and I are loving the fact that we can be kids again too - swinging higher and higher and date anyone?

Earlier today I read that Michelle was starting a little market in her village and I got all sad about the fact that we don't really have a villagey atmosphere in our neighbourhood. We live on a gorgeous country-esque street with cottage gardens and horses but no little piggies going to market anytime soon. And then, like someone had heard my pleas, while driving home I notice a beautiful big sign on the school fence at the end of our street. "Village Market - 3rd Saturday of every month" ... dream come true, I am bursting with excitement. The basket is all ready to go.

Gratitude today for life in the park and at the market.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

we had fun Mama and Grandad's house. We pulled leaves from the grapevine and splashed water everywhere...

...chased chickens and collected their eggs;

we picked peas and ate them, picked sweetpeas and put them in a vase...

And rested in a sunny room on a very comfy bed. My old bed in my old room.

Oh how we had fun this sunny weekend just gone. Hope you did too.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


...his cheeks. I kiss them at least 100 times a day. Scrumptious.

Little hands trying to find the petals amongst the grass. The concentration required is immense.
(note:: baby yogi in preparation for janu sirasana A - head to knee pose)

Freshly baked cookies (oatmeal and raisin) with a glass of milk.

Today I obviously put too much love in the cookies and not enough in the pasta. Because this is the little one eating vegemite toast for dinner.

and this is the pasta:

Monday, May 19, 2008


I know that we're really lucky to spend autumn mornings playing at the beach - lots of sky, ocean and sand. Baby C has just begun to notice the seagulls and giggles at the sight of them. Look at his chubby cheeks in this photo - and the blonde fuzz sprouting on his head. After a play on the sand he sat in his pram and watched Ziah and Coen race down the ramp...he stared longingly at them, wondering when it would be his turn to race the big boys. Soon precious one.

The sun warmed us up today and now C is lying in his cot talking to his friends. He should be sleeping but I think imagining is almost as beneficial.