New new new bookmark for you to adorn your current novel! :) It makes other people look at the delicate dangling glass flowers which grace the spine of your book while you're reading in the LRT or anywhere else. Believe me, I've noticed it. Teehee!
Otherwise, it makes a great gift too, for a friend who always has her nose buried in a good book. :)
antiqued effect which lends a classy look to the metal
the cascading glass flowers and round beads with butterflies flitting in between
the lovely sakura flowers and leaves on the metal bookmark. totally gorgeous.
BK021 Bluebells
Sakura metal bookmark with glass bell flowers and glass cherry blossoms in blue hues with various glass beads and bicones and metal butterfly beads.
Length: bookmark measures 12cm whereas the dangling beads are 6cm long.
RM25 (1 sold!)
Email your order using the format provided on the ordering page. Simple as that! :)