Wednesday, July 13, 2016

N.W. Lea's Understander shortlisted for the Archibald Lampman Award!

Congratulations to Chaudiere author N.W. Lea, whose second poetry collection, Understander (2015), has just been shortlisted for this year's Archibald Lampman Award, alongside titles by Pearl Pirie (the pet radish, shrunken) and David Groulx (Wabi­goon River Poems). The annual $1,500 Archibald Lampman Award acknowledges an out­stand­ing book of poetry by a National Cap­i­tal Region author pub­lished during the previous calendar year. See Arc Poetry Magazine's announcement for such here. The Archibald Lamp­man Award will be pre­sented in con­junc­tion with the City of Ottawa Book Awards on Octo­ber 19, 2016.

Copies of Understander are still very much available, as are copies of Lea's debut collection, Everything is Movies (2007).

As the judges said of Understander:
In this bril­liant book of com­pact lyrics, themes of alien­ation and fragility meet dark humour and hope. Part Baude­laire, part Bashō, Nicholas Lea’s pre­cisely-focused poems exam­ine the raw edges of being. Ques­tions, equiv­o­ca­tions and mis­di­rec­tions abound, as Under­stander walks with ner­vous aplomb along the edge of the abyss, but never falls in.

Monday, July 04, 2016

William Hawkins ( May 20, 1940 - July 4, 2016)

Legendary Ottawa poet William Hawkins has died, after a short stretch in hospital. As Joanne Wiffen writes in an email: "Bill passed away peacefully this afternoon.  He was not in pain."

He was our favourite author, and we were thrilled to be able to produce his last title, The Collected Poems of William Hawkins, edited by Cameron Anstee, in 2015.

More details as and when they emerge. Condolences to everyone that knew him. 

More than likely a tribute event will be forthcoming.